Chapter 17 part 2

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{Draco's POV}
She looked so different. She looked drained. Almost unrecognizable. Her hair was knotted, her eyes had bags so dark it almost looked like she got punched in both. She had tear stains all over her cheeks. Her arms were bruised, dry blood was all over her clothes and on the floor. My heart shattered into millions of pieces but I was so very grateful that she was alive and we found her.

She said my name, her voice almost gone, but her eyes lit up...and then they went dark. She got up hesitantly like she didn't want to.
She snapped out of it and limped towards me. I ran towards her and embraced her.

She let out a gut wrenching scream and I immediately let go.

"Elizabeth? Are you hurt?" My hands cupped her face gently.

She was about to speak, her eyes softening again, tears filling her eyes. Then she shoved me away,
"You disgusting boy. You're lucky I don't have my wand, I would kill you immediately and watch the life drain out of you like you did to your father. I think Bellatrix and Voldemort want to deal with you personally," she smirked and lifted up her sleeve to reveal the dark mark freshly carved into her wrist.

"Elizabeth. What- what's wrong with you? What did he do to you. Don't summon him! This is our chance! I-I don't understand," I muttered and stared at her.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid ran into the room but I gestured for them to stop. They stopped right behind me and stared at her as well.

"Harry?" She let out, her face moved to the side she looked vulnerable again. And then her face contorted and she moved backwards, her hands gripped onto her hair and she yelled out, her voice hoarse, "You have to help me!"

I stood there. Confused. What's wrong with her? But Harry ran towards her and grabbed her hands.

"I'm here Elizabeth I'm right here. I know you're in there...someone else is as well isn't there? You can fight it!" He told her.

She looked down and then all of the sudden grabbed Harry by his collar,
"Harry Potter. You are clever aren't you. But you're late! She's too weak now. I'm Elizabeth now. She's merely just a little girl fading away. Here he comessss," She whispered.

And right as she finished her sentence Voldemort and Bellatrix appeared in the room a long with other deatheaters.

"If it isn't Harry Potter! I was growing impatient," he looked over to Elizabeth and handed her a wand, his wand, while he held dumbledores, "Nice of you to finally join us Elizabeth." He smiled.

"You won't get away with this! I'm going to kill you!" Harry yelled as he pointed his wand at Voldemort.

We all pulled out our wands and stood by each other. But my focus was on Elizabeth, her head twitching, jerking to the left and right. She's fighting.

"Even if you managed to kill me, you can't change her anymore! She's already gone. She will grow more powerful by the minute, together we will destroy you!" Voldemort yelled.

"AVADA KADAVRA!" Voldemort and Harry yelled at the same time. Their spells hitting each other and each one fighting for more power.

Everyone began fighting. I wanted Elizabeth. And I was going to get her. I killed everyone in my path. Before Bellatrix swooshed in front of me.

"Oh My Dear Draco! Not so fast! You've been a terribly bad boy! I never thought I would have to do this but...that just makes it more fun! Avada Kadavra!" She laughed.

But before it could hit me  I spun to the side and hit her back with everything I had,

Her eyes froze on me. I almost felt bad.

"NO!" Voldemort yelled and then pushed me to the floor with his wand in my face, "AVA-"

"CRUCIO!" Someone yelled and Voldemort flew off of me and onto the ground. I turned and Elizabeth was walking towards me, her head still twitching from side to side.

Everyone watched. Even those on the other side. This was never seen. Nobody hit Voldemort quite like this. We've never seen him squirm... quite like this.

I sat up quickly thinking she was coming to me but she walked right past me without even looked at me. Her arm extended straight in front of her, her wand pointed directly at the head of Voldemort. She began chanting something unrecognizable. Something I have never heard. Voldemort squirmed even more, it sounded like he was gasping for air.

Deatheaters started to try to hit Elizabeth but we all got behind her and at the same time yelled,
Something McGonagall taught us before we left.

That would hold for a while. We turned back and watched as she kept chanting weird words. Whatever it was he was getting weaker, the cruciatus curse was still on him as well. He was going to die. I think.

"She's chanting what I heard when I tried to connect with her. That's the spell Voldemort was using on her to take away her memories and put in his own. But I think it's more than that. I think that it also changes the person entirely, like their personality, it creates a new person but in the same body," Harry told us as we watched.

Then she stopped and Voldemort looked lifeless. He stopped squirming, he was still, he looked gone.

Elizabeth turned around slowly. Her eyes filled with tears, she looked so exhausted. She muttered,
"I'm so sorry"

I was about to hold her when she put the wand to her head.

"NO!" Harry and I yelled at the same time and charged toward her.

"Avada Kadavra." She whispered and collapsed right into my arms as my knees hit the floor.

It'll always be you- A Draco fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now