Chapter 26

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{Harry's POV}

Yesterday was terrible. I think Hermione tried to comfort Elizabeth but honestly I couldn't care less. I'm still upset. I just want to punch everyone I see. Is this how Draco feels most of the time? Weird. Maybe I should check on him, though I doubt he wants company right now.

I went down to the bathroom and saw Draco sitting on the floor.

"Why are you sitting on the floor? It's filthy," I looked down at him.

"Because I want to. Leave me alone," He spat.

"I don't want to," I sat next to him.

He moved a few inches away from me, "What are you doing? You think just because we are both angry about Elizabeth we could be the best of friends? I don't want to talk," He said annoyed.

"I was just thinking we could do something to blow off some steam. Why can't we be friends, we are more similar than you think. I actually understand how you feel unlike most people," I told him.

He rolled his eyes, "Yes I would like to be friends with you, and share all my problems..just so you could leave me in the end like your sister. I would absolutely love that!" He said sarcastically.

"First of all, I understand what if feels like to be left behind so I wouldn't do that. Second, just because she did doesn't mean I will. Third, she hasn't left us completely. Although we are mad, she is still deciding so she hasn't left us yet," I sighed.

"Well it feels like it," He said as he fidgeted with his fingers.

I got up and put my hand out, "Come on."

He looked up at me, "What?"

"Just come on, there's plenty of other things to do than sulk around like complete losers," I laughed.

He nodded and then took my hand and I pulled him up.


{Draco's POV} 

We spent the day causing mayhem, it was pretty fun. We messed around with Neville, Snape, and plenty of random people. It was great until now. 

"Hi," Elizabeth said as she sat next to Harry and I at the slytherin table.

"I don't expect you to have made a decision yet so what are you doing here," I asked without looking up from my plate. 

"You're right I haven't, I've come to pick up some things I would like to have with me. Harry why are you sitting over here? I thought that wasn't allowed," She asked him. 

"Because I told them if they bothered me I would summon Voldemort inside of me and kill them all," He said while he ate, not looking at her either.

"Wow...okay. So you two have what, become best friends now?" She laughed. 

"Yes actually, now is there something you need specifically from us because we would like to get back to eating comfortably," I asked her. 

She scoffed, "Yes there is. My wand. Hermione said you have it." 

I stopped eating, "You know where my room is don't you? Or have you forgotten that too?"

Harry laughed and I smiled. 

"Whatever," She said annoyed and walked away.


{Elizabeth's POV}

 I walked out of the Great Hall and headed towards the slytherin common room. 

Why are they being such jerks? I understand Draco, he's like that when he's hurt. But Harry? I've never had him act so cold towards me. I just asked for a bit of space, why is that so upsetting? 

"Hello Elizabeth, it's nice to see you around these halls again. Though I get the feeling that you won't be here long," Luna smiled as she walked up to me. 

"Hi Luna. I've just come to collect some of my things," I smiled.

"So you've chosen to leave Hogwarts? That's a shame," She frowned slightly.

"I actually haven't chosen yet. I just wanted to grab a few things to keep with me while I decide," I smiled. 

"Why don't you figure it out here? All your things are here anyway," she asked. 

"There's too much pressure here. I think I need to be somewhere alone," I told her.

"Oh I see. Draco missed you a lot you know. He would occasionally open up to me I could tell how much he cares for you. As well as Harry, they've both been tremendously impacted by your presence in their lives. Now without you it seems they've tried to replace you with each other. It's quite sweet and sad actually," She said.

"Yes I've noticed, but in the process they've completely shut me out. They both are acting like jerks to me," I told her. 

"I think that's their way of coping. They are preparing themselves for a life without you. So when and if you decide to leave Hogwarts they aren't hurt by the decision," She smiled a little. 

"I guess you're right. You are quite wise Luna," I laughed. 

"I'm a ravenclaw," she giggled and walked away.

I went down to the common room and then to Draco's room. I walked in and it was a mess. I shouldn't be surprised. My wand was right on his bedside table and I grabbed it. As I did a paper fell onto the floor. 

         Little Cockroach, 



I read as I picked it up. He still has this? I thought I ripped it to pieces. He must've done a charm to repair it. I smiled as I looked at it. 

Draco walked in, "What are you still doing in here?"

He looked at me and then at the note in my hand. 

"You fixed it?" I asked him. 

He walked up to me and took it out of my hand. He put it up to my face and ripped it apart, then shoved it back into my hand, "Doesn't really matter anymore does it? You got what you came for, you can leave now," he spat. 

I tried to contain my anger and headed towards the door but then turned around, "Can you stop being such a big baby? I haven't even made my bloody decision yet and you act as though I've done something to deserve this behavior from you. I understand you are hurt, but if anything you should be trying to convince me to stay! The way you're acting makes me want to bloody slap you!" I yelled. 

"You want to beg you to stay?! I already tried doing that! You want more from me?! I have no more to give! I begged for you to stay when we were at Hermione's house! I poured my heart out...I said everything I needed too, and if that's not enough for you then oh well. I was prepared to give you the world, we promised to travel the world when this was all over. That's all I thought about this whole time! But I see that you've made commitments with someone else. I'm not going to wait much longer Elizabeth, I'll go travel the world by my bloody self! I know you probably don't deserve to be treated the way I have been treating you but I don't deserve this either. I know my worth just as much as you do. I've realized that I'm not broken anymore. I don't desperately need you, though I would love to have you yes, but I won't fall apart without you anymore. That was the old me. You've taught me this and I thank you for that, but I won't beg for you to stay if you don't want to. Because if you really love someone nothing stands in the way of being with them. Which means you don't truly love me or Peter, there's no second options when you are in love. Maybe you should focus on yourself instead of trying to choose someone. Then go ahead and make a decision. I wish you the best of luck," He said as he came to a realization and smiled slightly. 

I was speechless. 

"I'm sorry for acting harshly, I feel better now, maybe it was a good idea for you to come. Thank you," He hugged me and then left. 

He just left. 


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