Chapter 19

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{Harry's POV}

We all went back to Hogwarts, my fellow classmates and schoolmates gathered around the entrance to greet us after they received word that Voldemort was dead. But they weren't told at what cost. I know I can't blame them for cheering as we returned, they didn't she was gone, but all I wanted to do was scream at them to stop. I wanted to shove each one of them to the ground and yell at them saying that their cheers and smiles are a punch in the gut. I clenched my fist, trying to control myself. 

I felt someone next to me, Ginny. She came from the crowd and forced my fist to unclench, she put her hand in mine and whispered, 

"I'm sorry. I'm here."

I smiled and remembered to be grateful. To at least have her by my side, someone to calm me during this time. And then my mind remembered Draco, he was alone. She usually stayed by his side when he was going through his worse, and now this was his worse, she isn't here. Although she isn't physically gone, it's like she is. She's just not here, I can feel it as well, our connection is gone. It feels like she's dead. And though the thought is morbid it's true and I can't imagine what Draco must be thinking or wanting to do to this crowd. 

I hugged Ginny and made my way to Draco who was further behind us. I found him, with both of his fists clenched, and I knew exactly what he was feeling. Except he wasn't going to direct his fists anywhere. The Draco from my first years here would be hurting everyone in this crowd, physically and verbally, but this Draco..he just shoved his fists in his pockets and stared at the ground. Not even noticing he was about to run into me. I extended my arms and stopped him. 


"For what? I ran into you. Can I walk in with you, I don't think I can contain my anger much longer by myself," I interrupted him and asked. He stared at me for a while and then nodded. 

I figured that we should help each other, it isn't right for him to be alone again. Now we just had to wait for Hermione's letter back to us, we at least needed to know how it was going.


{Hermione's POV}

I opened their letter as I sat in the attic of my house. It read,

               Dear Hermione, 

      It's been a day now, we assume you are helping her get situated and safe. Though we do wish to be informed..for reassurance and closure. We trust you in making her comfortable, something we were not able to do when she came back to us. We don't know how long you will be..well wherever you are, but we await some details. Stay safe please. 


                                  Harry and Draco.

I grabbed a blank piece of paper and my quill. I wrote,

          To Whomever It May Concern,

   I have decided to have Elizabeth stay with my parents. I cleaned out of my room and made it look like it could've been hers. So far she has suspected nothing, my parents for the time being have decided to agree with this all, though they felt reluctant at pretending to be her parents...given that she was lied to before, but I feel that under these particular circumstances Elizabeth would understand. She is working at a cafe, they pay her well. I told her I left but I am going to stay for at least a week to make sure all is fine. I will write if anything changes.

Oh I also got her checked on by Doctors, her back is healing, she thinks she fell...the only thing that matters is that she should be fine in this life style. Though we all hate it, for once we should listen to her completely. I will visit here even after I leave to check up and see if our Elizabeth has returned, though I believe she would come to us. 

All and all, everything will be okay. Harry and Draco, get some rest. She would tell you to do the same as I am saying. You both need to rest, be there for one another alright? And for Merlin's sake you should refer to Elizabeth as Elizabeth. "She" is all that you have written on that letter, you didn't mention her name once. I know it's difficult but she is still Elizabeth alright! Instead of pushing the memory of her away, hold on to it boys!

And to Ron, I miss you dearly.


      Hermione Granger.

 I placed the letter in an envelope and sent it off back to them on Harry's owl. 

I put my coat on as well as the hood and walked down the street to the cafe, peeking carefully through the window. There Elizabeth was, chatting with co-workers as she made drinks. Her smile looked so similar to the one we all loved. I watched for a while longer and then made my way back home.


Hey guys! This is the first chapter I typed on a computer, I tried to make it similar to the way I typed in on my phone. If anything looks wrong let me know!

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