Chapter 10

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{Draco's POV}
I woke up with her in my arms. I slowly got out of the bed and tucked her in nicely. I wrote a small notes and left it beside her bed on the table.
   I've gone to meet Snape before Breakfast, I'll meet you in the Great Hall after done wait up for me.
           Yours Truly
I quietly left the room making sure I wasn't seen and made my way down to the dungeons.
"Sit there." Snape pointed to a chair he placed in the middle of the room.
"You are away I can use occulmency...why do you still proceed to try to get into my head," I said sitting down preparing myself.
"One thing you aren't is strong Draco. We've all known this. You cannot dare to think that you'll be able to hold off for long can you? Surely you know I am a master of Legilimency. Let's just get this over with so I can then tell you your first step to the plan." He took his wand and pointed it at my head. I emptied my mind completely. Inhaling and exhaling calmly. I knew that if I showed him nothing then we would really be here forever so I let my brain imagine. I imagining what I would be doing if it weren't for Elizabeth. I imagined myself with Crabbe and Goyle. I tried my best to make it vivid and full of detail. I imagined pushing kids down the stairs...which was easy to picture. I imagined myself lonely once more. I imagined practicing the disarming spell that would come in handy with Dumbledore, so he would think I was focused on the plan. I made myself imagine a life without her changing me. This was torture.
He lowered his wand and sighed. I waited there.
"It seems you weren't hiding anything. I told aren't very strong." He smiled to myself and then stared at me.
"At 1 a.m tonight meet me here. It's time for you to become a deatheater. I'll give you the mark. Go now before anyone suspects a thing."
I walked in to the Great Hall for breakfast. I think. I wasn't focusing on anything. Anything but what Snape had just told me. I was like a robot I wasn't even controlling myself, or at least aware of it. I wasn't listening to anything around me I just kept repeating the words in my head.
"It's time for you to become a deatheater."
My now the path to get to the slytherin table was engraved in my head, but I don't know who I sat next to because it wasn't Elizabeth. She was behind me and I think she had been tapping my shoulder for quite some time.
"Draco..Draco..hello.." She waved her hand in my face and snapped me out of my trance, "are you alright..come sit with me over here I don't know why you choose to sit next to them," she said pointing to Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle. I got up and we sat at the end of the table. But when I sat down I drifted off again.
"Draco!" She whispered harshly and kicked me under the table
"Ow! That hurt," I rubbed my shin.
"What happened. You're acting like a robot. Is this an effect from the Legilimency? "
"I can't tell you here." I muttered.
"Alright well we can talk during potions."
"No!" I interrupted her, " No...he'll be watching me I can't sit with you! Then or now," I got up just picking up an apple and walked out of the hall.
{Elizabeth's POV}
He just got off and left. Not even a goodbye. Something is definitely wrong. I got up and went to the Gryffindor table and gathered the trio and we followed Draco quickly. He was heading towards the room of requirement, probably to be alone. On his way he pushed down everyone in his line of sight.
"What is wrong with him?" Ron asked.
"He's acting erratic! Completely mental. Well actually..he's acting like the Draco we knew last year!" Hermoine said as we all speed walked following him while simultaneously helping people off the ground.
  He almost pushed Luna but all she did was smile at him and he just shooed her away and kept going. We finally reached the entrance and we all went in careful not to be seen.
Draco was screaming and making spells bounce all over the walls when we walked in.
"Protego!" Ron yelled immediately, forming a shield around us.
"Ron...amazing!" Hermione smiled.
  The spells bouncing around started to decrease and I walked out of the shield. Draco still had his wand up and I disarmed him.
"Expelliarmus!" I grabbed the wand and threw it at Harry who put it in his pocket.
"What in the world is going on Draco!" I yelled on him, "You could have severely hurt yourself! Tell me what happened with Snape immediately!"
He stared at me blankly, something I've never seen before. He looked behind me at the trio and then back at me.
"What are they doing here.." he mumbled.
"They're here because we go through this together," I took his hand and we sat at the chimney where we once made some fond memories with one another. The gestured for the trio to join us me they sat down as well. We all waiting for Draco to speak and finally he did.
"Snape is going to make me a deatheater tonight at 1 a.m."
Hermione put her hand over her mouth in shock as did Ron. Harry..who was used to being given shocking and normally terrible news didn't react quite as much but his eyes widened. I felt my heart sink, my throat close, I felt everything stop. And then snapped right back to reality almost seconds after and stood up.
"No! We're leaving! Now!" I marched towards the wall we exit through but turned to see nobody was following me, "What are you all doing?!" I yelled, "I will not let this happen! He will not go through something painful like that on my watch! Do you all understand me! DO YOU."
Harry got up, "Elizabeth, we already had an organized plan on what we were going to do we need to talk about this first."
"What is there to talk about!" I walked back towards them, "I understand why you all might be hesitate to just abandon the plan for him..but I am certainly not!"
Draco stood up and walked to me with a sympathetic look on his face.
"no," I put my hand out in front of me, " do not try to convince me to listen. You can't possibly expect me to watch by as you become exactly what you hate! Not to mention it's a terrible process, he's carving into your skin Draco." He grabbed the hand I put in front of me and pulled me towards him hugging me.
"You have to listen to understand," he echoed the words I had said to him before, "I have to do this. I can take it. I can take it for us, all of us, for the plan we made. We can take such a big risk just for me. It's selfish, something you taught me not to be."
I shoved him, "Why are you just now taking in everything I've been telling you. You stupid, stupid, stupid, boy!" I shoved him in between each word, "stupid! Why! Now! I! Hate! You!"
He grabbed my forearms and smiled, "I love you," then he realized what he had just said and froze with a happy yet shocked look on his face. I tried my best not to smile. My absolute best.
"No! You don't get to say that right now, tell me that later after we leave," I tried to get out of the lock he had on my arms but it was like someone put cement around them. I gave up and just stood there.
"This is so odd." Ron whispered to Hermione and she nodded in agreement.
We didn't end up agreeing at all but I was forced to go with the plan at least for now. We went to potions...Draco sat where he used to before we got together and I was so angry I didn't even pay attention to anything. I didn't even glance at that wretched professor once I was afraid I would send a potion flying in his direction.
I just noticed I've been spelling Hermione wrong this whole time. Oh well I fixed it now. Enjoy :)  by the way I don't spell check these anymore because I write way too much 😭 so if you something doesn't look right just ignore it or if it bothers you, you can leave a comment and I'll fix it!

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