Chapter 8

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{Draco's POV}
"I understand that it's a terrible situation, but Elizabeth..he's been a bully to us for years he is beyond redemption! We have witnessed this!"
"No you are wrong! You've failed to notice that all he's wanted was someone by his side. He wants what you three have and he's been jealous so he acts harshly as a way to express that! This is his redemption.. I'm asking for you help but I will do it with or without you three."
"Well I'm helping, but mostly because you're my sister and we do this together. I'll just have to see if you're right about Draco."
I opened my eyes slightly so they couldn't notice I was awake but I also got to watch.
"Thank you Harry," Elizabeth sighed and then looked at Ron and Hermoine.
"Well if Harry is doing it then I am." Ron confessed and they all looked at Hermoine who had her arms crossed.
"For the record, I don't want to do this at all but if you're all going to do this I guess I have to. But if Draco does anything suspicious I will trap him in a box for eternity."
I tried my best not to smile.
"Thank you guys! I promise he won't let you down, I won't let him let you down. Could you guys tell Luna and Neville as well, I'll tell Louis myself," Elizabeth grabbed her coat. And after they all left.
{Elizabeth's POV}
"I don't know...I thought you hated him. Remember what he said to you." Louis told me while he put his hand on my shoulder
I took it off of my shoulder, " Yes but I should've tried to understand why he said it. It was wrong of him to say it of course but it's not his fault entirely, that's how he was's all he knows how to do."
He sighed, "Alright...if you feel comfortable I guess I'll join you. Elizabeth...can I ask you a question?"
"You just did..but yes go ahead," I laughed.
"Are you falling for him again? If you are just know that I'm not giving up. And I'm not afraid to tell you how I feel. You'll see I'm the right decision." He put his hand on my cheek...but I felt uncomfortable. Because of Draco? Partly..but something else about his touch felt wrong. So I backed away.
"I'll choose whether my own decisions are wrong or right thank you. Listen, quite frankly I don't care about who opens up to me or not. I've realized that's not how falling in love works, you can't choose who you fall in love with based on expectations..sometimes it just happens. What you are saying is about a relationship, and in relationships you work together to open up to each other, if I were to be with Draco we would work on it, I won't just abandon him because he hasn't warmed up to be yet. Anyway, we are meeting at the library tomorrow after dinner, I'll see you there," I turned to leave but he grabbed my hand, pulled me towards him and grabbed my waist.
He whispered in my ear, "You can't tell me you were never attracted to me, I know you fancy me." He then lightly pressed his lips against my neck. I cringed at the touch and kneed him in the groin shoving him away.
"Do not touch me! I certainly do not fancy you, and even if I did, or any other woman did for that matter, it does not give you permission to touch them. Don't bother showing up tomorrow I don't know what's going with you but we don't need you there!" I hurried away but was tackled to the ground my wand came out of my pocket and slid away from me. He pinned my arms at my side.
"You are not getting away with that. You think you're so strong and're pathetic! I can tell you're denying your feelings for that coward. Which only makes you more of a coward. When I get done with you, you'll wish you never rejected me," he spat in my face and then let go of one of my hands to reach for his pants. He's not very bright. I punched him as hard as I could and squirmed for my wand. But he got up and stepped on my hand which was so close to the wand. I groaned in pain.
"I guess I'll just have to use a spell to stop you from squirming...immobulu-"
"STUPEFY!" A voice yelled from behind.
Louis froze above me and I got up quickly taking the wand out of his hand and shoved him on the ground after grabbing my wand.
I looked behind me and saw Draco standing with his wand pointed at Louis. He rushed towards Louis and punched him so hard in the face he passed out. Then he turned to me and hugged me. He actually hugged me. Which made me tear up because I know he's afraid of physical touch.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"Of course, let's go get your hand wrapped, and mine as well that bloody hurt." He smiled.
"Alright but hold on," I snapped Louis wand in half on my knee and then threw it out of the window of the common room.
The nurse finished wrapping our hands and she surprisingly didn't ask any questions.
Draco looked up at me and smiled, "look we're twinning," putting up his fist wrapped in a bandage and smiling. I giggled,
"Thank yo-" I was going to thank him again but he interrupted me.
"Don't, you don't need to thank me again Elizabeth. I need to be thanking you, thank you for saving me, even though you were mad at me. And for believing in me...I heard you talking to the golden trio this morning," the corners of his mouth rose slightly.
"Of course, but you don't need to thank me either," I smiled.
"Anyway, so are you alright, what Louis tried to do was cowardly, even I would never do something like that.."
"It was scary but I'm alright. I didn't expect that from him so I'm a bit shocked honestly," after I said that he stared at me for a while smiling.
"What?" I laughed.
"'re just so strong. I don't know how you do it. It's quite inspiring." He admitted.
"You are too Draco, you may not think so but you're growing stronger each day I can tell. You hugged me. The Draco I first met didn't like physical contact that had feelings attached to them. Thank you for hugging me," I stared at him and he seemed to blush a bit.
"To be honest it sort of just happened, I didn't plan or even think about it my arms just had a mind of their own, anyway we should go to dinner now," he got up and held his elbow out for me to grab him.
"Ya no...I don't want to look like Pansy," I grabbed his hand instead and we walked to the Great Hall together, not caring about the stares we got or anything else. We were fine until Pansy saw us of course.
"Let go of him!! He's mine," she swung her fist at me but I caught it with my hand and twisted it behind her.
"Funny how you resort to fighting with your fists instead of a real duel like a true witch, but that's fine i think you already know that I'll beat you at both bitch," I applied pressure to her bent arm and she squirmed. I let go and she ran off.
Draco stared at me with wide eyes.
"Bloody hell that was hot."
"I've wanted to that for so long it felt great," I laughed and then we walked into the hall for dinner together.
I already posted a lot today but I couldn't wait, I really like this chapter 🥰

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