Chapter 9 part 2

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He pulled away and looked at me. Like he never has before. Smiled like he never had before. He immediately embraced me, so tightly I almost couldn't breathe but it didn't matter to me because it was him.
"Try now," I smiled and handed his wand.
He took it and stood up. This time he was calm, his stance was perfectly relaxed. His closed his eyes, not with frustration but with focus and intent. A smile grew on his face once more as he thought about our shared moments and he took a deep breathe in,
And a doe appeared right in front of him. It danced around the room and Draco watched it mesmerized and laughed with joy. It was a doe just like mine was, I smiled at the thought, and watched him with tears in my eyes. He ran up to me pulling my hands for me to stand up,
"C'mon do it with me! Ready?" He stared at me with joy in his eyes and held his wand out. I followed and we said in unison,
"Expecto Patronum!"
Our doe's pranced around each other climbing the walls. Draco turned to me, with the huge smile still on his face and picked me up twirling me,
"Thank you Elizabeth Thank you," he put me down and hugged me again resting his head on my shoulder.
I ran my fingers through his hair,
"Of course"
We went to find the golden trio and Draco showed them his new found talent,
"See just like you guys! Mine is better than all of yours! See, do you see it Pottah..that's right I can do it too!" He said as we all watched him with a smile.
"Yes Draco very nice job!" Harry laughed,
"You have the same patronus as Elizabeth," he continued with a smirk on his face and the trio shared a glance.
"Yes what about it? Do you know what it means or something?" Draco asked but still had his focus on the doe prancing around him.
I looked at Harry waiting for an answer because I didn't know either.
"Ohh I think I'll let you two figure it out some day," he smiled
Draco and I walked back to the common room only to be surprised to see Snape and Louis waiting there for us.
"Pottah...Draco. Where have you two been. You two have spent an awful amount of time together. Care to share doing what exactly. Terrorized fellow students? Like you did to Louis here. Need I remind you the consequences. Not to mention he is a slytherin by blood." Snape said coming towards us.
"He isn't. See professor we've both been fooled. Did it ever cross your mind that my father is only a loyal worker for one person," he made direct eye contact with Snape knowing that he knew exactly who he was talking about, "and that person is not his father. We all know the true descendants of Salazar Slytherin. We shouldn't have believed him so quickly because he put on a good act. You should question him instead of us!" Draco pointed at Louis who was holding ice over his face.
"Very well I will do so. But I will question whomever I see fit. Including you Draco. As you know..." he whispered something in his ear  and left with Louis in his hand. Draco stood there staring at the wall in front of him.
"What did he say?"
"He's going to look into my mind using Legilimency, to see what I've been doing. To see if I've distanced myself from my task."
"We're leaving. We'll go somewhere...we could go with the Weasleys I'm sure they will welcome us," I looked at him with worry.
"'s alright," he put his hand on my shoulder, "I'll use Occlumency. My aunt Bellatrix taught it to me many times. I've used it before I could do it again. Only it'll be hard to keep you off my mind," he laughed lightly
"Draco this is serious! What if Snape tortures you are something!"
"He can't lay a finger on me. He made an unbreakable vow to my mother. He has to keep me 'safe'. I don't know why she pretends to care," he said as we sat on the couch.
"Draco I think she really does care. A mother will always care for her children, but she may have different ways of showing it. Especially when she is under the watch of your father. She is probably doing her best to keep you safe," I said putting my hand on his knee.
He slapped it away, "Are you taking her side?! Seriously! After all I've told you!"
I tried to remain calm, "Draco..I'm not taking her side. Part of opening up to someone is to expect them to give advice and feedback. I'm not a wall who has nothing to say in response. You have to learn to listen carefully to what I try to say as well as others. Not everyone is against you Draco. I'm definitely not. Please just try to use reason. You have no reason to try and be defensive around me," I said to him looking at the fire.
"You don't understand! You-" I interrupted him and stood up.
"Do not say that. I understand exactly! After I learned my aunt and uncle who I thought were my parents, lied to me and told me it was because they cared for me...that they loved me and wanted the best for me...Well all I thought was that they were liars because that was a terrible thing to do. I asked myself how they could possibly care for me by doing that. How they could possibly be protecting and loving me! But I realized it was their way of caring, their way of loving, their way of protecting me. I've forgiven them. You should at least try to understand your mothers viewpoint. I'm not saying I can completely relate with what you're feeling, or that I completely know how it feels...but I do have an understanding of it. If you won't listen to me then I won't listen to you!" I marched up the stairs and slammed my door and fell onto my bed.
A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door but I didn't bother to answer it.
The door slowly opened and Draco sat next to me.
"I apologize. You're right. I should try to listen and understand. I should stop making everything about me, I'm not the only one in this relationship," he put his arm around me and pulled me towards him.
"What exactly is this relationship?" I asked
"Hmmm," he mumbled, "well you're mine and I'm yours. Simple as that Darling." He put his other arm around me and rested his chin on my head.
"Darling..." I whispered with a smile.
"I can call you that yes?" He looked at me.
"I suppose I think I like little witch better though," I laid back in my bed and got under the covers, Draco smiled at me and then got up. He leaned over and kissed my forehead as a goodbye but I grabbed his hand as he turned away,
"You could stay, there's nobody else in here anyway," i told him.
"Alright," he smiled and went to the empty bed which belonged to Gracie.
"I meant with me cockroach," I laughed and made room beside me.
"Oh..I just didn't know if you were comfortable with me know you could call me something nicer.." he smiled and laid down next to me and started playing with my hair.
"I don't mean any offense by it, it's just our thing remember. Is there another name you have in mind," I asked him and laid my head on his chest.
"Hmm..maybe my love...or sweetie i don't know," he whispered
"Those all sound awfully soft...I don't like them sorry. I feel like I'd be talking to a little kid," I laughed, "I'll just stick with Draco, others will just have to call you Malfoy. They aren't on the first name basis like I am."
He laughed and we both drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

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