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10 years later

{Draco's POV}

I took a deep breathe as I saw all of Paris from the Eiffel Tower. How beautiful.

"Draco?" a voice said behind me. 

I turned thinking I knew who it was, but it was someone else.

"Elizabeth? What are you doing here?" I smiled. 

"I thought I would visit Paris, what about you? Are you here because of our little promise so long ago" She laughed

"Well actually-" I was interrupted by Astoria who wrapped her arm around mine. 

"I'm back love...who's this?," Astoria asked me smiling. 

"Astoria this is Elizabeth...she's Harry's twin sister. Elizabeth this is Astoria...my fiance," I said. Wow this could not be more awkward. 

Elizabeth and Astoria shook hands. Elizabeth tried to contain her shock but I've always been able to read her well. 

"Fiance?" Elizabeth asked trying to fake a smile.

"Yes..that was what I was going to tell you, I'm actually here for our wedding...tomorrow," I told her. 

"Wow! Congratulations," She said to us. 

"Thank you..Um Harry is actually here as well as the rest of the golden trio. I'm sure Harry would love to see you, I could give you the address of his hotel," I smiled. 

"Oh don't be silly, why don't you join us today for the rehearsal dinner and then for the wedding tomorrow? It would be rude not to invite you!" Astoria said smiling.

No. No. No. Why would she invite her?!

"Oh no! No...I can't...I have-" Elizabeth said trying to come up with an excuse. 

"Seriously, join us! Let me go get an invitation from my car, I'll be right back you two catch up!" She smiled and ran off. 

I sighed. 

"Fiance?!" Elizabeth laughed.

"Ya...listen you don't have to come," I laughed awkwardly.

"I don't think Astoria will let that happen," She laughed. 

"Well you could bring Peter, so its less awkward you know," I told her. 

"Actually...we broke up. Quite a while ago, he got boring after a while," She laughed a bit. 

"Boring?! What happened to calming and peaceful?! You missed me didn't you, you probably thought to yourself, I wonder what I could be doing with Draco right now," I said jokingly. 

"It might have come to my mind a few times...I see I'm a bit late though," She joked. 

"Well how have you been then? Since everything," I asked. 

"I've been good. I would ask you the same but it seems you have it great right now! Is Astoria a witch as well? I don't remember her from Hogwarts," She asked. 

I smiled, "Actually..she's a muggle," I admitted. 

Elizabeth's eyes widened, "A muggle? Draco and a muggle? Marrying? No...not possible," she said. 

"Well I have grown, haven't I? Honestly, she's pretty great," I laughed.

"Alright I'm back, here you are," Astoria walked up to us and handed Elizabeth an invitation, "now the dinner is going to be in a few minutes, so let's get going. Elizabeth why don't you ride with us? I have room," Astoria asked. 

It'll always be you- A Draco fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now