Chapter 6

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I woke up still upset about yesterday, and upset that I had to see his face no matter what, not only is he a slytherin as well but he's in my first class. I debated skipping, but I wanted to try and impress Snape again, I was to angry and unfocused yesterday so I didn't even try. Harry has wanted me to tell him what's going on, but I have a feeling he's just going to say I told you so.
"Page 72" Snape said with his normal tired tone. 

A boy walked in. Sorry not a boy,  a man. He was mesmerizing. I couldn't help but stare as he walked to the front to talk to Snape. He looked shy.  

"Ah yes. This is our new student at Hogwarts. He will join us today, take a seat there" he pointed to the empty seat next to me. I heart did a back flip, this is just what I needed. 

"You're name young man?" Snap asked. 

"Louis sir, Louis Baker." The boy said as he sat down. Then the boy turned to me and asked
"And you are?" 

"That's Elizabeth and I'm Harry Potter. We're twins if you couldn't tell, she's a slytherin, I'm a gryffindor, have you gotten sorted yet? I'll take it you haven't, you've got normal clothes on," Harry blurted. I turned and made a face that would shut him up. 

Louis laughed, "Nice to meet you both, and you're correct, I have yet to be sorted into a house. They are going to during dinner, though I'd wish it wasn't public," he smiled nervously. 

"I understand, I had to get sorted alone as well. But everyone just cheers no matter what house you get sorted in." I smiled. 

"You're new here as well? Are you both new?" he asked

"No, just's a long story," I laughed. 

"Well hopefully one day I get to hear it," he stared into my eyes and I  almost starting screamed. 

"What?" I asked nervously. 

"You're eyes, they're so beautiful I've never seen anything like them," he confessed.

 I was about to response but my idiotic brother leaned between us, 

"People tell us that all the time. Our eyes are a trait we have in common. See look at mine, go ahead," he pointed to his eyes and widened them. I sighed.  

"Ah yes, they are quite similar, though yours have a different story behind them. I could tell you've been through quite a lot. I'm surprise your so hopeful, I can see that as well." 

"Woah, how'd you- what? Are you some sort of psychic?" Harry asked with curiosity. 

"No but if you focus hard enough on someone, they're eyes reveal more than you think," and then he turned to me, "You haven't been through what your brother has, but you've gone through something recently. You were emotionally hurt," he looked at me. And I had no idea what to say. 

"Okay! I've got to learn that! I've been trying to figure out  why she's been acting different lately, you're magnificent Louis!" Harry gleamed. 

"Pottah if you don't put a sock in it, I will shove 10 more down your throat before you can count  to 5," Snape said loudly. And Harry immediately went back to reading. 

Louis was still looking at me when all of the sudden his hand quickly rose in front of my face. He caught something that was meant to hit me. We both turned and saw Draco looking quite red across the room, he saw his cover was blown and starting reading, acting like it wasn't him.   

"Draco...detention." Snape said annoyed and then turned around, his back to the class. 

Quickly Louis threw the paper ball, which was what Draco threw, right back at Draco, but ten times faster and stronger. I felt the wind from his speed hit my face and watched in awe.
Draco bounced back alarmed and fell off his chair. The whole class began to burst with laughter, except Pansy, she tried to help him up which made me laugh.
Snape turned around quickly and signed,
"Draco...Detention for two days!" 

It'll always be you- A Draco fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now