Chapter 3 part 2

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"Elizabeth! There you are! I've been looking all over for you. It's quite a coincidence that Harry got lost the first time he came here as well!" Hagrid said when he spotted me. 

"I'm sorry I just got curious about this place," I smiled.  

"That's alright, now let's go to Hogwarts!" he led us back to his vehicle and we rode, or should I saw flew, off into the sky again.
I saw a huge castle emerging from the clouds and the water below it. It was beautiful. This was it. I can't believe it. I felt excited but nervous, I get to meet my brother, twin brother to be exact. 

"Harry would always wait at the entrance of the school on every first day every year, just for you. This will be so special for him, he's been through tremendous horrible things, when he found out he had a sister, well he was ecstatic! And so was everyone else! Especially because he lost his Godfather last year, it took a toll on him. The first day at Hogwarts is the best which is today, but tomorrow you'll have to start you classes, and you have lots of catching up to do I'm sure Harry and his friends will help you!" he said to me as we started walking towards the entrance after landing. 

"Well I can't wait to meet him, hopefully I get a chance to explain why I didn't come sooner."I replied.

We got to the entrance and hundreds of students were walking inside and out, going in all directions it was sort of overwhelming. I stopped and stood there, taking it all in, and preparing myself. 

"I'm so sorry Elizabeth but I've got some important business to attend to, Harry will probably be up ahead on the stairs when you get inside, that's where he usually waits. Good luck!" Hagrid said.

"Wai-" but he was already gone when I turned around.

 I looked ahead of me again and decided to just go. I made my way between students, bumping into them but then apologizing. Some of them would stare at me, I guess everyone really does know about me. I finally got inside and stood in front of the huge stairs. But I didn't see Harry, well I don't really know what he looks like but he's supposed to look a bit like me at least. I made my way up to the first level between stairs and looked below me and all the students passing. I started to get overwhelmed, I was lost, I didn't know anyone. 

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see a red headed boy with a huge smile on his face. 

"Bloody's you!"he immediately embraced me and I was kind of surprised but was glad to have someone by me. 

"Wow! You don't really look like Harry, but your eyes...they're just like his! Oh sorry, I'm Ron. I'm Harry's best friend. Also Hermione's, she must be around here somewhere. They call us the golden trio, but now that you're hear um maybe they'll call all of us something else. I'm not sure what..what's after trio..I think like Quartet. Anyway..." he paused and the continued, "I'm rambling aren't I. Sorry. I'm just glad you're here, you're just what Harry needs right now."he smiled.  

"Where is Harry? Hagrid says he waits here every year in hopes that he'll see me, but he isn't here, at least I don't think he is, I haven't met him so I don't really know what he looks like," I looked around some more. 

"Oh..ya I think with the passing of his Godfather, Sirius, he kind of lost hope in you ever coming. I think he's in his dormitory. Only boys are allowed inside there but I'm sure if we tell them why you entered they'll make in expecting. Follow me I'll take you!"

 He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowds of people. I almost fell a couple of times trying to keep up. We went into the Gryffindor common room, that's what they call it, and he took me up some stairs and saying,
"Gosh he's gonna be so happy!" as he knocked on a door and then tiptoed away with a huge smile on his face. 

This is it. I prepared myself, but nobody answered the door so I knocked again.
"Go away Ron! I already told you, I will not let you borrow my trousers, and I really just want to be left alone right now!" I heard a voice say.  

I put my hand on the door knob regardless and it was unlocked, I started to open it, and it sounded as if he had gotten out of his bed and walked towards the door. Just as I opened it he was about to reach his arm to close it and said, 

"Ron-" but then froze and stared at me wide eyed. He was taller than me, no fair. His eyes did look like mine, we had the same colored hair but aside from that there's no huge resemblance.
"Elizabeth..," he whispered and then embraced me. 

And I hugged back with a smile on my face. 

"I-I can't.. I can't believe it. It's really you. I lost hope, but I shouldn't have, I always knew deep down you come! You look just like mum, especially the eyes, people tell me that too. Except I take after dad in the looks department," he stopped hugging me to take a longer look at me and then rushed to his bedside table, "Do you want to see a picture of them. I've got one. You and I are in it as well but we were just babies of course," he took out a picture frame and handed it to me, wiping away the tears in his eyes. Which made me tear up. I looked at the picture and stared at these strangers, who weren't meant to be strangers. I was saddened by the thought that I never got to grow up with them, or at least remember them. But I was so grateful to be reunited with Harry.

 I wiped the tears running down my face and looked up at Harry, "We do look like them don't we," I smiled and he nodded. We both stared at the picture together with the same look in our eyes and face. 

We ended up talking for a few hours. We missed some the activities that went on during the first hours of the first day but I was perfectly fine with that. I got to tell Harry why I never came and he said he completely understood, the family he was with tried to stop him as well. He also told me everything I missed, everything he went through and I couldn't believe it. He seemed so unfair, not only did he go through it alone but he's is so young.
Right as we were going to go down to the Great Hall where they eat, I felt a piercing pain on my forehead and couldn't get up.

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