Chapter 16

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{Elizabeth's POV}
The last thing I saw was Draco before I vanished. I opened my eyes and I saw Voldemort sitting in front of me with his legs cross.

"What is this story time? What do you want?!" I snarled at him.

"I was always intrigued by how you were place in slytherin. It's really the only reason why I won't kill you. You're brother on the other hand...well he just deserves it doesn't he." He laughed.

"How many times have you tried to kill a simple teenager and failed? You've got a whole army and still haven't been able to catch him. You shouldn't be trying to make any threats." I said and then looked around, we were in a fancy room with marble floors but the room was empty.

"I haven't even tried yet!" He yelled and got up.

"Really? Didn't you try when we were babies? Actual babies. That's really just sad I'm quite curious as to why people rally behind you." I smiled.

"Because I instill fear! Don't you worry I'll show you just how powerful I am. You might be wondering why I've chosen to..kidnap you. You see I was going to kill you, then I thought no I'll use you as bait! But then I thought something even grander...I'm going to brainwash you! Amazing idea isn't it? You'll be like my own little weapon! I'll just have to erase all you little memories and put some new ones in that brain of yours." He stood up and pointed his wand at my head.

"I'm stronger than you think, I won't let you in my head." I told him.

"Oh I'm counting on that. Eventually you will just be making it worse for yourself and I'll be able to do even more damage!" He smiled.
"They'll find me before you even get the chance!" I smiled.

"Oh I don't think so darling!" He laughed and continued, "Nobody knows of this place but I".
"That doesn't matter does it, isn't that what you thought about the horocruxs, they've found them all. Or will soon. You aren't as clever as you think. I mean you claim to be the most powerful yet you can't even give yourself a simple nose job or makeover...can you even breathe?" I asked him. I was actually curious.
"I've had enough of your won't be so confident and happy when I'm through with torturing you mentally!"

All of the sudden he yelled some spell I've never heard before and my head was filled with pain. As if someone has squeezing my head to make it burst. I groaned in pain. This wasn't the normal memory charm. This was painful. He's trying to permanently erase my memories. I can't let him. I tried my hardest to resist but the more I did the more it hurt. The pain stopped and I heard Voldemort laughing as I began to become unconscious, a ringing filled my ears as I collapsed on the floor.
{Harry's POV}
"Harry maybe you can try to get into Voldemort's head, through your connection, maybe if Elizabeth's. And you could try to get a sense of where she is," Hermione told me as we all sat at a table trying to come up with a plan.

"I suppose I could go to connect with Elizabeth, I've tried to do so with Voldemort but he's far too good at blocking me out. My luck is with Elizabeth. Give me a few minutes."
I close my eyes and thought of Elizabeth.

I thought about our bond...our connection. I saw him. Voldemort. And then all of the sudden an immense pain filled my head as he chanted something unrecognizable. I screamed in pain and opened my eyes.

"Harry! Are you alright?! What did you see?" Hermione ran to my side.

"Did you see where she is?" Draco asked quickly.

"I-I saw Voldemort, but he's hurting her. He's using some sort of spell. I don't know what it does but my head- it was filled with pain. She was trying to stop it I could tell, but it makes it worse," I mumbled still with the pain in my head.

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