Chapter 3 part 3

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"Elizabeth what's wrong?" Harry said, I could hear the worry in his voice. 

"M-my head, right here. I have a terrible headache."
He moved my hand that was placed where it hurts and he gasped. 

"How is that possible?" He handed me a mirror and then pointed to his forehead. 

I looked at myself and saw a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt, the same one on his forehead. Except I never had this before. I touched it and winced. 

"I-I have no idea. Maybe because we are finally together, but it makes no sense." I finally got up still looking at my reflection. 

"Let's go find Hermoine, she knows everything, she could probably help us." He grabbed my hand and led the way.
"This is definitely strange, but maybe you are right Elizabeth, it could be because you've reunited.." Hermoine said while examine the scar, then she looked at Harry's and made a surprised face. 

"What is it Hermoine?" Harry asked. 

"Well...maybe it's because you've grown. But you're looks smaller." She handed him a mirror and he touched his scar looking at his reflection. 

"It's as though, she has taken away some of it. Some of him."she said the last part quietly. 

"Who?" I asked and looked at Harry. 

"Voldemort," He said with a stern look on his face then continued, "Maybe you're right, I do feel lighter, like a burden has gotten smaller. But we have to reverse this, I don't want you to experience what I do because of this wretched scar. Hermoine you can find a way-"

I interrupted, "No. You aren't going to go through this alone anymore. I can handle it, I'll handle it. I never got to be here for you before, just let me take away the burden, at least this."

Hermoine smiled and Ron did as well with tears in his eyes and said
"Well that's just beautiful isn't it?" He wiped a tear from his eye. 

"Oh Ron.." Hermoine rolled her eyes. 

"I can't let you Elizabeth. You just got here." Harry responded. 

"Well I can't let you not let me. So you just have to deal with it. Now..let's go eat I'm famished!" I got up and walked out of the library which is where we found Hermoine with Ron. But then walked back in..
"I have no idea where I'm going." I laughed and they did as well.
I got to sit with Harry and his friends during dinner but half way through the head master interrupted everyone's meal.

"As many of you now know, Elizabeth has now joined us! We are all thankful and happy to have her here after all this time. Now for what we have all been waiting for, it's time to sort her into a house." He made a hand gesture signaling me to join him at the front. I didn't want everyone to be staring at me while the hat sorted me but Harry walked up with me to ease my worries.

 As I was sitting in the chair, I spotted a familiar face at the table with green robes, the slytherins. It was Draco. He looked up at me and made a face with a whole lot of attitude. It reminded me of our earlier encounter and I laughed a little. 

"Ready?" Dumbledore asked, but he didn't wait for my response he just put the hat on me. 

"Hmmm. Cunning, brave, and wise. You have traits of most of the houses, how remarkable.." the hat spoke to me. I sat there for a few minutes everyone impatiently waiting, Harry even checked the time a couple of times. 

"Elizabeth..which house would you like to be in?" The hat asked. But I really had no idea, I knew nothing about any of the houses. 

"Isn't that decision your job? You're supposed to be a pro, I know nothing here!" I whispered to the hat. 

"SLYTH-" the hat was about to finish that word but I interrupted. 

"No no..not that one." I whispered. And it sighed and continued. 


The Slytherin table cheered and I even saw Draco clap a few times before resuming his meal. 

"I said not that one!! Why ask me then?!" I scorned and took the hat off and looked at it. 

"You're respond before that answered my question." The hat chuckled and Dumbledore carried it away.

I stood up and looked at Harry he seemed a little disappointed but smiled anyway,
"That's alright, I was almost sorted there. You should have just said Gryffindor though." He led me down the stairs and to the Slytherin table. 

"Sorry..I was going to, my attitude got the best of me, I'll see you after dinner?" I smiled and asked. 

"Of course," he hugged me and left back to his table. 

All of the sudden someone sat next to me and I turned around to see who, just to be disappointed. 

"You can't get enough of me can you." Draco smirked and then bit into a green apple. 

"I think it's the other way around, seeing as you just moved across the table to sit next to me, you're obsessed with me aren't you." I took an apple from the bowl in front of us and bit into one as well, smirking. 

"I am not! You're a fool for thinking that, I would never like a girl like you! I only like purebloods anyway." He retorted. 

"I never said you were into me..." I smiled. 

"I- yo- oh never mind." His face turned red and he got up and walked away quickly.
Then a girl moved to sit closer to me.

"Did you just make Draco get embarrassed? Woah, can I be you? I'm Gracie by the way." she put her hand out to shake mine and I returned the gesture, introducing myself as well. 

"I already know who you are silly!" She laughed 

"It's just manners, but ya I have to get used to people already knowing me," I laughed as well.
"I thought you would get sorted into Gryffindor with Harry, everyone here is pretty surprised" she admitted. 

I looked up and around the table and saw many people staring at me and then looking away. I guess they were. 

"Anyway, you should share a dormitory with me! I got assigned a room with no roommate, I'm sure the headmaster wouldn't mind." She smiled. 

"Thanks! Hey you're pretty nice for a Slytherin" I admitted. 

"Only cause I like you, you're on my good side.. don't get on my bad side" she said with a serious face and I was taken aback a bit. 

"I'm just kidding.." she laughed and patted me on the shoulder.
The rest of the day I spent with Harry, playing some activities as well as taking some time to tour the grounds, he also taught me a few basic charms that he said were useful like one to summon things and another to disarm someone. He went down to the dungeons with me at the end of the day to say goodnight. Before he left he pulled out a picture. The one he showed me earlier. 

"Harry I can't take this" I refused to accept it. 

"Don't worry, I had duplicated it with the help of Hermoine, so we can both have one" he smiled, hugged me and then left. 

Gracie was in the common room when I entered and then we went to her dorm. I feel asleep with the picture in my hands.
Hi guys, although there's only few of you I'm so grateful to have people reading my story!!  I decided to post another chapter because I'm really happy!! I'll probably post another chapter tomorrow but I have to study for midterms so please bare with me :)

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