Chapter 22

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{Harry's POV}

I watched as Draco talked to Elizabeth, it seemed like they were having a nice conversation. I do wish I could talk with her as well but I think Draco needed it more than I did.

Draco walked out of the cafe with a smile on his face, something I haven't seen in a while. It made me smile.

"How did it go?" I asked him.

"We are going to help her remember," He smiled.

I looked at him strangely, "Draco we can't do that, not only are we not respecting her decision but we don't know how to help her remember...and it's been so long maybe we are too late," I told him.

"I just talked to her myself, she said if I love someone more than myself the love can't be forgotten, it can't die. She said I should hold on and continue. She said that herself not me! And you said that was still Elizabeth so maybe we just assumed she wanted to forget but in reality she had no other choice! Think about it Pottah, I know you must be thinking the same thing, she wouldn't just want to forget us like this! She would not want this! Giving her a false life? That's exactly why she came to Hogwarts to escape the lie she had been told!" He said loudly but not in a mean way, he said it with honesty.

"I don't know Draco, I do have to agree that I never liked to think that she had a choice but how will we bring her back? She was the only one that knew the spell Voldemort used on her. It's impossible and Hermione will not want to help us!" I told him.

"We can use Legilimency! I don't know why we never thought of that! We can go into her mind, find the memories she is suppressing, bring them to the surface and then her mind will do the rest from there. She is powerful so it might be difficult but I think we could do it!" Draco lit up with the idea.

"Well that is quite a good idea..but we don't know how to do legilimency. I'm powerful but it was still easy for Snape to get into my mind as well as Voldemort," I told him.

"Who told you I couldn't do legilimency, I know the basics I'll just force Snape to teach me more. And I'll practice. Ya I don't know how to explain why it was so easy to get inside your mind, but that doesn't mean it will be the same for Elizabeth. Her mind held well against Voldemort, well enough to betray him even after he supposedly brain washed her," Draco said.

"I'm a bit offended. I can probably protect my mind better now that everything is less stressful and Voldemort is gone okay. How are you so sure Snape will help you," I asked him.

"I'll guilt trip him if he tries to say no. If anything I think he already feels guilty he might even offer to do it himself but I don't think that would be a good idea. She might put up a fight he she thinks Snape is still on his side, but if she recognizes me she could let me in," Draco answered, "Oh and I don't you should be offended, some people just can't do occlumency it is nothing to be ashamed of Pottah," he smiled.

"Actually that makes me more offended....try it on me right now, try to get inside my head," I said offended.

"Harry I'm not going to do that, and I told you I only know the basics you will probably be able to keep me out," he sighed.

"Do it!" I urged him.


"C'mon just do it!" I tried to convince him.

"Pottah I said no! Just drop it," he laughed.

"Do it now!" I urged him again.



"Fine!" he yelled and in a quick motion pointed his wand to my head and I immediately felt him enter my mind.

I tried to push him out but I couldn't.

"Damn it Malfoy!" I pushed him away.

"You told me to! It's not my fault you can't use occlumency! You should really practice more I could help you, I'm quite good at it. Unlike with you, Snape couldn't enter my mind, I actually tricked him into thinking he did," He smirked.

"Whatever..maybe teach me later. Let's go back to Hogwarts and talk to Snape!" I rolled my eyes and Draco laughed.


{Draco's POV}

We arrived back at Hogwarts and headed towards the dungeons. Although Harry invaded my privacy and followed me, I was kind of grateful that he did. I pushed everyone away but like Elizabeth once told me, that was my way of asking them to stay. And Harry did. If he hadn't convinced me to talk to her than none of this would be happening and who knows if she would ever return to us. Now we just have to convince Snape to help.

We walked into his classroom and he was cleaning cauldrons.

"What did I deserve to have the both you in here at this hour," he sighed.

"You failed to find out that my sister was going to be brainwashed, so then she went through a tremendous amount of torture, and then she managed to kill him, but then killed herself. Then she came back to life except she doesn't remember anything. So it's all your fault," Harry let out immediately.

I didn't know we were just going to get right into it but okay. Snape stood there and stared at us not knowing what to say.

"This is the part where you ask how you could make it up to us.." I told him.

"How could I redeem myself," he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Thank you for asking. You will teach Draco how to master legilimency so he could go into Elizabeth's mind and show her the memories she has suppressed to the back of her mind," Harry smiled.

"I'd rather not waste my time on teaching Draco when he can't even use occlumency correctly. I will do you both a favor and perform legilimency on her myself," he told us as he continued to clean the cauldrons.

"Actually I have quite mastered occlumency. I managed to make you think you invaded my mind, I showed you false memories. That was the only bonus of having Bellatrix as my aunt. So you will teach me legilimency and in turn I won't embarrass you by telling everyone I managed to fool the man that is supposedly a master of legilimency..sound good?" I smiled

Snape stared at me wide-eyed, "That's not possible I would have detected they were fake!" he sneered.

"Well you didn't, I made it seem as though I wasn't spending time with Elizabeth so that you wouldn't tell Voldemort. And then I got you to believe that I knew where they were going to get the horcruxes. Honestly I'm quite brilliant at lying and at protecting my mind," I smirked and turned to Harry who rolled his eyes.

Snape stood there trying to comprehend that he was tricked and the Harry sighed,

"You were fooled by a teenager! Boo-hoo! Can we carry on with our plan now? We won't tell anyone that you fell for it and people will still fear you alright," he said

"Fine!" Snape contorted, "But if I hear that my power is questioned because of what you did I will show them how I am still powerful by killing you!" he scorned.

"Ya sure if you are smart enough to be able to do that," Harry said and we both laughed.

"Get out! We start tomorrow night," Snape shooed us away and we left hurriedly before he decided not to help us anymore

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