Chapter 2

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I flew by harry and right to snitch
"Team the best weasleys, win 170-10!!!" Hermione yells
"YES!!!!" Fred, George, and I all run for a group hug. To my surprise, Fred and george lift me up on their shoulders to carry me around the makeshift field for a victory run
"Not fair! You guys had one more player!" Ron says with a frown on his face.
"Oh stop making excuses, we both know we're just better than you guys" I laugh at Ron "Maybe if you spent as much time practicing as you do making excuses, you MAYBE would've won, just MAYBE"
"Just take the loss Ron, they were a lot better than us" Harry tells Ron in an almost whisper that I can barely even hear
"What was that Harry?" I ask him with a smile on my face "You're going to have to speak up"
"I said you guys were a lot better than us" Harry said, raising his voice "You happy?"
"Actually, yes, yes I am" I told him.
"You know Ginny, you beat Harry at getting the snitch." Fred told me
"Wow, I really did didn't I"
Realization washed over me. I had just beat Harry Potter, who everyone that had ever seen him play would say that he was one of the best seekers they've ever seen. Bloody Hell. I really just did that? I mean, I thought I was pretty good, but good enough to beat Harry Potter? I mean, wow. I would never let him forget this. Like ever. I was suddenly even more excited for the upcoming term that started just tomorrow.
"Harry, Ron, how's it feel to get beat by a 3rd year, who has never officially played before. Must feel pretty sucky huh?
"No need to rub it in Ginny," Ron said sourly "we get it, we lost, and you played better than the both of us"
"I say rub it in, Ginny." George whispered to me, "He deserves it, and someone has to take Harry off that high horse of his"
"Whatever, let's go eat, I'm starved" Ron said, walking back into the burrow
"Of course you are" everyone outside said in unison. Ron never stopped eating, like ever.
"That was amazing Ginny!" Hermione exclaimed as she made her way over to me, "Slytherin's going to have a run for their money this year with you on the gryffindor team! There's no way they'll get the cup this year!"
"Thanks, Mione! I had a lot of fun actually. I don't think I've played so hard all summer. Or been so out of breath,"
"Yeah well you did amazing, let's head inside for dinner, Ron's not going to wait very long, and if we don't hurry there won't be any food left "
I can't believe it's already dinnertime, we started at noon. I mean we did spend an awful lot of time playing around. I am so hungry that I can't help my stomach grumbling as we all walk into the Burrow for dinner. The Burrow is my home, and I absolutely love it. Actually the only downside to going to Hogwarts is that I miss my mother's cooking. Our whole family has agreed that I'm the exact copy of my mom, which is an amazing compliment that I don't believe in the slightest, though I do have her temper. My mother, Molly Weasley, is the main person I've looked up to all of my life. Not only did she raise 6 boys, she also has never failed to make me smile, regardless of how bad a day I've had. She gives the best bear hugs, makes the best chocolate chip cookies you'll ever have, and is the best cook I've ever met. She has always been there for me, and I can never forget that. She's honestly all I could ever ask for in a mother, and so much more.
"Let's eat!"
Sorry if this is rly bad, I'm super new to all this so if you have any tips they are more than welcome!

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