Chapter 47

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That night, me and Harry were sleeping peacefully, when Harry suddenly jumped out of bed.
"What's wrong babe?" I asked sleepily. It was 3 in the morning after all.
"You said something about their portraits." Harry said
"Who's portraits?" I asked, a little more awake now.
"My parents."
"I was just joking, they don't have portraits." I sat up to rub Harry's back, now fully awake.
"Has anyone ever really looked though?"
"Do you mean to say that they exist?"
Harry had a look of determination on his face. "They might, what do you think?"
"There's a possibility, I mean they were great wizards, and they knew what was coming, I wouldn't be surprised if they made themselves portraits. But where would they put them?"
Harry thought for a moment. "They're not in the vault of gringotts, and we would know if they gave them to any friends."
All of a sudden I had an idea. It was the only thing that made sense, the only place that was safe.
"I think I know where they are."
"Are you ready Harry?" I asked , holding his hand in mine. "You don't have to do this."
Harry looked up to meet my eyes "No, I need to see if they're there."
"Alright, let's go."
I grabbed my coat and wand, and held onto Harry as we apparated to Harry's first home.
I gasped. Potter manor was one of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen. It was enormous, and had a beautiful manicured lawn.
"Bloody hell" I said, squeezing Harry's hand. "You want to go in?"
Harry nodded, unable to talk because of how his emotions took him over.
We slowly walked up the long, circular driveway to the huge front doors, which towered over us.
I took a deep breath and looked at Harry. "We can go back if you want, really."
Harry shook his head, and knocked on the door.
We expected the Potters to have had house elves, who else would have kept the yard in such good condition. And, it was extremely common old wizarding families to have at least one house elf, and we were right.
We saw a small face peek out from the peek-hole in the door.
"No trespassing." a small voice said
I walked up to the peek-hole, holding Harry's hand. "I'm Ginny Weasley, and this is my fiance, Harry Potter."
The small voice spoke again. "Come on in."
We heard hundreds of locks coming undone, and one of the large front door slowly opened to reveal a beautiful marble foyer.
Harry looked uneasy, so I gave him a side-hug and we walked into the manor together.
I felt his breathing increase, and I wanted to help him, but there was nothing I could do.
The small elf came down from a ladder set up to reach the peek-hole, and I noticed that they were wearing a clean white shirt and pants, the nicest outfit I've ever seen a house-elf in.
"Mr.Potter, welcome home." The house elf grabbed our coats, and hung them up on a coat rack sitting in the corner.
"Thank you, what's your name?" Harry finally spoke, holding his hand out for a handshake.
The house elf looked relieved. "My name is Missy, sir." She took his hand lightly.
"Please, don't call me sir, it's Harry." Harry responded.
"Alright, Harry it is. Would you like me to show you around?" Missy asked
"Yes, that would be great, thank you." Harry grabbed my hand again, and when I really looked at his eyes, I saw that he was going to be ok. He was overwhelmed with everything, but he was going to be fine, and I would be there for him the entire time.
"I'm here, I'll be here." I whispered into his ear as we started to walk across the huge foyer.
Harry made a small smile. "What would I do without you?" he whispered back
"You'll never have to be without me, not if I can help it."
"Oh trust me, I'm never letting you go again."
Missy spoke again, interrupting our conversation. "To the left is the West Wing, where the guest's quarters are. To the right is the East Wing, where the families quarters are. There are 10 bedrooms for the family, each of them including their own bathroom, closet, and sitting room." She paused, and motioned to the large hallways that came off of the foyer. "And here is the main living room."
As I took in the beautiful living room that was as large as my entire house, I gasped. Just inside the large archway, there were beautiful pristine white couches and armchairs, it looked like inside a castle. Beyond the sitting area, there were huge windows that took up the entire outside wall, and went up at least 20 feet.
"It's absolutely beautiful." I said in awe.
"Yes, I suppose it is. Here is the kitchen." We walked through another arched doorway to an enormous kitchen, with polished countertops. It was filled with old, but timeless pieces of art. The kitchen even had three separate kitchen islands, and more than 3 sinks, spread out around the area. It was my dream kitchen, and I was amazed by everything, even the faucet, which was made of an old metal, and had an ornate ivy design on it.
We continued on to the even larger dining room, which had a huge table, which seated at least 20 guests, and looked like it could extend to more if it needed to. The ceiling of the dining room was covered in amazing paintings, no doubt done by a professional artist.
Then I noticed the moving portraits that lined the walls.
"Harry? Is that really you grandson?" A voice called from near me. I turned around to see an older man in a vintage looking suit. The label under his picture read "Fleamont Potter"
I pulled Harry over to where I was, and Fleamont started talking again. "Well, is it you?"
"Y-yes, I'm Harry." Harry stuttered, not sure who this person was.
Fleamont let out a bellowing laugh "It's your Grandpapa. I haven't seen you since you 2 or 3 I believe."
Harry gave a large smile. "Hi, I'm sorry I don't remember much from my childhood, not before..."
I reached for his hand and gave it a small squeeze, to let him know I'm here for him.
"Yes, I'm not surprised. So, how old are you now?"
"I just turned 21 a few months ago." Harry said with a smile back on his face.
"Wow, you're practically an old man now!" Fleamont laughed again, and looked to our connected hands. "And who is this young lady?"
"That's Ginny Weasley, my fiance."
"It's nice to meet you, sir." I said, hoping that his family would like me.
"It's nice to meet you too, and please, call me Fleamont." he added
"Fleamont." I repeated, nodding my head lightly.
"Who's talking? I'm trying to sleep here." An old woman's voice called from the painting next to us.
"Dear, our grandson is here." Fleamont called, moving to her portrait
"Harry?" she asked in a desperate voice.
"Yes, Harry."
"Hello, are you my grandma?" Harry asked awkwardly
The old woman stood up. "Yes, dear. I'm Euphemia Potter, your granny."
"It's very nice to meet you." Harry answered.
I saw Fleamont whisper something in her ear, and she looked over to me "Ginny Weasley? How is your family doing?"
I smiled lightly, "They're doing good, though my mother is struggling with having all of her kids out of the house."
"Oh yes, I'm sure, I remember when James left..." a sad look crossed her face. "You must be looking for them, aren't you?"

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