Chapter 32

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"Dear can I talk to you for a minute?" My aunt asked while I was sitting at my table talking to gabrielle.
"Sure, auntie. What's up?" I asked politely, my aunt was not the type of person you would want to get upset.
"That dress is much too low-cut for you dear, it's not appropriate." She remarked coldly
I tried to keep my anger under control as I replied, "I'm sorry you think that, but I think it looks great, as does Fleur and Bill, who if you care to acknowledge, this is their wedding."
My aunt looked stunned as she walked away, and me and Gabrielle laughed.
"So what's school like at beauxbatons?" I ask
"It's nice, but the castle is nothing like hogwarts"
"Yeah I guess hogwarts would be hard to match-"
I was interrupted by tons of cracking noises, and someone yelling "RUN!"
Immediately I felt my brothers run to me, but I wouldn't let them apparate me away, I had to get to harry. I couldn't find him, and I noticed that my dad was missing as well.
"Dad?" I called into the smoke, but I heard Fred shush me
"Ginny be quiet, if anyone knows we're here, we're goners."
I started to pull away from his grasp, but he held me tight. "Please Fred, I have to make sure he's ok."
Fred loosened his grip slightly, just enough for me to get away. I ran into the cloud of smoke, seeing dozens of people reaching for wands, trying to get away. I helped all of them, leading ones who had their wands to ones who didn't, making sure everyone was out. I never saw Harry, or dad though, and all of a sudden I heard a haunting laugh I recognized from the department of mysteries. It was Bellatrix LeStrange, the person who killed Sirius Black.
"Oh, dearie, you lost?" Bellatrix laughed maliciously as I gripped my wand in my back pocket.
"How dare you. Do you know how many lives you have ruined?" I yelled, pulling out my wand.
"Oh, so you think you can beat me in a duel huh? Well you're wrong. It's too bad your mum has to lose her only daughter, but what can we do about that?"
"EXPELLIARMUS" I shouted with all the power I had as I pointed my wand right at her. I watched as she flew back into one of the main poles holding up the tent, knocking down the cloth that protected us from the pouring rain outside.
"Ginny, c'mon we have to go." I felt a hand wrap around my waist and suddenly I felt as if my body was getting stretched and turned in a thousand different directions.
Soon I was outside a small cottage, right next to the ocean. I smelled firewood burning, and the salt in the air. I didn't recognize the cottage, but I did recognize the person holding me. I wished it was Harry, but it was just Fred.
"Ginny! That was incredibly stupid. Were you trying to kill yourself? Or give me a heart attack? I was so scared for you, especially when you didn't show up. You're never allowed to do anything like that ever again." My mum shouted at me as I entered the cottage. But I barely even heard the words she was saying, I was so focused on finding Harry, and making sure he was alright. I never saw him though, and soon I was pulled into a huge hug with my whole family, except for one.
"Guys, I'm fine." I said, but they didn't seem to care. We sat there, all united as a family for at least 10 minutes. I was uncomfortable, but I didn't care. It felt safe here, in the arms of my protectors.
When we finally pulled apart, I asked Charlie, "Where's Ron?"
Charlie looked at me, and he knew I wasn't asking about Ron. "They apparated wherever they're going to be hiding for the next few months. I saw Hermione grab Ron and Harry and they disappeared."
I felt the air disappear from my lungs. "Do we know anything about where they are? Anything at all?"
Charlie looked at me sadly. "Ginny, calm down. They're smart enough to take care of themselves. I'll let you know if I hear anything, ok?"
I nodded, not sure if I could speak.
Everything calmed down, and my family ended up staying in the cottage, for as long as we needed. I was supposed to go back to hogwarts in just a week, but I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to go anymore. Mum and Dad kept changing their minds every day. They weren't sure how safe it was there anymore, with Dumbledor gone. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go, but ni the end, I ended up going.
"Goodbye mum. I love you so much. Please be safe, and give me updates." I said, my voice cracking.
"I love you too sweetie, please stay safe, and keep out of trouble. Write me every week, or more if you need to." She responded. I turned to Charlie, the only other person who was allowed to come and send me off.
"Bye Charlie. I'm going to miss you"
"Me too princess. You better stay safe, do nothing reckless. At All." He responded sternly
"I'll try."
"Ginny, that might not be enough. You have to avoid every possible situation that might result in you getting hurt, and not letting your emotions get in the way. Hogwarts is a much more dangerous place this year, and you need to be on your best behavior, deal?"
I was going to respond rudely, but I saw the fear in his eyes and decided I better be nice. "Fine, but you have to be careful as well. And write to me as often as you can"
I pulled him into a tight hug and ran on the train, knowing that if I looked back I might not be able to continue.
"Hey Ginny!" Neville called from our usual compartment.
"Oh thank god you two are still coming." I sighed in relief
"I know, it's going to be a hard year." Luna replied
If only we knew just how bad.

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