Chapter 51

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"This is the best day of my life." Harry whispered into my ear while we ate.
"Mine too, and I couldn't imagine anyone pulling off a tux like you do." I said, giving him a kiss, which was interrupted by Ron standing up to make his toast.
"*ahem* I would like to make a toast" Ron tried to yell over the crowd of people, but no one could hear him. "Excuse me?"
"EVERYONE SHUT IT!" I yelled, and as I suspected, everyone went silent.
"Uh, thanks Ginny. I would like to make a toast to my little sister, and my best friend. I still don't love the idea of you two together, but I know Harry will take care of Ginny, and I know that I can trust Harry to take care of my little sister. I hope you two have a long, lasting marriage. To the newlyweds!" Ron said, raising his voice at the end.
"To the newlyweds" everyone yelled back.
"I guess it's my turn now," hermione said, standing up, "I have known both of you two ever since I was introduced to the wizarding world, and I couldn't imagine either of you with anyone else. You two are perfect for each other, and I can't wait to become an aunt to your children. To Harry and Ginny, may their love last forever."
"To Harry and Ginny!" everyone yelled happily.
We socialized for about an hour, then I was pulled to the dance floor for the father-daughter dance. We had planned to do a very long version of this, with each of my brothers doing a dance with me, ending with my dad, who would hand me off to Harry again.
Me and Ron were first, and the song, Lean on Me, by Bill Withers, was perfect. We danced a little awkwardly, but Ron kept joking around, so that made it better.
About a minute into the song, George approached us and asked "may I step in"
"Of course Georgie" I answered, smiling.
We continued on our dance, George doing funny dips and twirls, making me and the whole crowd laugh.
At the end of our minute, we were both smiling widely and laughing our heads off. I was sad that Percy had to step in, because I knew he would be super stiff. If it were my choice, I would have skipped him, but I knew it would be weird to leave him out, besides, it made mum happy.
As expected, Percy was extremely stiff, and he never spoke, except for once, when the song ended.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about... you know. I should have never trusted the ministry over you guys, and I'm really sorry for that. I know you don't completely forgive me, and you probably never will, but I want to be there for you, if you'll have me."
I took a deep sigh before responding, "I'd love that. I can't say all is forgotten, but I want to try."
He gave me a hug, much less stiff now.
Charlie came up as the next song started, Count on me by Bruno Mars. Me and him had a good time, dancing with twirls and spins, and we even did a few jumps for fun.
"Congrats Princess, I trust him, but if he ever hurts you again, even if he says some crap about protecting you, I will personally beat him up."
I laughed and gave him a small hug. "Thanks charlie, but I think I can take care of the beating up part."
He laughed as Bill came in, holding out his hand to take it from Charlie's.
We danced until the song was over, a bit awkwardly. I never really knew Bill that much, he is 11 years older than me, so he never really made much of an effort to get to know me. When I was 8, he started at gringotts, so I never saw him after that.
When he handed me off to my dad, I was excited for my dance with my dad. We had rehearsed a whole dance, with kicks and flips and lifts.
The song was Daughters, by John Mayer. We did our whole dance, us laughing and making jokes the entire time. Each time we did a special move, the reception went crazy.
The song came to an end all too soon, and it was almost time for my dad to hand me off to Harry.
"Ginny, I want to tell you just how proud I am of all that you've accomplished, and I'm so lucky to be your father. I'm sad that you're going to be completely out of the house now, but I cherish the fact that you'll be able to build your own family, and with someone you love. Just know I'll be there to talk if you ever need it, and I'm only a phone call away."
I felt even more tears on my face as I responded, "Thank you dad, I love you so much"
"Love you too baby girl." He said, kissing me on my forehead before handing me off to Harry.
A new song started, "can't help falling in love" by Hailey Reinhart.
As me and Harry swayed to the music, happiness and serenity washed over me. I never wanted to leave his arms, and I was happy in knowing the fact that I would never be without him again, and soon we would be joined by children.
"Is it everything you ever wished for my love?" Harry asked halfway through the song.
"It's so much more. Much more than I am worth." I said into his chest.
Harry pulled away from me slightly and studied my eyes. "Are you joking? You deserve the world, and I would give it to you if I could."
I knew he wasn't going to let me win this argument, so I gave him a kiss and whispered, "you already have"
After the dance, the night went by quickly. Harry kept his arm around me, and I kept my head on his shoulder every time we took a break from dancing. 
Just after midnight, (meaning it's now christmas), it started to snow, like really snow. I pretty quickly felt a snowball hit the back of my dress, and I turned around to see the groomsmen all holding a snowball, including Harry.
"Oh you're in for it, Potter." I said as I gathered up a huge snowball and threw it at him.
"So are you, Potter" He said with a smirk.
"Make that Weasley-Potter" I said as my bridesmaids came up around me, gathering snowballs.
We had a huge snowball fight that lasted until we were about to get frostbite.
When we finally went back to the tent, most of the people were gone, and I felt bad that I didn't get to say goodbye, but I was glad we had gotten to have so much fun.
Harry pulled his jacket over my shivering bare shoulders, and he whispered in my ear, "Come with me."
I gave him a confused look, but let him lead me across the dark lawn, and far away from the heat of the tent. "Where are we going?"
Harry pushed me on, and I couldn't even see what was under my feet. "I wanted to go somewhere, just us."
We came into our clearing, and I saw that he left the lights up from when he proposed just a few months earlier.
I sat down on the ground under the tree, and Harry joined me, letting me rest my head on his chest.
I felt myself slowly drift into sleep, and Harry kissed my forehead and whispered, "Merry christmas, love."
This is, unfortunately the end of this story. Thank you to everyone who read this to the end, and I'm so grateful for every one of you!
This was my first ever story on anything, except for a few short stories, and I'm so surprised and grateful for the 3,000 views I have! It's so amazing to think about how many people have read this story, and I'm sorry I'm ending it, but I kind of ran out of ideas.

***just randomly decided to look back on this series and I just want to thank everyone who stuck through it to the end! I know my writings rough at the beginning, but I appreciate everyone sticking around and finishing the series! It's now at almost 7k views so thank y'all so much! Lots of love ❤️

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