Chapter 7

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After class I walk over to Liam to talk
"So, are you going to ditch tonight for detention?"
"You actually thought I was going to that? I'm going to skip of course!" Liam tells me as if it's the most obvious thing in the world
"Right, of course" I say trying to be as casual as possible. "I'll see you later!" I say as I leave the room to get to Ravenclaw common room to hang out with Luna. I answer the riddle the portrait asks me, and go inside to see Luna already hanging out with Neville. Huh, he must have come early. Weird. I did see him practically sprinting out of Herbology, which was usually his favorite class. He must have really wanted to talk to us. I go and sit down by them on the navy blue couches, wanting to talk to my friends, besides, I almost never saw them.
"Hey, Ginny!" I guess Neville was just really excited to see us, he seemed especially perky today.
"What's with you, Neville? You seem more happy than normal, which is saying something for you"
"So you know how I suck at like every single class except for herbology?"
"You don't suck at EVERY class-" Luna interrupts
"Yes I do Luna, anyways, so since Monday I haven't made a huge mistake in any of my classes"
"Really?" I ask surprised
"I know, I couldn't believe it either, but I just realized" he explains
"See neville, I told you that you were smart, you just have had a hard time adjusting!" Luna smiles at him
"Yeah, you were just catching up," I tell him. We hang out for the next couple of hours, then I suddenly realize that it's already 9:45. I still need to shower and get ready for my date with Liam! I sprint to my room, take a super quick shower, curl my hair, get dressed in a red slip dress and black heels, and a ton of gold jewelry. I look at the clock and it's already 10:15. Shoot! I sprint down the stairs to the common room and I see Liam there on the couch. He must have been let in by someone. Oh shoot. Vic's right next to him. And she looks mad.
"So Liam here told me you two are going on a date?" She asks, obviously extremely upset with me.
"Uh, yeah. We're actually just about to leave" I tell her, "Sorry, I meant to tell you I was just in such a rush, and I just got back from hanging out with Luna and Neville."
"Whatever" She rolls her eyes
"Can we just talk later, please" I say with hope in my eyes
"Right, well you ready to go Liam?" I ask
"Yeah, of course, let's go" He says
Shoot. I see Ron and Harry walk down the hall that leads to the corridors and I know that Ron would never let me go out right before curfew, which is at 11.  So I grab Liam's hand and shove him out the portrait hole, just before Ron and Harry notice. We run laughing out the door
"What in the bloody hell was that?" he asks me
"Um, well Ron is a little overprotective," I explain, "he doesn't exactly like that I'm dating. Like at all."

Ginny through the yearsWhere stories live. Discover now