Chapter 28

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The next few months passed much too quickly for my liking, so I treasured every moment with Harry. He managed to switch around a few classes, so we had almost every class together now. We spent our nights talking about life, and even occasionally our future. I was happier than I had ever been, and I sensed Harry was happy too. Every moment with Harry felt different than it ever had with any of my old boyfriends. I think we're meant to be, and pretty soon I couldn't see a future without him.
One night we were sitting at our usual couch in the common room, with my head on his shoulder as we studied together.
"Hey Ginny?"
"Yeah Harry?"
"I need to say something."
Now I was nervous. "Then tell me"
"I love you Ginny. And I get it if you can't say it back yet, but I needed to tell you"
I laughed at his antics. Of course I loved him, we just had never said it out loud before. I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. "Harry, I love you too"
Harry pulled me into a kiss, and I never wanted to pull apart. I could feel my heart beat out of my chest as we pulled away.
"C'mon, let's keep studying, we can't have you getting kicked out, can we love?" Harry asked me, trying out the new name for me.
I couldn't help but smile. "Of course not darling."
We fell asleep like that, me in Harry's arms and surrounded by books and pieces of parchment.
When the day finally came to go home, I was both excited and nervous. I had no idea how the family would react to Harry being my boyfriend. I knew Fred, George, and Charlie would be happy for me, but I had no idea how Bill, Mum, and Dad would react.
When we arrived at the burrow (Charlie picked us up) I was surprised to see that it had become the headquarters of the order. Everyone was there, even Tonks. I was immediately pulled into a huge hug with my mum, who started to worry over me in just a few seconds.
"Ginny dear! How have you been? Oh I missed you so much!" She kept talking in short questions, each of which I answered with a "yes mum," or a "no, mum" or the occasional "I'm fine mum" Finally Fred and George interrupted her.
"Mum, leave her be." Fred said as I gave him a pleading look.
"So Ginny, we heard you and Harry are a thing now." George smirked at me as my face froze in fear. Did the entire family know now?
"Don't worry Gin, we didn't tell anyone else." Fred said, throwing his arm over my shoulder.
"Thank god. You can't tell anyone just yet okay? Me and Harry are figuring out how to tell them"
"You got it" They said in unison, making me laugh.
I tried to avoid Harry all night, not wanting anyone to know; we weren't ready yet.
During dinner Lupin suddenly spoke, "So, what's going on between you two?" He pointed to me and Harry, and I was sure that the whole table gasped, at least those who didn't know about us just yet.
"What did you just say?!?" The whole family asked
I reminded myself to keep my anger under control as I responded. "It's true, Harry and I are dating. We were going to tell you, but obviously that didn't happen" I glared at Lupin.
"Are you serious?" All of a sudden Mum's attitude changed drastically to happy. "FINALLY A BOY WE APPROVE OF GINNY!"
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, but I was soon thrown, into a huge hug from my entire family, who gave us their congratulations.
"Harry, you understand of course we need to have a talk with you," Charlie said, freaking me out. He was never very nice to anyone I liked, and I knew all of my brothers were way too overprotective of me.
I laughed as Harry's face clouded with worry.
"Uh. Um. yeah I guess."
I gave all of my brothers a serious look and said "Be nice, and he better return to me in perfect condition, okay?"
"Of course Ginny" They all replied in unison.
They all walked out into the backyard, and Harry was about to leave to go with them, but I stopped him.
"Love you," I said
"Love you too," He kissed my forehead and left, off to go talk to my brothers.
I was overcome with worry. There was a reason none of them ever met my previous boyfriends. I took the chance to go and catch up with my mum, who didn't seem quite so surprised as the others.
"So, Harry huh?" She asked, trying to be sly.
"Yeah, actually." I paused, wondering if I could talk to her about this. "I do have one question."
"What can I do dear?"
"I just wondered something. Is it normal that I feel like I can't be away from him, and that I feel like I can't breathe when he's in danger. Or how I'm always thinking of him, and every little thing reminds me of him?"
"Ginny, that's perfectly normal, maybe not for you're age, but normal all the same." what on earth did she mean. "I can see it with him too. You two love each other. And it's the kind of love that few experience more than once. You two are connected now, and I've seen it these past few years, when you two were 'just friends'" She put my hand in hers and continued "Ginny,  you hold on to that boy. He's a special one."
I noticed tears on my cheeks that I hadn't even felt forming. "I will mum, I promise."
"Now, you want to make your favorite chocolate chip cookies,"
"With extra chocolate" We said in unison, laughing.
We danced around the kitchen, playing with the food, throwing flour and such at each other. I forgot about what Harry was doing right now, which was a good thing. Until about 2 hours later, when I realised they weren't back yet. My worries didn't last long though, because soon me and mum's chatter was interrupted by people walking in the door. I paused at the realization that the most important people in my life were all here. And that hadn't happened in a long time.
I walked over to Harry, and saw that he was laughing and joking around with my brothers. I was so relieved that I almost started crying. They actually didn't tear him to pieces.
"Harry are you okay"
"I'm better than okay, my love. I'm great actually" He pulled me in for a soft kiss.

Ginny through the yearsWhere stories live. Discover now