Chapter 34

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I spent the next week walking slowly, trying my best to avoid anything that might hurt my back more. Luna did a good job cleaning my back, but there would still be scars. I thought of them as battle wounds, things that showed my loyalty. I played quidditch as often as I could, even though it hurt a bit. It was worth the pain though, because I knew that quidditch was the only thing I could count on, the only constant in my life.
My wounds stopped hurting so bad about a week later, but they were soon replaced by new ones, this time for me defending Harry. This cycle continued for the next few months, and ended up spending most nights in Harry's old bed. Dean, Seamus, and Neville never seemed to mind, so long as I didn't have any nightmares. It helped me a lot to be in Harry's bed, and it made me worry about him a little less. At least it made me feel more connected to him.
I started up the DA again, knowing that it would be more important this year than ever. I wasn't exactly keeping my promise to Charlie, but he didn't need to know that. I think all of Gryffindor was in the DA now, and a ton of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. We had meetings as often as we could, which never ended up being enough. We made it work though, because we had to. It was more important than ever.
I was the new quidditch captain this year, so I spent a lot of time practicing, and holding extra sessions for anyone who needed more help. We had games almost every weekend, which was always fun, though every once in a while I would get hit or fall on my back, which sent pain through my body, and sometimes even reopened the wounds. I was extremely worried about what my family might say when I come home for Christmas break, but I tried to keep my mind off of it.
When the train finally arrived at King's Cross station, I waved goodbye to my friends, and gave Luna a big hug 
"I'll see you soon. Be safe" Luna called as she walked up to her father
"You too!" I yelled, just before being pulled into a huge hug from my mother, who wrapped her arms around me and started crying uncontrollably.
"Mum!" All of a sudden I was crying too. I couldn't help it, I missed her so much, and I was always so worried about her.
"What are we going to do with you two?" I heard Charlie ask from behind.
I turned to him and gave him a hug.
"Were you being safe?"
"Yep" I lied, knowing how upset he would be if he knew.
Charlie looked at mum, who was still crying hysterically. "We'll talk later"
I was a little worried, because I knew he wouldn't let me go back if he knew about the Carrows, but I was able to keep it a secret all break.
On Christmas day, we all were gathered back at the Burrow, which had much more protection spells now. I was making dinner when Fred and George suddenly appeared behind me.
"So Gin. How's Hogwarts?" Fred asked
"You carrying on our legacy?" George continued
"Of course, of course." I replied jokingly, but they could tell something was wrong
"You haven't started up the DA again have you?" Fred asked
My fake smile faltered for just a second as I thought of what Mum would say, but I caught myself. "Oh- of course not"
"You know you suck at lying right?" George asked laughing
"How is it going?" Fred asked
"It's not good. Really not good." I showed them the palms of my hands, which were almost healed.
"Bloody hell."
"Ginny you're not going back, no way."
If only they knew about my back. "Yes, I am. We need someone in the castle, and I'm the only one who can. Besides, I can take it."
"Ginny-" Fred started.
"I don't care what you say Fred, just please don't tell mum."
Fred and George looked at each other, communication without speaking a word.
"I'll make you cookies whenever you want?" I offered
"Deal" they both said smiling.
"Great, now come on let's eat." I said, handing each of the twins a plate of food
Dinner was amazing, and Tonks even brought along her week old baby boy, who they named Teddy. Teddy was one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen, and all he did was sleep, eat, and cry.
"Ginny can you hold him for a minute?" Tonks held out Teddy, who was crying hysterically
"Uh- sure" I wasn't exactly good with kids, but I had to help out Tonks, she seemed so overwhelmed.
Tonks handed Teddy out to me, who was still crying his eyes out. I held him in my arms, just the way mum taught me. Teddy's crying immediately stopped as soon as I started to rock him, like I saw in the movies.
"That's it. You're moving in." Tonks told me when she realised the crying had stopped
"I'd love to, but I do have to get an education." I said, really meaning it
"You're no fun" Tonks jokes, "You mind if I take a nap? I haven't slept at all the past 2 days."
I was already a lot more comfortable, and Teddy was the cutest thing I have ever seen. "Yeah go ahead, I can handle him for a few hours."
The entire christmas day passed quickly, most of it spent with Teddy in my arms. I found that while I was always scared of him waking up again, it felt good to be able to help out. It wasn't exactly the way I was hoping to help, but it was going to have to be enough
I was sitting on one of the couches to feed Teddy,  while everyone was sitting at the table and suddenly my mum came over
"Oh, he's so adorable isn't he?" Mum gushed, looking at Teddy's round face.
"So adorable" I agreed.
"I can't wait until I have another one of those in the house." Mum said slyly.
"You're joking! I'm only 16 mum, you've got a while. Your closest bet is Fleur." I laughed at my silly mother, she did always have a thing for babies
"Well you better hurry up with a boyfriend then, got to start early"
That really hit me. The only person I had ever imagined a future with, a family with was Harry. We wouldn't have gotten married for a few years, not until I was a few years out of Hogwarts. I had imagined the beautiful wedding, of course set outside the Burrow.  We would have tons of lilies set up, and all of my favorite flowers. But the thing was, none of that mattered to me. I would have married Harry in an old shack in the middle of nowhere, so long as we were together. I imagined the kids, a red head girl, who had the same hair as me, and a boy who looked just like Harry. I imagined getting old with him, sitting on the porch in our rockers watching the sunset.
"Yeah- uh right." I had to get out of here, "Could you hold Teddy for a minute, I need to go to the bathroom." I said handing Mum Teddy
"Sure dear" Mum held Teddy and started cooing immediately, which Teddy loved.
I ran to the bathroom, running into Ron on the way.
"Geez Gin, slow down a bit." Ron said stuffing his mouth with bread
Wait, if Ron's here, that means they're all back. "Where's everyone else?"
"It's just me"
What on earth did he mean? "You left them?"
"Yes, Ginny, I left them. I couldn't stand listening to the radio 24/7 praying that I don't hear one of your names, or one of the people I care about"
"You just left them?"
"Yeah? What are you, slow?"
"Oh shut it Ron. Are they okay though?" I asked intently
"Last I saw them, they were great."
I let out the breath I had been holding ever since he said he was here alone. "Thank god. I'm going to be getting to the bathroom now, if you don't mind."
I passed him to the bathroom, where I broke down. I couldn't even see my future anymore, in fact I don't think there is a future without him. I knew that I would never be able to have a future that didn't exist with him, but maybe I could figure out a way for us to be friends, like we used to be. At the very least, I would try harder. I wouldn't let anyone see the scars on my back, or the ones that were on my heart.

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