Chapter 19

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I went flying by a bludger that nearly hit me, and right to the goalposts. The game had been very dirty, and the slytherins almost hit Harry multiple times. We were ahead, but barely. And Harry still hadn't found that snitch. I threw the quaffle that I carried into one of the many goalposts, and right past the Slytherin Keeper. Just as I scored, Harry caught the snitch. The stands erupted with cheers, and a couple of boos from the slytherins.
I ran down to the field and ran as fast as I could to Harry to give him a huge hug. When I got to him, he had a silly grin on his face. I gave him a huge hug and I said to him "you did it"
Harry laughed and looked at me with his emerald green eyes "we did it"
I swear my heart was beating out of my chest. Me and Harry just stood there staring into each others eyes for what felt like hours.
"HARRY!" I sighed, why did Ron always have to come at the worst times. Harry never broke eye contact, and neither did I, even as Ron started talking away at Harry, and Hermione gave me a huge hug. Finally I got pulled away, and I had to break eye contact. The oddest thing was that I really, really didn't want to. I think that was the first time I actually felt something real with him, and I don't think I was the only one in that.
The last few weeks of school rushed by. It became harder and harder to fight the urge to be in Harry's arms every time I saw him. I began to notice more about him, too. Like how his eyes sparkled like emeralds when he was truly happy, and how they clouded up slightly when he was upset. And how when he was thinking hard about something, he would run his hands through his jet black hair. I also noticed how he watched everyone around him sadly, though I could never figure out why seeing his friends happy made him sad. I know I sound like a love sick puppy, but I can't help it. I sat with Harry, Hermione, and Ron on the train ride back, and I caught Harry staring at me a few times. I tried not to think too much about it, though, there was no way he liked me back.
As soon as the train stopped I all but ran to see my mum, who was waiting for us with dad, fred, george, and to my surprise even Charlie was here! I ran to Mum first, and I gave her a huge hug, not caring who saw. I then gave dad a hug, then ran to Charlie
"How's my princess?" Charlie studied my face.
"I'm fine" I said, trying my best to not worry him,
"Uh-huh. We'll talk later, okay?" I'm glad he let me wait until we get home.
We all travel in pairs to get to the burrow, me and Harry being the last group to leave. I looked at him, and once again I got lost in his eyes.
"You ready?" Harry asked, taking my hand. I nodded, and we stepped into the fireplace and shouted "the burrow" The next thing I knew I was in my home, which I missed dearly. Harry was, of course staying the summer with us, so we walked into the kitchen, where everyone was gathered. It seemed the whole order was here as well. I saw Fred look at me and smirk, and I had no idea what he was so happy about. Then Ron pulled Harry away to get to their room, and I realized. We had kept holding hands after stepping out of the fireplace. I could feel the blood rush to my face as I walked, no ran, up to my room. I took in my room, not that it had changed a bit, and smiled. This was the only place I could be free from everything, even Voldemort. I changed into a cropped tank top and sweats, and just layed on my bed. I didn't sleep, I just gave myself a moment to process everything that was going on, with Harry, voldemort, and my family. I heard Hermione come up an hour later, and she layed her stuff on the bed mum brought up.
"Hey, Ginny" Hermione said
"Hey, you staying all summer?"
"Basically, I'll visit my parents often, but I don't want to risk putting them in danger" Hermione smiled sadly
"I get it. But look at it this way, you get to spend all summer with you're friends, not to mention the boy you've had a crush on since first year" I laughed as Hermione stuttered out an argument. "I'm not stupid Hermione, we all know how much you two like each other. The only people who have yet to realize are you two" Hermione's face turned bright red
"He is pretty amazing, isn't he"
"Gross, don't talk about my brother like that" I laughed and threw a pillow at her
"Well, when are you going to admit that you like Harry" I gasped. She knew? How obvious was it? Did someone already tell Harry? "Don't worry Ginny, I think he likes you too"
"Really?" I tried not to get my hopes up. That never ended well for me,
"Yeah, Ginny. Sometimes he looks at you like you're the only thing that matters"
My heart did a little flip when she said that. I had always hoped, but I never imagined that Harry might feel anything similar to what I felt. We spent the rest of the night talking, about anything and everything. I liked hermione. She knew how to listen, and she always knew how to calm me down, something not many people were very good at.

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