Chapter 9

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I woke up in my bed, and it must have been late because the sun was high in the sky, and the dorm was empty, which was very uncommon. I get up and check my nightstand that says it's already noon! At least it's a saturday though, so I didn't miss any classes. Shoot, I had quidditch tryouts today. And it started an hour ago. I rush to get ready, and sprint down to the quidditch pitch.
"I'm so so sorry I'm late" I tell Angelina, who was the new quidditch captain,
"It's alright, your brothers already told me all about how I had to let you try out again even if you missed  practice" She whispered to me.
"Thanks, sorry if they bothered you too much they can be a bit... you know" I tell her
"Yes, I do know" She says laughing
"Well, if you just want to do a scrimmage with the rest of the team, I would love to watch that!"
"Ok, sounds good! Where is everyone?" I had noticed that the field was empty.
"They're all in the locker room taking a water break, you're welcome to go and join them!"
I walk into the locker room and see Ron, Lee Jordan (a friend of the twins), Fred and George, and Harry. Fred and George walk over to me
"Hey Gin, did you sleep okay?" Fred asks me with worry in his eyes.
"Yeah, you had a rough night," George looks awful worried too.
"Yeah, I actually slept great. No nightmares at all," The worry seems to be gone from their eyes,
"How are you doing though-"
I cut off george "I'm fine, I just need to take my mind off things"
"Ok, well you ready for practice?" Fred asks me "You're going to do amazing"
"Yep!" I say as we walk into the stadium.
I played great, I didn't even fall, not once, and I scored at least 50 points! Angelina told me I have a spot on the team as a chaser, which I was more than happy with.
"Hey guys, I have some bad news." Angelina announced at the end of practice, "As I'm sure you all know, the Triwizard tournament is going to be taking place this year, and Dumbledor has decided to cancel quidditch this year." Everyone on the team started making protests "Yes, I know, it sucks. But, we are still able to hold practices and scrimmages, so we'll just have to make do with what we have. Now, I'll release the schedules for practices later today, see you all later" We all walk back to the common room, happy for  the new season, but sad for the games being cancelled. Ron keeps trying to talk to me, but I just start up a conversation with whoever was close to me, and walk away from him. I really don't want to hear it from him. I knew mum's howler would come soon, and I was scared half to death of what it would be, but I tried not to think about it too much, if it came, then it came.
A couple of hours later, I walk down to the great hall with Hermione for dinner, Ron tried to talk to me, but I just ignored him. We sit down and I see Liam walk over to us.
"Hey Liam," I say politely, hoping he doesn't notice the daggers Ron is staring at him
"Hey Ginny. Do you want to meet up on sunday?" He asks me
"I would love to! See you then!" I tell him.
Ron turns to me "You're seriously going out with that git again?"
"First, he's not a git. Second, do I need to bring out my wand, because I won't have you keep criticizing my relationships." I grip my wand in my pocket. "You already told mum, what else could you possibly do to ruin my life?"
The owls came into the great hall, and I saw Pig come in with a note, no doubt from Mum. Though it didn't look like a howler, luckily. I opened up the note, and it wasn't a howler, though the whole letter was about how disappointed she was in me, and she even said she would have sent a howler, but she knew how hard a time I was having this year (I'm sure that was thanks to Fred and George) I went to bed after dinner, and I just knew what was coming. There would be no way of stopping the nightmares tonight. I went to bed, and the nightmare began. I was in the chamber, and Tom Riddle was there, along with Nagini, his snake. I had blood on my hands, and Tom told me I had just killed mum, and ordered me to kill dad as well, and I appeared in the burrow with my wand at the ready, then I woke up, sweating. This was one of the scarier ones, usually it was just me in the chamber, and I was stuck. I looked at the clock, it was 2:30 in the morning. I went down to the common room and I jumped when I saw Harry.

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