Chapter 49

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"Has anyone seen my mum? I can't see her!" It was the day of my wedding, December 24th, 2002, and I was the happiest I have ever been.
I was overjoyed to finally be Harry's, forever and always. He would be mine, officially, and marriage meant that we belonged to each other. I was even more excited at the thought of declaring our love in front of everyone that mattered in our lives, and all of our old friends, those that were with us at least.
"I'm here! Are you ready to get ready" My mum asked from beside me.
I looked into the reflection in the mirror. I was wearing a robe, my hair was all over the place, and I wasn't wearing any makeup. "Please, fix me up"
"All done!" Gabrielle, Fleur's younger sister, called, after adding a few extra touches to my face, while Fleur and my mother did my hair.
I grabbed a small mirror and was extremely pleased with the reflection. Gabrielle did amazing on my face, putting enough makeup on that it enhanced all of my features, but she didn't overdo it, because I still looked like me. "Thank you so much Gabby!" I said, giving her a small hug, trying not to mess up my face or my hair.
"We're done here too!" fleur called.
She had done my hair down, in long, beautiful curls. She even put small white flowers in my half-up part, which made me look almost angelic.
"You did an amazing job Fleur, thank you." I gave her a small hug as well, and I noticed my mum was crying behind me.
"Mum! You're going to make me cry, stop it!" I said, feeling tears come to my eyes.
"Ginny, may I come in?" I heard Harry call from out the door.
"NO" my bridesmaids, Hermione, Fleur, Gabrielle, Luna, and Jess yelled.
"We're not supposed to see each other Harry, it's bad luck." I called to the door, laughing
"Just come to the door, then we can at least talk." Harry called.
I stood up and waddled to the door, feeling the constriction of the dress under my robe.
"Harry-" I started
He cut me off "I just wanted to say I love you, and I can't wait for you to be mine, just mine."
"I've always been yours," I said, reaching my hand around the slightly opened door to meet his.
I felt a kiss on my hand and Harry said, "always."
He walked away from the door, and I went back to my bridesmaids, who wanted me to take off the robe, and see my dress.
"C'mon Ginny, we NEED to see how it looks." Jess said, pulling me to the full length mirror we squeezed into my room, which was now covered in dresses and makeup and shoes.
"Alright." I turned to the mirror and slowly unveiled my dress.
I heard oohs and ahhs go around the room while everyone took in my beautiful wedding dress.
It made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, as it fit me perfectly. It was fitted at the waist, and the top was lace, with a sweetheart neckline, lined in lace of course. The skirt hung just off of my hips, and was only slightly poofy, not too much. It was the perfect dress, the kind I had always dreamed of.
I peeked out the window, and saw the set up for the ceremony. There was a rock aisleway, which was lined with logs of wood and moss.
The seats were white, with light blue flowers lining the back of each seat, and each of them had a pastel blue seat cover on them.
The space where the ceremony would take place was on a slight incline, also paved with rocks. There was a trellis above where me and Harry would take our vows, and it was covered in ivy and white and blue flowers, all real and grown since last spring.
The reception was going to be outside, and we had large wood tables set up, and we had a tent standing by just instead it decided to start raining.
It was all I ever dreamed of, and, as nervous as I was, I couldn't wait to be Harry's, for better or for worse.
Me and my mum walked down the stairs to where we hid inside the mud room as we waited to walk down the aisle in pairs. Hermione walked in front, making sure Harry wouldn't see us.
We sat in the mud room for about 30 minutes, waiting for everyone to get there, and so that we could do a few touch-ups on hair and makeup.
My bridesmaids were wearing simple pastel blue dresses, and each of them held a white bouquet of flowers. The groomsmen met up with us about 10 minutes before we left, and my heart was beating out of my chest as the music started. First up was Victoire, my niece as flower girl, and right behind her was Teddy.
He was 4 now, and he had started to understand that Harry and I weren't his parents, so he called us his aunt and uncle.
I bent down to talk to Teddy before he went out. "Alright teddy, you ready?"
"I don't understand what's going on."
I smiled and gave him a quick hug, "Me and Harry are getting married, then you're going to come and live with us."
"Yep, but first you need to walk down the aisle there like we taught you, can you do that for me?"
"Of course auntie!" Teddy wobbled out of the door, holding Victoire's chubby hand as they walked down the aisle together, holding hands. They were soon out of my view though, which meant it was time for Luna and Neville to go next, hand in hand.
Luna gave me a smile and  mouthed "I told you it would all work out."
I smiled back at her, and wished I had gotten a chance to hug her before she left.
Next was Fleur and Charlie, who each gave me a small hug before walking out.
Then it was time for Gabby and Dean, and then Jess and George.
Jess gave me a hug before leaving, and George stopped to talk to me "I wish he were instead of me."
I gave him a stern look and I punched his arm, half-playing. "Don't you dare. He knew what he was doing, and he did it so that we could have a future. And he is here, in our hearts."
I was about to start crying again, but I tried to hold it together.
George gave me a small smile and walked out with Jess, and Ron and Hermione, the best man and the maid of honor were next.
"It's not too late to back out, you know?" Ron said, with a bit of hope.
"Oh ron, would you just shut it." Hermione snapped.
I laughed, "Sorry Ron, this is happening. Look on the bright side, you'll be related to Harry now."
"I guess you're right." Ron said sadly.
"Good luck Ginny." Hermione said just before walking out the door to the backyard.
"Sweetheart? You ready?" My dad asked from behind me.
I took a deep breath "Just promise me one thing."
"What?" My dad asked, confused.
"Don't let me go, not until I'm ready."
He laughed, and put his arm in mine, and we started down the aisle.

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