Chapter 46

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"Hermione? What on earth are you doing here?" I asked an extremely distraught Hermione.
"It's Ron, I think he-" She was interrupted by her own sobs. "I think he's going to break up with me."
That stupid arse. "Hermione, you two love each other, I'm sure it's nothing. Why do you think that though?"
"Well, I brought up moving into a place of our own, and he kept saying he didn't think it was a good idea. I mean we're 21, and we've been dating since forever. I don't want to stay with him if it's not going to go anywhere."
"Hermione, listen to me. Ron has never had a serious girlfriend, so all of this stuff is new to him. I know it might be hard, but try to be patient with him. I know he loves you, he's just not the type to commit until he's entirely sure."
Hermione wiped her tears and looked at me "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Gin. Can I stay with you and Harry for the rest of the day though? I don't feel like going home."
"Of course. Harry's just in the shop next door actually. You can go and meet up with him, I'll just say goodbye here."
Hermione left as soon as she collected herself, and I said my goodbyes to Beatrice. "Thank you for the tea, I wish I could stay longer..."
"It's alright dear! You better go and take care of that friend of yours." I gave her a quick hug and left to see Hermione and Harry talking outside the shop next door.
"So, Hermione, you ready to see London?"
Flashforward to midnight of the same day
"Alright Ginny, I had a great time, but I think I better be heading home soon." Hermione said as she stood up from our couch, grabbing her coat.
"Alright 'mione. Our flat is always open if you ever want to stop by!"
"Thanks Ginny, night!"
And with a crack of light, Hermione was gone, and I was finally alone with Harry.
"So, what was that all about?" Harry asked as I sat down next to him and rested my head on his chest on the couch
"Nothing" I lied. I didn't want to break Hermione's trust in me
"I'm not stupid Gin, I've been her best friend since 1st year, I can tell when something's wrong. Besides, why else would she show up out of nowhere when we saw her just yesterday?"
"Fine, you're right, something is wrong, but I don't think I'm supposed to tell you." I explained
Harry kissed me "I'm sure I can get it out of you."
I laughed and pulled away. "Nope, you don't even want to know this one, trust me."
"Some sort of girl code?" He asked jokingly
"Yes, actually it is." I sighed and got up, "now come on, we need to do the dishes."
The next few weeks passed by fairly quickly, and me and Harry grew used to the idea that we were going to be married soon. Our wedding was going to be on christmas eve, then we would go on our honeymoon. Harry wouldn't tell me where I was going for the honeymoon, he only promised that I would like it.
"Harry! Have you seen my jumper?" I yelled the night before the championship game against the Patonga Proudsticks, from Tanzania. The entire season had been leading up to this moment, and I felt the weight of the game on my shoulders.
I rushed down the stairs, and Harry caught me by the waist. "I got it here." He handed me the jumper, and I started to move towards our room so I could get everything else ready but he kept his hand around my waist. "Love, calm down. You're going to do amazing."
I tried to calm down, but I couldn't stop the panic that overwhelmed me, and made me question everything about my ability as a chaser. "But what if I-"
Harry cut me off with a kiss. "Don't think about what might happen. Think about what will happen. You will try your best tomorrow. You will be the best damn chaser anyone in that stadium has ever seen."
I processed what he said, but I was still stressed. "Thanks, but you are a bit biased, you know. What if I make a stupid mistake, and I get hit, then I'm out for the game." my breathing increased. "What if Tessa says something and gets into my head again. Harry, I can't-"
Harry pushed me away from his chest to look in my eyes and spoke softly "Breathe with me, okay?" I nodded slowly, still slightly hyperventilating, "Breathe in the good thoughts. 1, 2, 3, 4. Now breathe out the bad thoughts. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6."
Me and harry continued this exercise until my heart rate slowed again, and I felt a thousand times better. "Who taught you that?"
"Sirius did. He knew how upset I tended to get, and it's always helped me calm down." Harry said sadly.
I wish I never asked, I hated seeing harry upset, and I knew how much thinking about Sirius hurt him. I only met him a  few times, but I knew he was important to Harry, so he was important to me too.
"You don't have to talk about him, you know." I said, not wanting to push him to talk if he didn't want to.
"I want to. I have been keeping it in, and I need to talk to someone about it." I cuddled into Harry's arms. "He was such an amazing person, and him and Remus were the closest I ever got to my parents. I hate that he never really got to see the world after hogwarts, and that he blamed himself for my parent's death. The only one to blame is me."
I immediately got upset. It was not Harry's fault, at all. It was no one's but Petigrew and Voldemort. "Harry, look at me" when he met my eyes, I saw all the sadness on his face. "Don't you ever blame yourself for your parents death. Ever. Voldemort was a horrible person, and he is the one who did it, not you. If I ever hear you blame yourself again, I will have to get their portraits, so that they can tell you themselves."
Harry's frown turned to a grin. "Fine, you didn't have to threaten me though."
I laughed, "I knew it was the only way."
Harry put his hand on my chin and kissed me. "And that's why I love you"

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