Chapter 40

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I looked around at the familiar scene around me. Families hugging, moms crying as their child leaves for the school year, smoke from the trains in the air, the occasional muggle-born who has no idea what they're doing.
I was suddenly pulled into a hug from behind, and I knew immediately who it was.
"Harry!" I turned and gave him a kiss. "What took you so long, the trains almost about to leave."
"Sorry love, Hermione is in hysterics." He said before giving me another quick kiss.
"So you chose Hermione over me?" I said jokingly.
"Of course not. She just needed me a bit more." He said, pulling me into a huge hug.
"You sure you don't want to come along?" I asked looking into his emerald eyes.
"Look, we'll be fine. I got you a gift." He held out a small rectangular box.
I sighed. "You know I hate it when you get me gifts. I have everything I need."
"You'll like this one, I promise." He held out the box, which was horribly wrapped.
"Fine. You know you really suck at wrapping." I laughed, taking the box.
"Just open it."
When I finally got the wrapping paper off, I saw a box with a image of strange looking device. It looked like it had letters and numbers on one side, and a screen on the other.
Harry laughed at my confused expression and explained. "It's a portable phone. It's a muggle thing, and they just came out with a portable version. I have one too." he patted his pocket. "I already put my number in it, so you can call me whenever you want to talk. Hermione can explain more if you need it."
Even though I had no idea how this thing worked I was excited at being able to hear his voice every once in a while. "I love it." I gave him another kiss, this one lasted a little longer before I pulled away. "Just don't get used to me accepting gifts."
"Only if you can get used to me giving you them."
I heard the hogwarts express's loud whistle and I gave Harry a quick kiss and tried to walk to the entrance of the train, but Harry grabbed my waist and gave me a longer kiss.
"Don't forget me" he breathed
"Never, I love you too much." I answered smiling
"I love you too, now get on that train before you miss it and have to take the car."
I laughed and jumped on the train, looking out the window of my compartment and hearing harry say "Love you, Ginerva!"
Oh he knows how much I hate being called that. "Don't call me that Harry James!" I shouted at the window.
Hermione was in the compartment, with wet eyes.
"Oh Hermione." I pulled her into a huge hug, "We'll see them every trip to hogsmeade, and Harry got me a 'phone' I think it's called" I shrugged. "I'm sure he won't mind letting Ron talk to you as well."
"Oh thank you Ginny." Hermione wiped away her tears with a tissue. "At least we'll be in the same dorms this year!"
"Yeah, it'll be great, even though we basically shared dorms the past few years. Oh lord, remember Karaoke night?"
We laughed at the memory of us doing our old weekly karaoke night in my dorm, when we would use my old feather scarves and costumes and dresses to put on a show for all the girls in my year.
"We used to get complaints from Harry and Ron's dorm every time!" Hermione added.
We spent the whole train ride talking about the past few years, all except for the last year.
When we arrived at hogwarts everything was different, but in a good way this time. We were missing many of the older students, especially in my year and the one below me, but everyone seemed to have left the weight of the war behind, and everyone was ready to start living their life again, and a different life at that.
All of my classes were normal, and as expected me and Hermione not only had every class together, we spent all day together, and got really close again.
Just a few days into the school year, I remembered that I had the phone Harry gave me and asked Hermione to help me figure it out.
"Ok, so if you want to type something, you have to look at the three letters underneath each number, and hit that once for the first letter, twice for the second letter, and three times for the 3rd letter. So, let's try 'hi' okay?" I nodded, very confused about what she was saying. "So you want to hit the 4 twice, then the 4 three times, and pause in between." I tried it, and "hi" actually came out. "Now hit the little arrow figure to send it."
I sent it, and within seconds harry responded "hi :)"
"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked hermione, showing her the message.
"It's a smiley face."
"Ohh, ok. I think I got it, thanks." I said as I walked into the dorm and layed on my bed.
All of a sudden a little image of Harry popped up on the phone and a text saying "Future husband" popped up
I laughed and hit the little green button and held the phone to my ear, like I saw in movies.
"HELLO?" I yelled into the phone
"Geez, Gin. you don't have to yell at the phone." A voice that sounded similar to harry's, but not the exact same answered from the phone.
"Right, sorry Harry."
We talked for over 3 hours, catching up on the few days we were apart from one another.
"Harry, it's almost midnight here, I have to go and get some sleep, sorry."
"It's alright, it is 2 here, I guess I could use some sleep."
"Can't be tired for your first day of work." I joked
"Of course not love."
"I love you so much, call again soon."
"I will. love you too, and sleep good."
I hung up the phone and layed on my bed with a sigh, and fell asleep instantly, still in my dress robes

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