Chapter 44

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The upcoming months were just as uneventful, I had my first season on the team, which we won all but 2 of our games, most of them won by a lot. I played really well, though I still felt I could improve a little on some things. Tessa continued to be unnecessarily rude to me, but I tried not to let it bother me too much. I grew closer with my other teammates, particularly Jessie, aka Jess. She was another Chaser for the team, and we got along great. We hung out after practice often, and it helped that she lived just a few blocks away.
Me and Harry spent our days walking around London, exploring the city. Pretty quickly I was a regular at Beatrice's shop, and me and her liked to talk about everything that was going on in the wizarding world.
Me and Harry visited my mother at the Burrow at least once a week, and soon we had a sunday night dinner tradition, when the whole family would get together for dinner. Teddy often came to these dinners as well, and he came over to our flat whenever Andromeda needed a break, or whenever Harry wanted to see him.
Life was great, and I could feel both myself and Harry let go of the grief of last year's events. We spent most nights making our flat feel more like a home, redecorating at least a hundred times. We hung up pictures of our family on the walls, including many of just the two of us. I fell more and more in love with him every day, which always amazed me. Whenever we got in arguments, which was common with people as strong-headed as the two of us, we always knew how to apologize, and we never let the arguments sit.
Flashforward to Ginny's 20th Birthday, August 11th, 2001
"Good morning my love." I heard a soft voice say
"Can't I go back to sleep?" I pulled my pillow over my head and groaned.
"Sorry Gin, we promised we would be at the burrow at 11, and it's 10:30."
"Why are we going to the burrow again?" I asked sleepily
"You really don't remember?" Harry laughed.
All of a sudden I realised why we were going to the Burrow. It's my 20th birthday. I all but jumped out of bed, and realised that Harry was holding a tray with tons of food on it.
I smiled, he was too sweet. "Harry-"
"I made you breakfast in bed. There's bacon, eggs, pancakes, with syrup of course, and I made hashbrowns too." He held out the plate of food, and I saw the pancakes had 20 written in syrup and laughed. "Happy birthday love."
"Thank you Harry, it's perfect. I can't eat all of this myself though, come, sit and eat with me."
We ate together, and it was the best birthday I could imagine, and I was barely 30 minutes into it. I pulled on jeans and a tank top, it was a hot summer after all, and apparated to the burrow with Harry, who was acting a bit odd, it was almost like he was nervous or something. I ignored his odd behavior and enjoyed my day, with my whole family. My parents got me a pair of boots I had been wanting, I got a ton of joke shop products from George and Ron, Bill and Fleur got me a really nice sweater, Charlie and his new wife Penelope got me a gold bracelet, and Hermione got me a gold bracelet that, when you look at the underside, read, "this is from your bestie: don't do it if I wouldn't"
While I was sitting in the kitchen, talking to my mum, I noticed Harry talking to my brothers outside. They seemed serious for a moment, but soon they were hugging and giving Harry a pat on the back. It seemed odd, so I asked my mum.
"What is that all about?"
My mum smiled lightly. "I have no idea."
"You're really bad at lying, you know that?"
"Fine, you'll know soon enough."
It killed me not knowing what was going on, but before I got a chance to talk to Harry, Dinner started. My mum made my favorite, pasta with meat sauce, and chatter went around the table, everyone having a great time. Harry seemed particularly sweaty and nervous.
"Are you alright Harry?" I asked quietly
"I'm great." Harry smiled, but I could see it was fake.
After dinner, Harry excused himself to the bathroom, but I didn't  see him come back. I searched for him, but Fleur seemed to really want to talk to me.
"Ginny, I need to talk to you outside"
"Oh- of course." I said anxiously. I wasn't sure what was going on.
As soon as we were outside, I saw a path with rose petals lined with candles. I couldn't see where it led, and I had no idea what was going on.
I looked to Fleur, who just smiled and motioned for me to follow the path.
The path seemed very familiar, and I soon realized why. It was the path to me and Harry's clearing, to our tree swing.
As I got closer, I heard music coming from the clearing, it was "a thousand years", our favorite song, live. I gasped as I walked into the clearing.
There were candles everywhere, and the tree that stood in the center of the clearing had lights strung all around it, and there were pictures hanging from the branches. There were hundred of these pictures, each of them including me and Harry. There were ones that I didn't recognize, but most of them reminded me of the very reason we were together. There were ones from holidays and christmases, there were a few from hogwarts. There was even one at my first game with the Holyhead Harpies. I looked to see where the music was coming from, and I noticed a string quartet in the entrance way.
I explored the tree, taking me time to relish in the memories that overcame me. When I got to where the swing was visible, Harry was standing there, looking absolutely handsome. He took my hand and sat me down on the swing, then he got down on one knee, and took out a small box.
My heart was beating out of chest as he spoke. "Ginerva Molly Weasley, I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. I don't think anyone has loved someone as much as I love you I am incredibly lucky that I have you in my life, and every day you make me wonder what on earth I did to make you want me as much as I love you. Even when we were 11 and 12, I knew that you were my soulmate. I may not have admitted it at the time, but I knew, I think I always knew. 4 years ago, I made the worst mistake in my life in letting you go, and every moment that I was without you I was thinking about you. I was regretting what I did, and hoping that you might forgive me. When you finally did forgive me, and we were together again, I never felt so relieved. I have always loved you. I love everything about you, your smile, your beautiful red hair, your eyes, your face. Even more than that though, I love how you get mad over the smallest things, I love how you know how I'm feeling without me having to tell you. I love that you know me inside and out, and you know when I'm telling the truth, and you know when I need to be alone, and when I need a movie night. I love that you are so strong, and I love that you put others before yourself. I will never truly deserve you, and I might never understand why you chose me, but I do know one thing, and that is that i want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you, I want to have adorable little children that run around the house, I want to watch you be an amazing mother. So, would you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?" Harry opened the jewelry box, and inside was a beautiful diamond, in the center of a rose, one that matched the necklace that old lady in Hogsmeade gave me.
I felt hot tears streaming down my face, and saw that Harry too had tears in his eyes. I didn't question for a second that they were happy tears. "Yes, yes. Of course I will!" I jumped up from my seat and gave Harry a huge kiss, as he pulled the ginormous ring on my finger.
"I love you so much, Gin"
"I love you too Harry."
We danced until the end of the song, smiling the biggest smile I ever imagined. All I could think about were the beautiful emerald eyes looking back at me.

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