Chapter 41

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"Ginny! Hurry up! We were supposed to leave 5 minutes ago!"
"One minute!" I screamed down the stairs as I finished curling my hair and walked out the door of my bathroom, checking how I looked in the mirror before leaving, grabbing a purse and a few bucks in case I find something I like or want at hogsmeade.
"Okay, I'm ready." I said approaching a pacing Hermione in the common room.
"Finally. Let's go!" Hermione grabbed my hand and ran out the door and all the way to hogsmeade without stopping once.
"Geez Hermione, slow down. I'm just as excited as you to see them, but we don't have to run."
"Sorry Ginny, I'm just really excited is all."
I sighed and slowed down a little. "Me too. It's been a whole month since I've seen him. Not that I haven't gone through worse."
Hermione squeezed my hand lightly. "I know, truly. I went insane when Ron left for barely even a month."
We continued our short walk, and in a few minutes we were at Honeydukes, where Harry and Ron were supposed to meet us.
All of a sudden someones hands were over my eyes and I was about to punch whoever it was when I heard a voice I would recognize anywhere speak
"Guess who?"
I laughed and turned around to give him a kiss.
"I've missed you so much, love." Harry said, holding me in his arms.
"I missed you too Harry. I've been waiting all month to see you again."
"Me too, and while the job is something to do, there's not much someone in training is allowed to do."
"Yeah, I could see that being hard." I said, starting to walk around honeydukes a bit. There were a lot more candies than last year, and the store was packed with kids, everyone needing a pick-me-up. I bought a few candies, and Harry bought a bag as well.
Me and Harry wandered off from Ron and Hermione, and we made our way to a small shop I had never seen before, called "tea for two"
"You don't have to come in here, you know, I can come by another time." I said to him as I took in all the jewelry and dresses.
"No, I'm good, really." He said, pulling me in a little closer.
"Ok, ooh this is cute." I showed him a green blouse.
"Yeah, that would look amazing on you."
We walked around the cute store, and when we got to the jewelry area, I saw a beautiful necklace that had a gold rose on a simple gold chain. I knew it was pretty expensive, but I hoped it might be on sale or something.
"How much is that?" I asked the shop clerk, who was an old lady probably in her 70s or 80s.
She grabbed the necklace and held it out to me. "This here is an old family heirloom of mine. Its been passed down for generations, ending with me. I don't have any kids, and my sister and her daughter died in the battle last year. You remind me a lot of my niece when she was younger, red hair, the same brown eyes." she looked at me sadly, tears forming in her eyes. "It's yours, no charge."
I was shocked, this thing was worth at least a couple hundred galleons, if not more. "I can't take this-"
"No really. Maybe you could give it to your kids some day." she grabbed my hand and placed the necklace in it and smiled.
I knew there was no point in arguing anymore. "Thank you so much. I'll never forget this" I promised.
Me and Harry walked out of the store with the necklace, which he put on me.
"Gin?" Harry turned me around to face him.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
"Nothing. Nothing's wrong at all. I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are."
I laughed, "thank you, really truly thank you."
We walked around Hogsmeade until me and Hermione were supposed to be back, which wasn't until about 11. Usually we were supposed to be back at 9, but Mcgonagal, the new headmistress, had a soft spot for me and Hermione, and Harry and Ron too.
Harry and Ron walked us all the way to the castle, as far as they were allowed anyways.
"Do you have to go? I'm sure we could sneak you in." I said to Harry, who laughed
"I have to get to work tomorrow, I wish though."
"I'm going to miss you so much." I complained
"I'm going to miss you too, but you can always call or text me if you want to talk."
"Oh trust me I will." I promised, then he pulled me into a deep kiss
"Good night my love." and with that he and Ron walked away into the darkness, leaving me and Hermione alone in the courtyard.
We walked back up to our dormitory and I fell asleep instantly, and I dreamt about the future, mostly about me and Harry.
The next day was my first quidditch game of the season, and I was team captain again. We won against slytherin by more than 200 points, and I played great. I was really happy, but all I could think about was how much I wished Harry were here.
The next few months were great, with every moment outside of the castle spent with Harry, and every moment inside of it with Hermione.
Me and Hermione became best friends, closer than we ever were before. The day before christmas break started, we had the Quidditch Championship game against Hufflepuff.
The entire team was in the locker room, getting ready. It was pouring outside, and I thought I could hear thunder.
"EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" I yelled, getting everyone's attention. "We need this. I mean I know I'm not supposed to put any pressure on you guys, but it's the truth. I also know that we can do this. Even if we get hit by lightning, I want you to keep trying. I can't say this game doesn't matter, but it doesn't matter as much as our pride. Now, we're going to play fair, and we're going to play right. If I see any of you do anything unnecessarily rude to the other team, or anything illegal, I will bring you out of the game the first chance I get. Now, we can do this, let's get going."
We all gave one another wishes of good luck and walked out onto the field together. I felt amazing, and even though it would be my last game, it felt like my first.
I was what athletes would call "in the zone". I was scoring left and right, and only 2 of my shots got blocked. The game was hard, and even though we were playing great, our seeker couldn't find the snitch in the clouds and rain.
After hours of flying in the cold and rain, cheers erupted from the stands.
As I made my way back to the ground, I couldn't believe it. We just won the championship game. This is amazing, and unbelievable. We were all celebrating in the middle of the quidditch field and all of a sudden Mcgonagal came up behind me.
"Miss Weasley, I need to talk to you."
I noticed a professional looking person standing beside her. "Of course, headmistress Mcgonagal. How can I help you?"
"Ginny Weasley?" the strange person asked
"That's me." I said, holding out my hand, which she took.
"Hello, I'm Jenny Ike. I'm a scout for the Holyhead Harpies."
Bloody hell. A scout. A scout actually came to watch one of my games. "Are you- is this a joke?"
Jenny smiled warmly. "It's not a joke, I can promise you that. I have talked it over with my associates for the team, and we all can agree that you are one of the best players I have ever seen, and trust me, I've seen some of the best. We would like to offer you a position on the Holyhead Harpies, as a chaser. We can arrange a meeting to discuss your contract, if you decide to accept the offer."
I couldn't even speak, much less form words. I just got offered my dream job. I  just got a chance at living the life I dreamed of since I was old enough to fly a broom. Nothing could explain the happiness I felt in that moment. It was finally all coming together. Not only was I back with Harry, I had my best friends back, and my family was starting to pull themselves together again.
"I can't believe this. Yes. Yes, I'll accept."

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