Chapter 35

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"Where's Luna?"
"Not sure, I just thought she was running late or something?"
Me and Neville were sitting in our usual compartment on the Hogwarts express as it left kings cross. Dean and Seamus were sitting with us as well, but they were just arriving.
"Have you guys seen Luna?" I asked, starting to get worried
"I don't think so, maybe she's just in another compartment?" Dean offered
"I have a bad feeling about this. She's always sat with us, ever since 2nd year." I said
"Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine" I know Neville meant for that to be reassuring, but even I could hear the uncertainty in his voice, which just made me feel even worse.
The rest of the train ride everyone was tense, and no one was really able to hold a conversation. I wrote a letter to my dad, hoping he might have an idea of what was going on with Luna, but I decided I would wait to send it until we got to hogwarts.
I got even more worried when we got there. Luna was nowhere in the castle, and we asked around and no one had seen her at the platform either. I finished up my letter, and sent it to my dad, and prayed that he would respond soon.
That night I had more nightmares, and bad ones again. This time Voldemort was on the grounds of Hogwarts, and he was standing in front of a graveyard, with the names of my family members on the gravestones. Not only my family members, but there was also professor Lupin, Tonks, Teddy, Hermione, Luna, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and I struggled to read the last one, the one that Voldemort was standing over. I screamed and woke up.
The name on the last gravestone was the one that scared me the most. It read "Harry James Potter."
I woke up shaking, sweat dripping down my forehead. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. I tried to remind myself, but it didn't help. I couldn't stop shaking, and I felt like I had just been hit by a truck. There was only one place that would help me feel better, and that was Harry's bed. I ran up the stairs as quietly as I could, making sure not to wake anyone.
I slowly opened the door to the 7th year dormitory, trying not to wake anyone. I slowly slid under the covers on Harry's old bed, and fell into a deep sleep, breathing in the smell of his comforters, which still held his scent.
I woke up, but before I could open my eyes I heard someone whisper softly
"Should we wake her?"
"No, she needs her sleep." another voice said.
"Yeah, she needs all the sleep you can get, you know with her nightmares." Another voice said, this one I recognized. It was Neville
"Yeah, I feel bad for her. I can't even imagine what she's going through."
"No one can. She's so involved in this all just as much as Hermione and Ron are."
"Let's let her get some sleep then" This one was Dean.
I heard the door open and close, and their footsteps slowly getting farther and farther away. I finally opened my eyes, and noticed that I was the only one left in the room. I got up and walked to my room, where there was a note sitting on my bed. The front read "Ginerva"
I opened the letter curiously, hoping that it was from my father.
"Dear, Ginerva. Only show people this letter if you absolutely trust them, because this information can not be spread.  Ron has joined back up with Hermione and Harry. He couldn't just sit at home, a feeling we all know too well, especially you. We got a letter from them the other day, and they told us where they were. I know you want to know, but it's better if you stay in the dark. All that is important is that they are safe, which they are. There's something else too. I know you are aware the ministry has fallen, but the situation with the death eaters just keeps getting worse. They have started to kill more and more innocent muggles, and they have just put out an order that all muggle-born people must be killed. Even worse, they now have Harry's face plastered everywhere, with a sign saying wanted, dead or alive. Please don't do anything with this information, I just wanted to let you know what was going on, it is your right after all. I have other news as well. I asked around about this friend of yours, Luna Lovegood. I'm very sorry dear but she has been missing ever since she left King's Cross station with her father. I know she is a close friend of yours, but you need to know the truth. I suspect that she is being held by You-Know-Who. Or at least some of his followers. Don't you dare do anything rash, okay? We need to know you'll be safe, at Hogwarts.
Stay safe,
PS: I may not be able to send many more of these letters, the ministry is starting to intercept the post.
I was crying. Luna, sweet innocent Luna, was being held by Voldemort. She could be tortured right now, sitting alone in a dark cold closet. I shook my head, trying to shake the image from my head. Luna was strong, she would survive. She has to survive.
I ran down to the great hall, and shoved the letter in Neville's face.
"What is it Ginny?" He asked
"Just read it Neville." I pointed to the letter.
Nevilles face covered with worry. "No. There's no way"
"I'm sorry Neville." was all I could manage.
"She's strong, she'll be okay, I just know it." Dean said from beside Neville.
"Dean's right, we just need to trust that she'll take care of herself." I responded, squeezing his hand.
The next few months were unbearable. Luna never returned, and the amount of muggle deaths went up, a lot. I grew more and more worried for Hermione, Ron, Luna, and even more for Harry. Most of my nights were spent crying myself to sleep, and once I got to sleep, it was never pleasant. My nightmares got worse and worse, and the sleeping drought soon stopped working.
My bad days weren't over though, because the 2nd of May came soon, a day no one in the wizarding world would forget.

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