Chapter 25

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The rest of christmas break passed quickly, and with every day I got more and more upset that I wasn't allowed in the order, which led to many arguments, which just about everyone in the house.
"Mum, I still don't get why I'm not in the order. I'm the same age as Ron was when he joined! And I'm pretty sure I am a lot more mature than he was last year." I finally blurted out in the middle of dinner with the order.
Everyone at the table looked at me, and mum slammed down the pot she was holding onto the table, "Do we really need to have this conversation again? It's too dangerous."
"Then why is the rest of our family in the order?"
"Because they are of age. As soon as you turn 17 you will join, but not a day sooner"
"Mum, I think you're forgetting that I have a connection to you-know-who too." I flinched at the memory of my first year, "I have come into contact with him before, just like Harry, Ron, and Hermione. He tortured me for months, so I think that maybe, just MAYBE I might be able to justify wanting to hurt him just as much," That did it. Mum was stunned, which didn't happen often.
"We all want to take him down just as much as you do Gin." My dad finally spoke, "We had to wait our turn, and so will you"
I stomped out of dinner, and to my room, where I started to break down. I cried for who knows how long, but I soon realised that I should be cold now, but there was someone holding me.
"It's ok Gin, let it out" I heard Harry whisper into my ear.
And so I cried, for what must have been hours. Harry held me, and never let me go.
I must've fallen asleep, because when I woke up I was in my bed, with my covers pulled over me and I was all tucked in. My throat was insanely dry, probably from crying, so I went to get up, then noticed that there was a huge glass of water sitting on my bedside table, along with a note that read "Hope you feel better - Harry :)" I smiled, and sat up to get some breakfast.
The next day we left for Hogwarts again, and I told Dean during potions that we needed to talk, and he agreed luckily.
I saw Dean approach me in the common room and told myself not to chicken out. This was something I needed to do. "Dean, I need to say something,"
"Okay," Dean said warily
"I think we should break up. This just isn't fun for either of us anymore." I searched his face for what he might say, but a wave of relief seemed to wash over his face
"I agree actually"
"Yeah. Stay friends though?"
"Yeah definitely." We pulled into a hug, and I could see Harry smiling from across the room. I wonder what that's about.
We have a play-off game next week, which will determine if we make it to the championship game against Slytherin, and I'm scared to death. Harry got detention from Snape for beating up Malfoy, which I'm glad Harry took the chance to, so he will miss the game. Harry recommended me for the seeker position, and while I'm glad that he did, I can't help but be scared out of my mind. I've never played seeker in an actual game before, only in practices. Harry trusts me though, so I try to be more confident in myself.
The day of the game I was all nerves, and it didn't help that Harry was in detention all day, so he couldn't calm me down. I tried to make myself more confident, and I did successfully ease my nerves a bit, but not very much.
I tried to think of how happy Harry would be when I did well, and how proud everyone would be, and that helped me focus during the game. I found the snitch just an hour into the game, which almost beat Harry's record of 45 minutes. We all had a huge celebration, and as soon as Harry came back he went straight to me
"Ginny! You played amazing!" He gave me a huge hug and I felt the butterflies rise in my stomach again.
"Thanks Harry! I wish you were there though."
"Me too, but I watched the game from the potions classroom, at least as much as I could see. Ginny you're as good as me, maybe even better"
I blushed, "No way, you're definitely better."
"Uh-uh. Ginny you played amazing out there. Slytherin's going to have a run for their money."
The rest of the night went by amazing, and we talked about the upcoming game as we passed around congratulations

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