Chapter 20

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The summer wasn't very eventful. Voldemort continued to rise, and the number of death-eater related crimes rose. Not much changed at the Burrow though. Harry and I spent the summer sitting on the rope swing, talking about sweet nothings. I thought Harry liked me too, but he never made a move, never asked me out. I was content with just spending time with him though, and I tried not to let it bother me too much. I also spent a lot of the summer getting closer to Hermione, which was inevitable considering we shared my small bedroom, which was never meant to hold more than one person.
Remus Lupin was over often, as well as the other members of the order. Nyphadora Tonks, though everyone called her Tonks, was my favorite person in the order. She was married to Remus, and they were just great together. Tonks and I got along great, mostly because we both had similar feelings about voldemort. Tonks had the same temper as me, though she was a bit more obvious when she was mad. You see, Tonks was a metamorphmagus, which meant that she could change into any animal, and her hair worked the same way, it changed colors according to her mood. We talked whenever she came over, though she, like the rest of the order, wouldn't tell me anything that was going on.
Me and mum had many arguments over me being allowed in the order, but she never budged. I didn't see it was very fair, considering Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in it as well, and I was the only one in the house who didn't know what was going on. I tried to listen in on meetings, but I rarely heard anything important, and mum caught me once and we got in a yelling match for at least an hour.
One day, me and Harry were sitting out on the rope swing, just talking.
"Harry?" I said sweetly
"Yeah Gin?" Harry looked over to me
"What do you think is going to happen?" I hoped he would give me an honest answer
"Honestly Gin? No idea." Harry sighed, "All I know is that Voldemort wants me dead. And who knows what he'll do to get to me, but I can't let anyone get hurt because of me" I got up from the swing, and gave him a huge hug, just looking up at him. Studying his face, so I would never forget it. Harry lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as I laughed uncontrollably.
"Put me down!"
"Make me." Harry had a devilish smirk on his face as he pulled me in. I leaned in, my heart quickening. We were about to finally kiss when-
"Harry! Come on, we need to pack for school" Bloody hell! How many times was Ron going to come between us. I smiled and pulled away, watching Harry's eyes as he reluctantly walked back into the house, daring to look back at me and smile before closing the back door. What was this boy doing to me? I have never felt that way before about someone. I don't think I will ever feel that way about someone again.
I was stunned, and just sat on the rope swing for a bit. I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander back to Harry, and I was soon in a daydream. Harry and I were sitting out on the swing, like before, only this time Ron didn't interrupt us. I knew it was just a dream, because everything was so perfect, so serene. The tall grass surrounding us swayed in the wind, and the small clearing where the tree sat with its swing, simple as a piece of wood with two holes in it, and strong ropes holding it to the tree. The clearing was just like how it was in the spring, with tons of flowers covering the ground. I didn't stay in this dream world for long enough, not that anytime in that beautiful dream world would ever be enough,
"Ginny! Dinner!" My mum woke me up, and I was surprised that I was still on the rope swing, knowing me I usually would've fallen off. 
"Coming!" I ran into the burrow, it wasn't worth it to make my mum mad. Besides, we did leave for school again tomorrow morning, and I didn't want to leave on bad terms.
I sat down in my usual spot, right across from Harry. I looked over at him, only to see he was staring at me. We both laughed lightly, I had a feeling he felt a bit awkward about earlier, as I did.  I didn't regret how close we came to kissing though, I only regretted that Ron interrupted us. I mouthed to him, "Let's talk later" He mouthed back "usual spot?" I nodded, and continued on with dinner. Mum said a few sad words, as was usual, she always got sad this time of the year. After dinner, I walked outside, it was getting cold, but I needed to talk to Harry. I hoped he would come, he tended to forget things very easily. I walked out to the rope swing, and sat.

Flashback to the summer before 4th year
I sit crying on my rope swing, hunched over the fault in our stars, one of my favorite books. This is a safe place for me, and I was the only one who knew about it, I had made it almost 5 years ago on one of the many lonely days while my whole family was off at hogwarts, and I never told anyone about this spot. It was mine.
"Ginny? Is that you?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
"Oh uh Harry." I sniffled, and tried to wipe away my tears, feeling immediately embarrassed. I mean who crys over a book?
"Are you okay?" A flash of worry overcame his face
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I was just reading a really sad book" I can feel the blood rushing to my face
"I see. What book?" Harry actually looked intrigued, so I showed him the cover and shrugged sheepishly. It was a romance book after all. "'The fault in our stars' I've heard about that one, it's quite popular in the muggle world."
"Yeah, I've always wanted to read it, but I always figured that I would get made fun of,"
I held out the book to him, and motioned for him to join me on the swing, "It's all yours"

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