Chapter 39

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Even as hundreds of people approached Harry, I never left his side. He kept his arm around me, holding me close, even as he spoke to others, even as he gave people hugs.
When we were finally alone in the courtyard I pulled away. "Harry we need to talk."
He looked nervous. "Ok. Can I just say something first?" I nodded, "I'm so sorry. I was stupid and I can't believe I did that. I should've known that you would find trouble, even if I wasn't bringing it to you."
I thought for a moment. "I can't say it's completely forgotten, but I understand. My turn now. I've had a hard year, and I know you just battled Voldemort and all that but you don't really get it. You left me. Hermione left me. Ron left me. Everyone I talked to and trusted left me in the dust. Then I got to school, where everything was different. I know you've heard of the carrows." Harry nodded. "Well they-" I couldn't speak the words, so I showed him. I held out my hands, which were covered in small scars. Harry's face was covered in anger, and I debated whether I should show him my back or not.
Harry, who saw the look on my face asked, "That's not it is it?"
"No." I admitted, and I turned around, so that my back was facing him. I pulled down my shirt a little, so that he could see my shoulder and part of my upper back.
"They did this to you?" Harry said softly, though I could hear the anger in his voice.
I nodded. "I don't think I was the only one. Luna helped me fix them up, but when she left I had to fend for myself."
"All alone?" Harry's voice was full of guilt
I gently pulled his face so that it was facing me. "I wasn't alone, I was never alone. I had Neville, and Dean." Harry flinched at the name. "Harry, we're friends now. He was there for me, and I truly don't think that he likes me anymore, really."
"Okay, I trust you."
I wasn't really sure how to say this. "That's the thing Harry. When you left me, even if you had good intentions, you lost my trust. I just feel like you might leave me again, and it's going to take a while to get over that. I'm sorry."
Harry didn't even have to think about what he said next. "I totally understand. And I don't mind waiting, at all really."
I gave him a small kiss and said. "Let's go home then."
I grabbed his hand and in just a matter of seconds we were in the burrow, surrounded by my family, those who had made it at least. My mother was upset with me, as was expected, but she couldn't seem to scold me like she usually did, it was hard to think of anything without imagining Fred there as well.
George refused to leave his room for weeks, and while I wanted to do the same, I had to continue on, for my family at the very least. I helped with dinner every night, I did the dishes and laundry without even being asked first. I knew my mother needed her time to grieve, the whole house did, so I gave them that time. Harry was my only escape from this world, and he was the only one I could really be myself with, the only one I felt entirely comfortable with. We spent every waking hour together, just talking.
One particular day in June, just barely a month since the battle, I felt like I was ready to tell him something, something I knew he had been waiting to hear.
We were sitting in the clearing, on our tree swing, and he was reading aloud a shakespeare book to me.
"Harry?" I interrupted
"Yes love?" he looked up immediately, knowing by the tone of my voice that I was about to say something important.
"I know how hard this has been for you, and I appreciate how patient you've been with me, and I wanted to tell you there's no need to wait anymore." I sucked in a deep breath and smiled. "Harry James Potter. I love you. I love you with all of my heart, with everything I have. I love your beautiful smile. I love that you know how to make me smile. I love that you know how to take care of me when I can't. I love your messy black hair. I love when you run your hands through it, making my stomach fill with butterflies. I love that you know my favorite movie. I love that you know my favorite song. I love that you never question my feelings. I love that you don't even have to ask to know how I'm feeling. I love that you trust me entirely. And last but not least I love that I can entirely and completely trust you now too."
He looked at me and smiled his crooked smile that made my heart melt. "I've been waiting for this moment, and I want you to know that I have every intention to make you my wife someday. Not for a few years of course, but I can't wait to make you Mrs. Harry Potter."
I laughed and punched him lightly on his arm, "Make that Mrs. Weasley-Potter. I'm definitely going to hyphenate."
He laughed. "Of course you are. And that's just one of the many reasons that I love you too."
I gave him a kiss, and we sat there as he continued reading aloud, looking up ever so often to give me a quick kiss or to mess with my hair lightly.
All summer went by like this, with short moments spent alone together, and longer ones spent with my family around us. Andromeda, Tonks mother, brought Teddy by often, and me and Harry spoiled him with gifts and food. Teddy even stayed with us for days at a time, since Harry was his godfather after all.
Me and Harry talked about our future, about what our kids would look like, and how we would teach them everything there was to know about the wizarding world, before they were pushed into it.
Our plans for the future were pushed back though when we got a visit from the new minister of magic, Kingsley, who was a former member of the order.
Me and Harry were in the kitchen, making brownies when he knocked on the door, which I went to answer.
"Hello Miss Weasley, I was hoping to speak to Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss granger." Kingsley said to me when I opened the door and let him in.
"Right, I'll go and grab them. You can wait in the living room." I answered, not even bothering to lead him to the living room; he knew where it was after living here for a few months. I ran up the stairs to Ron's room, where I knew Hermione would be as well.
They were sitting on his floor playing chess when I came in.
"What's up?" Ron asked, rolling his eyes.
"Kingsley's here, he wants to talk to you two and Harry."
They stood up and walked with me down to the living room, where Harry was talking to Kingsley on the couch.
"Miss weasley, I need to talk to them alone if you don't mind." Kingsley said as Ron and Hermione sat down.
I was upset, but I decided it was better not to make a scene. "Of course-"
Harry interrupted me. "She can hear. I don't care what it is." He grabbed my hand.
Kingsley looked at our connected hands and seemed to understand. "Of course. Now, for the matter at hand. I want to offer you three jobs as aurors at the ministry."
Hermione looked confused. "But we've only completed 6 years at Hogwarts."
"Yes well, considering all of the experience you three got last year, we are willing to overlook that. So, considering that the new school year starts just next week, I'll be by tomorrow for your answers." Kingsley shook their hands and left, Hermione and Ron escorting him to the front door.
"So." I said looking at Harry, who seemed deep in thought
"Yeah." I knew he was thinking because he ran his hand through his hair a few times, something he only did when he wasn't sure about a thing.
"Whatever you decide, I'll support you. We can make long distance work, and you can come visit me at hogsmeade visits. It won't be easy, but we can do it."
Harry thought for a moment. "I'm going to take the job."

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