Chapter 17

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The next couple of months passed quickly. Christmas break was spent at grimmauld place, which belonged to Sirius. Me, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George spent the whole time trying to listen in on the meetings, which we weren't allowed to sit in on. I spent the whole break writing to Michael. I missed him like crazy, and I was stuck in Sirius's home so we weren't able to meet up. Fred and George teased me for writing so much, but I couldn't help it. Our relationship had just been getting better and better, and we kept getting closer. The last week of break was spent with mum yelling at Fred and George every 10 minutes. They had decided not to come back to Hogwarts to finish their 7th year, to start their joke shop. I missed them, but I know they're happier now.
When we finally returned to Hogwarts, Harry was acting weirder than normal, and was super distant with me. I figure he was just upset with the whole Voldemort situation. The months leading up to June were pretty uneventful, not much happened at all. Me and Michael stayed together, and hung out as much as we could. Harry seemed to get more normal around me again, and the DA had continued to meet at least once a week to practice. That was all about to change though, because no one expected what was going to happen on June 18th.
On June 18th, 1996 in the Department of mysteries Sirius Black died. Harry's screams as Professor Lupin held him back will stay forever in my nightmares. We had been trying to save Sirius, but Belatrix LeStrange, Sirius's own cousin, caught him with the killing curse Avada Kedavra.  Me, Luna, Neville, Ron, Hermione, Professor Lupin, and Harry all watched as Sirius disappeared behind the dark veil wall.
I never really knew Sirius, but I did know one thing. He was an amazing person, who spent 12 years paying for his best friend's death. Sirius was a good man who never deserved to spend the last few years of his life hiding, unable to see his friends who were like family to him. After Sirius was killed, the rest of the day went in a blur, and I don't really know how I got there, but I was suddenly at the Burrow, where the members of the order were all together. I watched everyone's eyes fill with tears as they heard the news of Sirius's death.
Harry returned, but he was different, almost empty inside. I watched him go from a person who could laugh and have fun without having to try to a person whose eyes always looked on the verge of tears, and whose smile hid a broken person underneath. I don't think anyone else noticed how hard Harry was taking it, but if they did, they chose not to say anything. Only a week after Sirius's funeral at the burrow (in which we buried an empty casket)  I approached Harry after dinner in the great hall.
"Look Harry, you might be fooling everyone else, but I know you. You're not okay, and you need to let go of the anger you're holding in" Harry looked at me with sad eyes. For once he was showing his true emotion
"I couldn't help him... I was supposed to save him, like he saved me so  many times. But I f-f-f-failed" I pulled Harry into a hug, and let him sob into my shoulder. I was glad he was finally getting it all out.
Harry kept trying to talk, but he couldn't seem to form a sentence "harry, shush. You don't need to explain any of it to me," I reassured him.
After about 30 minutes of just sitting and sobbing, Harry sat up "I'm sorry ginny-"
"You have nothing to apologize for, at all" I say, pulling him back into a hug. We sat and talked for hours, it must have been almost 10 when I saw Michael walk towards us with an angry look on his face when he realized that I was with Harry.
"Get away from my girlfriend!" He shouted
"Michael, calm down, we were just talking" I walked over to Michael.
"Don't tell me to calm down! I knew something was wrong, you've been avoiding me all week" It was true, I couldn't stand to act like nothing had changed after Sirius's death, "We're done Ginny" Michael huffed off.

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