Chapter 27

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"Morning" I stretched and smiled up at him, and I started to get up.
"Can we just sit here for a bit? I don't feel like talking to Ron right now. Or explaining why I'm just now coming to the dorms." Harry smiled lightly, which made my heart melt.
"Did last night really happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well this just seems like a dream. I always thought you never looked at me that way."
Harry laughed and pulled his hand through his jet black hair. "Gin, I promise this is all very real. I  have always liked you, even before I realised it myself. I was so jealous of Dean, it drove me crazy."
"Yeah, and when you wouldn't talk to me? That drove me absolutely insane."
"I never really loved Dean. It was just me getting over you you know?" Harry's face told me he definitely did not know, "It was always you, but after you told me that we could never be anything last summer, my heart broke. I wanted nothing to do with you, and I used Dean as a way out of it. I know it makes me sound like a horrible person, but it's the truth."
Harry kissed my forehead and said, "You're not a horrible person. I did the same thing with Cho."
"Really? You liked me last year?"
"Ginny, how many times do I need to tell you. It's only ever been you."
"But-" I tried to respond but before I could get out just a word, Harry kissed me. We sat there on the couch for what must have been hours, just looking at each other, saying things with our eyes that couldn't dare be said out loud.
When the clock announced that it was almost noon, we finally got up to get to our dorm rooms. Harry dropped me off at my dorm and stopped
"Hey, look it's snowing"
"Really?" I pushed myself to the window and threw open the shades, ignoring Harry's laughing at my antics, "Bloody hell. It really is snowing!"
"I take it you like the snow?"
"Of course I do. There's nothing better than spending a whole day out in the snow and having a huge snowball fight with dozens of people. And its even better when you get back to your room all cold and wet and you cuddle under a blanket with your whole family. Oh! And then when you help make hot chocolate, and everyone is throwing marshmallows at each other and laughing." I sighed, picturing this exact moment happening at the Burrow, back when voldemort wasn't on the rise anymore.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again.
"I can't wait to do that with you"
"You won't have to wait long. Meet me in an hour?"
"I thought the guy was supposed to be the one to ask for the first date?"
"Well you were being a bit slow I have to say"
Harry laughed, "You're going down Weasley" He turned away and started up the stairs to his own common room.
"No you're going down potter." I whispered back once I was sure he couldn't hear me.
I got in the shower, and I made Hermione braid my hair while I did my makeup.
"Ginny! Sit still for once!" Hermione scolded me
"Sorry 'mione. It's just a bit of an exciting day. I am going on a date with the boy I've had a crush on since I was 11."
"Whatever. Do you want the braid or not?"
"Fine, I'll sit still."
"So, are you worried at all about what Ron is going to do to Harry?"
"Of course i am. You know Ron, he's going to freak. I just hope Harry doesn't get hurt in the process"
"Oh, I'm sure Harry will be fine. If anything you should be worried about Ron."
Was she joking? "What on earth do you mean?"
Hermione laughed seeing my confused face, "Ginny, Harry won't just let Ron yell at him. He'll definitely be talking back. Not to mention that he would never let Ron insult you in front of him. The past couple of years he's been quite protective of you, always getting mad at Ron when he would complain about you"
I couldn't believe it. I mean he had defended me to his best friend? "Wow- I mean I never thought he cared about me like that"
"There's a lot of things you missed while you were with Dean." Hermione  sighed. "Done!"
I looked in the mirror to see my hair pulled into two perfect dutch braids, making my hair stand out even more.
"Thank you so much Hermione! I owe you one!" I gave her a hug and went to leave the dorm when Hermione stopped me.
"Ginny. Be patient with Harry. He's not too great at relationships." We both laughed
"I will Hermione. Thanks again."
I walked down to the common room to see Harry in a jacket with a scarf and mittens, looking as handsome as ever.
"Hey, Gin." Harry looked almost nervous.
I let out a small laugh and looped my arm in his. "Hey potter. Are we going to go or what" I joked.
"Let's go" Harry smiled at me, and I could feel his arm relax in mine. We walked out of the portrait hole and into the corridors, ignoring the stares of the students passing us. It bothered me a bit that people were already aware of our relationship, and that people were talking about us. I tried to hide it though, and just be in the moment with Harry.
I must not have hid it well because soon Harry whispered "Relax, Gin. I know you're not used to being the center of attention, but that is what you signed up for with me"
"I know, it'll just take a little getting used to is all." I sighed as we continued our walk to the grounds. When we finally reached a small concealed spot I immediately threw a huge snowball at him, hitting him right in the face.
"Oh, you want to start that Weasley?" He smirked and balled up a huge snowball in his hands, as I quickly gathered another snowball. Harry got me first, smashing the snowball right on top of my head.
"You really don't know what you're getting yourself into do you?" I laughed and threw another snowball at him.
We played in the snow for hours, only stopping for truces, which usually included a kiss.

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