Chapter 29

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I whispered to Harry, "meet me in 10 minutes" and walked out to our clearing to sit on our rope swing, where Harry joined me 10 minutes later, just on time.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked
"I just wanted to talk away from everyone, and well-" I paused for a second, wondering if I should ask him what happened with my brothers. "Nevermind"
Harry pulled me into a tight embrace. "C'mon, just ask me"
"No it's nothing" I don't think I want to know anyways
Harry started to kiss me as I said this and I immediately pulled away. "Uh-uh. You are not going to get this out of me. It's no big deal anyways." Harry continued to kiss me and I gave up. "Fine, I wanted to know what my brothers wanted to talk to you about"
Harry laughed and smiled a crooked grin. "Ginny, they didn't do anything to me. They each talked to me seperately, all of them saying basically the same thing, just with different threats. They all basically just warned me that if I ever hurt you they would kill me, etc."
I was horrified. "How dare they?" I started to stand, but Harry pulled me back down laughing. 
"It doesn't matter what they threatened me with. I will never hurt you, ever."
I smiled and looked up at him. "Promise?"
We sat on the swing for a while, just focusing on each other.
"Yeah Harry?"
"I'm so happy with you, but I feel so guilty."
"What do you mean?"
"Because so much is going on in the world right now. And I'm the only one who can do anything about it. It doesn't feel right."
"Harry me too." I sensed an opportunity to get into the order, so I used it. "That's how I feel every time I see my family, because I want to fight, but I can't" I felt bad using this against him, but I was more desperate than ever to be a part of the order; to help defeat voldemort.
"Ginny-" Harry's face looked hurt. "It's too dangerous. Everyone else is already putting themselves in danger for me, I can't have you be a part of that too."
"You've got to be kidding me. I am more than capable of being helpful in this, and you know it."
"I never said-"
I interrupted him. "But you won't let me risk my life for yours, like you do every day. We both know that our time is running out."
"Yes it is, so let's just spend what we can together."
The next day Harry had to return to his home with the dursleys, to get his things, and to say goodbye to them. I wanted to come along, but he wouldn't let me, and insisted that I needed to stay at home, safe. I was told the plan though. The entire order was going to apparate inside the house, and take a polyjuice potion to turn into Harry. I laughed at the thought of 8 or so harrys in one room at the time, but I soon realised the reason. They couldn't be sure that they wouldn't be attacked by death eaters, and in that case, everyone was going to be risking their lives for Harry. I wanted nothing more than to be a part of that, to be able to feel useful, and I think the only reason Harry was so opposed was because he knew I would risk myself for him, and he was right. I would easily throw myself in front of a spell if it meant he would be safe. They would all travel in twos back to the burrow, which was meant to be their safe place of sorts. I was scared out of my mind, but I tried my best to not look at the clock, especially not when I knew it was past the time they were supposed to be here.
No one had arrived yet, and it was getting late, much later than scheduled. All of a sudden we heard people calling for us, and I sprinted outside, with mum right behind me. Harry and Hagrid were there, and I ran into Harry's arms.
"Finally! Where's everyone else?" I asked, pulling away.
"Ginny, they knew where we were, from the beginning.  I thought everyone else would be home by now" Harry was interrupted by a cracking noise, which seemed to come from just across the field. All of a sudden Professor Lupin appeared, holding a bloody George. My heart stopped. I had no idea what was happening, but I knew it wasn't good. Mum rushed George inside to treat him, and I didn't even know I was frozen until Harry gently led me back into the burrow. I was snapped out of my oblivion when Lupin grabbed Harry and he held his wand to Harry's neck
I shouted "What are you doing?" but he continued to hold his wand to Harry's neck
"What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?" Lupin shouted menacingly
"Are you mad?" Harry shouted
"WHAT CREATURE?" Lupin shouted right back.
"Grindylow." Harry responded, looking scared out of his mind.
Lupin let Harry go and sighed, "Sorry Harry. Someone betrayed us tonight. I had to make sure it was really you."
"It's alright professor" Harry said, looking around the room. He caught my eye; I was still standing by the door, where he had left me. I had my wand in my hand, gripping so tightly that my knuckles turned white. He mouthed "Are you okay?" and I shook my head. Harry walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. He held me for a bit, and once I finally realised what was happening I ran over to George, who was laying on our couch, with his left ear missing. As soon as I saw that he was okay I could just feel the weight lift off my shoulders. I was going to talk to him, but then I heard a crack and my father's voice calling "Where is everyone?" and saw Fred running in, going straight to George. I could see the fear in his eyes as he walked to his brother, his other half.
"Are you okay Georgie?" He asked, his voice breaking as he spoke.
"Saint-like" George responded. We all looked at each other, wondering if the drugs mum gave him were finally working, or if he was just going crazy. "You see, I'm holey"
We all laughed together, and I don't think it was just the horrible joke. It was that if George was able to joke, that meant he was fine, and he was.
The next two months were spent together, though I could tell Harry had something else on his mind. I asked him about it a couple of times, but he just told me it was nothing.
I grew more and more worried each day about Voldemort, and it didn't help that Bill and Fleur were planning their wedding in the midst of it all. They had planned it for just a week before we all left for hogwarts, so that me and Ron would be able to make it as well. I didn't particularly like fleur; it bothered me that she was part veela. I tried not to make too much of a fuss about it though, and just decided to let them be happy. Just how I was trying to spend the next 2 weeks until school starts to just focus on my life, and my happiness. But that soon all changed.

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