Chapter 12

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A couple months had passed, and it was already time to get back on the hogwarts express and back to the burrow. Harry was staying with us all summer, and I expect Hermione will be over lots to hang out with them. I was excited to be home, I still missed my mum, and Charlie said he would try to make it home for the summer, or at least visit. Harry went through and won the last two challenges, though the 3rd task was really sad. Though Harry technically won, he won with Cedric Diggory. Cedric and him grabbed the goblet of fire together, but it ended up being a secret portkey to a graveyard, where Cedric was killed by Voldemort, and Voldemort was revived. Harry had been shaken up, not that anyone would notice. Harry kept a brave face, but I could tell he was suffering inside. My nightmares had only gotten worse after Voldemort came back, so I woke up screaming most nights. I actually spent a lot of nights sitting outside on the porch swing, occasionally accompanied by Harry. We had gotten close over the summer, and I was glad to have him. I had definitely gotten over my crush on him, and he had become the only person I could talk to about everything. No one else understood my nightmares, and his nightmares had gotten worse too. I shared everything with him, and the happiness I felt with him was no longer because of a stupid crush, it was now because of how safe I felt with him. I knew that I could trust him and I think he trusted me.
When 4th year started I was excited, but also sad to leave my home. I was also very much not excited to see Vic again. My whole family made our way to Kings cross, even Charlie came.
"Look princess," Charlie was the only one in my family who was allowed to call me that; anyone else would get hexed, "Try to keep yourself busy; it might help the nightmares. And if they get any worse, at all, talk to Dumbledor, he'll know what to do"
"Don't be all worried about me" I sigh, "I'll be fine, really"
"Whatever you say princess" Charlie pulled me into a huge bear hug, and let me go to say goodbye to mum and dad. I smiled at him sadly. He was one of my favorite brothers, besides Fred and George. I never really knew Bill, he was so much older than me, and Percy had never really fit into the family. Ron was nice, but way too overprotective, and it was hard that he knew everything about who I dated being just a year ahead and all. I walked over to my mum to say goodbye
"Dear, be safe. Never go anywhere alone, okay? Hogwarts is safer than home, but we can never be too sure." she tells me "Write every week, I'll miss you" She pulls me into a huge bear hug, smothering me.
"I'll miss you too, love you" I release from the hug and follow Harry, Ron, and Hermione into the train. We get into their usual compartment, and I sit down with them, choosing to ignore the glares coming from Ron.
"Do you really have to sit here Ginny?" Ron mutters
That git. Did he really not realize that I was also friends with Harry and Hermione? I guess he was too busy staring at Hermione all summer to even realize. I wasn't planning on staying somewhere I wasn't welcome, so I practically ran out of the compartment into a nearby one, where Dean Thomas, Neville, and Michael Corner sat. I knew Dean fairly well, he had been at all the quidditch practices last year after all.  As for Michael, I didn't know much about him at all, though me and Neville had sat at the same table as him at the Yule Ball. All I knew about him was that he was a ravenclaw 5th year, he was quite handsome, and he seemed nice enough. I was glad when we finally arrived at Hogwarts though, it felt safe- and that was rare for anyone right now.

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