Chapter 31

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I let myself be sad for the next few days. People came to my door, mostly Mum, Charlie, and Hermione, but I never let anyone in. I refused to eat, even when mum put food outside my door for me. I was so depressed that I began to feel like I wasn't good enough, and that was why Harry left me. Luckily no one apparated into my room, which would have been very easy to do. I knew it might be a little different if they knew that I was using the food they put outside my door to feed Eddie, but they had no way of knowing that. Eddie was the only one who was there for me, and I felt safer with him by my side.
The next day I got up, looked at myself in the mirror, and knew that I wouldn't let anyone see me like this. I had huge bags under my eyes and my face was blotched with spots of red all over. I had mascara running down my face, which looked absolutely horrible.
I decided to finally get up, shower, get dressed, and put on makeup. I wouldn't let anyone see me like this, so I would just go on pretending like nothing happened. I hopped in the shower, and felt the warm water against my skin, which felt amazing. I then brushed and curled my cherry red hair, and let it fall down past my shoulders, and almost past my belly button. I then put on my usual outfit of skinny jeans and a tank, and I did my makeup. I did a natural look, but it still made a huge difference. I took my time with each of these tasks, careful not to think of him.
I hesitated at my door, knowing that there was a huge possibility that I would run into Harry. I decided that if I did, I would just ignore him, and I would never catch his eyes. I knew that if I looked into his emerald eyes, I would be reminded of the pain he put me in, and I would feel exactly as I had the moment he said it's over, and this entire morning had been about letting the numbness spread throughout my body, because it would mean that I wouldn't feel the pain, and that was important.
I finally walked out my door and downstairs, where my whole family was gathered, all surrounding the kitchen. Everyone seemed to be surprised to see me up and about, and I couldn't blame them. I didn't want to leave my room, but I knew it was the only way to overcome this.
"Hey honey," My mum called, and motioned for me to sit down with worried eyes.
"Hey mum!" I tried to make my voice sound happy, and I plastered a smile on my face, hopeful that she would take the bait.
"Princess, you good?" Charlie came up behind me, with the exact same worried look on his face
"I'm good." I reassured them. The entire day everyone was looking at me all worried, searching for a sign that I was broken, which I was. But there was no way they would ever see how hurt I was. I spent the whole day around the entire family, worried to be alone, where the thoughts would consume me.
Someone- I think it was Charlie- suggested that we play a game of quidditch, which I gratefully accepted. Quidditch might be the perfect thing to keep my mind off what was going on right now. We split up into our usual teams, though I noticed that Harry seemed off as well. He had no right to act like this hurt him too. He left me, he hurt me. Not the other way around.
The quidditch game went on until dark, and I found that I never thought of Harry once, not as anything but a competitor. I was so caught up in the game that I didn't even need the numbness that usually overcame my body, because it actually made me happy.
At dinner, we talked about Bill and Fleur's upcoming wedding in just a week, and all the preparations that we needed to start. Fleur asked me to be a bridesmaid, and I was so honored. I knew we had never gotten along great, but she was going to basically be my sister pretty soon after all. The entire dinner was happy, and I could feel myself forgetting about Harry, if only slightly. I never made eye contact with him, and we never spoke to each other. I didn't want to hear him say the dreadful sentence "let's just be friends" because I knew I wouldn't be able to do it.
The next week passed quickly, me spending all of my time getting ready for the wedding. I helped set up our venue, which was  just in our backyard. We set up a huge tent, and had a huge aisleway lined with white rose petals, with white benches set up along the aisle. The wedding was as extravagant as we could afford, using mostly old stuff we had laying around.
When the day of the wedding finally came, I was actually quite excited. I knew it would be impossible to avoid Harry, but the wedding was a sign of happiness, in what is a very dark world right now. After helping Fleur get all ready, I went downstairs to ask anyone if they needed help, but there was just Harry sitting there, looking deep in thought. I didn't want to spend any time alone with him, so I turned around and started up the stairs when I heard Harry call my name
"Gin, please wait, I want to talk." Harry said, grabbing my arm softly
"Don't you dare call me that"  I said angrily, pulling away from him.
"Okay, Ginny, please just listen." Harry's face looked so worried, but I knew better than to let him in again.
"All I've done is listen. So you listen to me. I don't have any desire to talk to you anymore, not now, not ever. You broke my heart when you broke up with me, and you have to let me get over that."
"Ginny-" Harry grabbed my arm again, and I was so mad that I slapped him right across the face and yelled
"Leave me alone Harry" I said as I ran outside to help everyone set up. Luckily the only one outside setting up was Charlie, and I ran into his arms and started to cry again.
"Princess?" Charlie asked, "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head lightly, keeping my face hidden in his chest. "That's ok, you just let it all out" Charlie reassured me, patting my back and holding me.
I got up as soon as I realised how immature I was acting, "sorry Charlie"
"Ginny, you never have to be sorry for having feelings. Ever." Charlie wiped my eyes, and helped me stand up. "Hey, I have an idea for how to cheer you up."
"What?" I asked eagerly.
"Well how long do you need to get all ready for the wedding?"
I thought about it for a minute. "An hour?"
"Great. Let's go flying. We won't have too long, but it should help keep your mind off of things." We walked together over to our shed, where we kept all of our old brooms. We only had old cleansweeps, but that never made a difference. Besides, I have ridden the nicer ones, like the firebolt, and it always felt weird to me, and not nearly as comfortable. Me and charlie grabbed a ball to throw around, and we had a great time. We flew around our backyard, joking around and forgetting about our worries for as long as we could.
"C'mon ginny, you have to go get ready now" Charlie told me
I faked a pout. "Please? Just a few more minutes"
"Don't make me start sounding like mum. Speaking of which she'll kill us both if you show up to the wedding in sweats."
I lowered my broom to the ground finally. "Fine, but we have to do this again soon."
"Sounds good" Charlie promised, and we walked back to the burrow together.
I started to get ready, pulling on my pale gold dress, which had a v- cut neckline, and was cinched at my waist. I loved the dress, and it looked just as good on gabrielle, the other bridesmaid.  The ceremony went off without a hitch, and everyone had a great time. But that all changed about an hour into the reception.

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