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Shehnaaz's POV:

A Felt a Deep Pain in My Head and I Open My Eyes After Blinking it for 2 to 5 times.

I Can See nothing...nothing was clear...The Whole Room was Dark.

I Try to Get Up When I Saw My Wrist and Legs are tied around chair.

Reality Hit Me Hard and I Started Panicking...Did Sidharth Kidnap Me Will He Do the same thing with me too...


Bright Sunshine hit My Face and I Woke Up.

I Slept So Peacefully With Sidharth That I Can't tell.

A Sudden Blush captured My Cheeks By the Mere Thought of Him.

I Look around But I Didn't Find Him.

I Lazily Stretch My Arms And Get Down To Wash my face and To Brush My teeths.

I went to Washroom But He was not There May be He Left Earlier.

I Quickly Got Fresh and Came Back to room because I was thirsty and I Needed To Drink water.

" Ohh God No Water Over Here "

I Frown After not finding Water In The Huge room...whats the Need of Such a Big Mansion and Room When He Can't Keep Jug of full Water over Here.

(I Am with You Baby Belan Se Marna Chapal Bhi chale ga.)

I Quickly Wore My Slippers and Went Downstairs To Get Water for me.

As I Was Descending the Stairs I Came Across Some weird Voice Coming from That Corner of room.

I Got Scare and For The First Time I Found no One In This Big Mansion.

I Held The Railing Tightly As I Got Clear Voice of A Girl Screaming.

I Tip Toe Get Down And Started Moving Towards The Room.

Voice and Scream Was Increasing by each passing Second.

I Enter the Room But There was no One Then I Saw One Gate That was open.

I Slowly Went Near the Gate to Get A Clear View of What's Happening Here.

I hide my self near the Shelf And Peak Inside and The Whole World Stopped For Me.

I Saw My Newly Best Friend Sitting With Smirk tug on her face.

Whole room was surrounded By Guards and Rohan and Varun and Alex was Also Standing at left corner.

I Gasp As Natasha Gave Shocks to Her and My Heart Miss a Beat When I Hear a Familiar Voice.

" That Bloody Slut is Her Weakness "

His Voice came as roar and Hit my ears hard.

I was sure This was Sidharth's Voice and At That Very Next Moment He Came Near That Girl Beside natasha.

A Girl Facing her back to Me Was Pleading But Natasha Was Giving Shocks To her.


I Gasp Listening to His words And The very Next Moment I Ran From there.

I Came Out Of the room Chanting
"HE is mafia He Said that"

"Sidharth Mafia hai"

"Yeh Log Maar dege Mujhe Bhi"

I want Mumbling These Sentences when I Saw some light coming from some door.

I Ran Towards the Door Thing That May be Its the ray of hope.

And i was right it was ray of hope i was Some Secret Gate And I Without Thinking Twice Made my way out.

Who Knows That Running away was so easy from him and I Think That God Help me to get out.

I Find No Guards In My way Maybe It was soke secret Way to get out.

I Was Breathing Heavily and I Saw Road and Ran Towards that Direction.

I was Running Aimlessly There was no Aim where to go and how to Go But I Just Wanted to Get out.

All Love and care was fake?

Was He Going to Kill Me?

Was He Going To Use Me and Throw me Like some slut?

What was He Upto Why He Lied to Me...Questions and Questions Were Running in my mind.

The Moment I Remember My Meet with Natasha I Felt Like I Got A Friend But Not She was also one of His Helper.

Did he Just Try to act good so I Can Easily Accept Him?

Was Natasha also involved?

Was That Hostel Drama Was Also Fake?

Questions Were Running In My Mind and I Cried While Running.

Everything was Making me Sad..His touch...his Care...His Eye Contact..
All Was Fake He was Fake.

I Came Across some Road And Now I Was Confuse Which path to take.

I Stop Running and Rub My eyes which was Getting blur due to crying.

As I Was About to Run I Felt Immense Pain in My Neck and Very Next Moment I..........


Tears were Running down from my eyes because Know He will Also Kill Me.

I Am Tied In This dark Room because now he will torture me Like That Girl.

I Should Have Understood By Guards and Guns That He is Not a Normal Man But My Luck and Mind ahhh...

Gate Open With A Thud and I Clutch My Tied Hands and Look at The Direction.

The Only Thought Of My Gaze Metting With his Gaze was Running in my mind.

But All my thoughts Flew Away when I Good and Handsome Face Came Over my eyes.

He was suited in Blue three piece Set and When He enter Guards Also Enter Behind him.

The Whole Room Light Up and I Blinked My Eyes because of extreme Light.

His Loud Laughing voice hit my head and I Was Shocked.

Men: LOOK WHO IS HERE (laugh)

Everyone Laugh Loud and I Look up and Saw His face.

"Men: Sidharth Oberoi Ka Pyaar Na Na Na Sidharth Oberoi Ka Naya Khilona."

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Ahhha Aj No Promo Bss SUSPENSE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Wajah Tum Ho( Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें