Important Note ❤️

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I Have Deactivated My Instagram I'd So Don't Worry Will Try To Update Here and Sorry For Not Being Regular I Am Already In Some Problem So Try To Understand 🥺❤️.

Those who Where Reading My Fiction On Instagram I want You Guys To Know That Here You Might Get Confused In Chapter Number Because In Insta We Post SS So It Take More Space So I Have To Give it Chapter Wise.

So Don't Worry About Chapter Number and Alll Because In Instagram We upload Screen Shot Okay❤️.

It Will Be A Great Help If You Guys Comment and Vote While Reading New Chapters ❤️.

And Do Follow Me On Wattpad Silent Readers Please Do That❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

And Yes Yes Yes Guys If Anyone Want's To Talk To Me Can Freely Dm me❤️

Love From Your Cute Devil Writer ❤️

Wajah Tum Ho( Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें