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Came a Cold Voice in a Dark Room with a man sitting on his boss chair facing his back to them.

All The Men Present There were Sweating and Shivering.

Rohan Stood at a corner and was watching Emotionless face of His Boss cum Brother.

Sidharth was Sitting in This Dark Room so Called Secret Meet area From Than 12 Hours.

Sidharth turn his chair and Gave a cold look To His men and His Hairs were messy.

Eyes were red...Veins Were Popping Out and hands were clench in  fist.

Sidharth: More than Fucking 24 Hours Right? (IN LOW VOICE)

Still No Answer same fearful faces were standing with There head Bow down.

Sidharth Pick His Gun and Pointed Towards On Of His Men.

Sidharth: I Hate Silence

And Shoot........

All Gulp hard Seeing on of there team member lying Lifeless on the Floor Infront of them.

Rohan walk Towards him and only He has the courage too make him calm down.

(3 Idiots mein teeno yrr ab baaki kaam kr rhe toh rohan baby ko hi Footage de du socha🙄)

"Boss Please "

Sidharth turn His chair again not Wanting to kill all the men Present in the Room.

"Go Guys And Find Her Out Now"

Rohan Shouted and Sidharth's Eyes were Glued towards the Scenery Which was Looking Quite Pretty From his room's window.

Rohan patted his shoulder and Sidharth look up at him with same fear and same hope.

Rohan close his eyes not wanting to see him in this condition.

Sidharth stood up and hug him and He was Taken aback But Hug Him back in a Second.

Alex and Varun enter the room and Was numb looking at the scenario to which Rohan blink his eyes assuring them.

Sidharth: I Am That Bad Or I am That Ruthless...What Was My Fault ?Why This often happen to Me?

His Questions Was Exactly Like A Baby Boy asking Solution for his problem.

No matter how Ruthless a person is but there is Always a kid inside them.

Rohan rub his back assuring everything will be fine and Alex and Varun went near them.

Breaking the hug He Felt Down on his Knees making them shock.

Sidharth: I I I Never Wanted to hurtt her...I Never Forced Her...I Genuinely Care for her...But Do She think that all was fake....

For The 2nd Time Sidharth shukla was Sitting broken Infront of them.

Seeing his condition there eyes drip in tears and Alex knelt Down.

Alex: Bhai Nothing Was Fake Please Have Some Patience We are finding her.

Sidharth: I Have no patience Alex I want her now Just Now.

He Said It Loud and Clear and Rohan Patted Varun's shoulder and Left From there.

Alex hug Him Tightly and Varun too join them....

Sidharth: She is OnLy Mine

He Mumer and Hug them Tightly.

Rohan Went to there men because Not again he can see him in such a worst condition.

His Past was Something They Fear off and He will make sure That He bring his Happiness back.

Scene change.

Shehnaaz woke up and again same dark room same pain in head and same pain in her body.

Everything Went blur after that men said " She is a toy for him".

She fainted due to the effect of that bloody injection.

Shehnaaz try too look around but everything seems Black.

Shehnaaz's POV :

He Bloody Cheated On Me...He Took My softness and My Innocent Attitude for granted.

He Played with my Emotions and What I Did I thought He Loves me Or Likes me.

But all he wanted was to have a nice warm make out Session.

That men is right I am just a toy for him just a toy.

I Hate Him to Next Level I Swear If I Ever Meet him I will make sure He Regret Playing with My Emotions.

But Who the Fuck was that men and I Thought Sidharth Kidnapped Me But No His voice was Different.

I was Just Feeling Like A Tissue Paper Use and Throw Nd Now See i am Here To Be Used by someone else.


Shehnaaz open her eyes when Saw Some Light Coming Her way and Look There as a Ray of hope.

A Lady In Black Dress enter the room and Shehnaaz was unable to look at her due to extreme darkness.

She sat Infront of her on a chair and look at her and Smirk Looking at her.

Girl: Hello Baby Girl.

Her Voice was Not at all Sweet...She Was Just Like some annoying Bitch.

She look up but nothing was clear and she looked down again.

Girl: Hahha(Her Devil laugh Echoed In Silent room) Sidharth Choose You To Have Fun with Like Seriously????

Her Words Hit Her hard And Her Eyes filled with tear That Really Sidharth Just Wanted me to have on his bed?.

She look up and She Continued.

Girl: Don't care Darling Because your Tears Are of No Use now.

Yaa she is right my tears are of no use because the one i Thought will love me Actually used me.

Girl: Is Oberoi  The Same He was With Me back 5 years Ago?...Do He Also Pamper You Just The Same used to pamper me?.

Shehnaaz was Shocked what 5 years Who Is She? IS she His ex ? Why the Fuck Everything Is Messed up?

Girl: Don't Think too Much Girl Because Oberoi is more Ruthless and Emotionless Now And He won't Come to Get you.

She gave a faint smile to her and Let Her Continue....

Girl: Sidharth Oberoi...Leader of Black Eagle Will Regret Every Fuckin Thing Now...



(Mention not Baby🤐😬)


Everything Shattered Down The Moment Sidharth Got A Video message on His phone.

Ur Writer Don't Want U Guys To Get Bore If It's Boring Tell me and Yaaa I Don't want to end this book soon so I Need to add some mafia look out naa😈❤.

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Wajah Tum Ho( Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें