Chapter 1

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Kelli's POV

I watch as Jason's body falls lifeless on the ground, blood rushing out of his chest. I feel like my heart is being ripped out and stomped on. I fall to my knees and lay on his chest, covering his wound with my hand.

I was too focused on Jason that I didn't realize that Chandler had shot Alex in the head. i look down at Jason, his caramel eyes still open but no life coming out of them.

"Jason, Jason come on baby please" i say shaking him. I grab is face and give it a light shake, but nothing happens.

"Jason. JASON" I yell at him, but still nothing. Tears fall from my face, on to his chest.

"Kelli move, we have to get him inside" Chaz says lightly pushing me out of the way. I watch as Justin, Chaz and Chandler pick up Jason's lifeless body and run into the gang house. I try to run after them but it is hard with my stomach getting in the way.

The boys makes their way into the dinning room and put Jason on the table. I ran over to his side and grabbed his hand. It still had some warmth to it, which gave me some hope.

"Kelli I need you to leave, I need to get this bullet out and I don't think you are in the right state of mind to see it happen" Chandler says ripping off Jason's shirt, which shows his hard chest covered in blood.

"What, are you crazy I'm not leaving him like this!" I shout back, he must be crazy if he thinks I'm leaving.

"Look, his breathing his getting lower and We don't have time for the drugs to kick in. I don't want you or the babies to hear this." He explains.

"He's still alive?" I ask completely ignoring what he just said. Chandler nods his head and says.

"Barley, but if I don't get this bullet out he will die" He says picking up some doctors tools.

"Justin get her out of here" Chandler says picking up the doctors knife. Justin makes his way over to me but I just hold onto Jason even more.

"No, no I'm not going!" I yell as Justin pulls me from Jason. My fingers finally slip from his and Justin carries me up the stairs, but I kick and punch him the whole way up.

He walks into a bedroom and lays me down on the bed. I try to get up but he hold me down, being carful to not hurt my stomach. I lay there trying to wiggle my way out but it's not use. Finally I give up and cry, Justin pulls me into his chest and runs his hands up and down my back.

"I can't lose him. I can't, I lost Sam the same way and that hurt like hell, I can't even imagine what it will be like if I lose Jason" I cry into Justin's chest.

"No, don't think like that ok. Jason's going to be fine. He is going be recover and then you guys will have the babies and Mel. Everything going to be fine" Justin says trying to make me feel better, but I can only think the worst.

Just then I hear a loud scream from downstairs, I knew that it was Jason's. I try to get out of Justin's grip but it was no use. I lay my head back down on Justin chest and cry, with each scream Jason lets out the harder I cry. I know that I may sound like a cry baby but I can't help it.

About an hour later full of tears from both Justin and I, along with yells of pain from Jason, everything was quite. My head was still on Justin's chest, at this point he was the closes thing I have to Jason to hold onto. He runs his hands up and down my back while I rub my stomach, I feel one of the babies kicking, then the other one kicked. I let out a small laugh because of how they take turns kicking.

Just then the door opened up, to show a very tired looking Chandler, he has a large cut on his cheek from the fight a couple of hours ago. He stands there will blood all over his shirt, most like both his and Jason's.

"He's recovering now, we thought we lost him but we got him back. He's very weak, I sent Chaz and Alfredo out to get some pain meds" Chandler says looking at me then back down at his hands. I stand up and walk over to him, hugging him as tight as I can.

"Thank you" I simply say as I rest my head on his shoulder. He lightly hugs me back then pulls away.

"We moved him over to your house" he says before walking out of the room. I turn and look at Justin.

"Let's go" I say before turning and walking out of the door. To be honest I'm still pissed at Justin for turning on us, yes I know just a few minutes ago I was balling in his chest, letting him hold me, but I'm hurt by what he did.

We make our way downstairs and into the living room. Since the living room and dining room is connected I can clearly see the dining room table. I have to look away from all of the blood, Jason's blood. I look in the living room and see that Maegan is sitting there watching tv. I make my way over there.

"Hey Maegan, do you mind going over to Patties and checking on her and Mel please" i nicely ask. She stands up nodding.

"Do you want me to bring her home" She asks walking with me to the door. I shake my head no.

"And I think is best if you don't tell Pattie what happened either" I say once we are outside. I notice that all of the bodies are picked up from the yard, but blood is still on the grass.

Maegan gets in a car and backs out of the driveway as Justin and I cross the street to my home. I enter the living room and dart up the stairs as fast as I can. I open my bedroom door to see Jason laying on the bed. His face is pale but I see his chest rising up and down, a small smile comes to me face as I walk over to him.

I gently climb into bed next to him, he groans but I run my fingers through his hair, something that always calms him down. just then I see Alfredo enter the room with a pill bottle full of pills.

"Here give these to him every two hours. If you need anything just let me know" He says handing me the bottle before walking out, but not before he gives Justin a dirty look. Justin looks down in shame, playing with his fingers.

"Justin can you down and get me a glass of water so I can give Jason his pills?" I ask Justin while still playing with Jason's hair. He nods and leaves the room making his way down to the kitchen. I turn and focus on Jason, I see him slowly breathing, light blue lips and pale white skin. It breaks my heart to see him like this, a small tear slips from my eye. I lean down and kiss his head.

"Please don't leave me Jason. You have to fight this, I can't lose you. I need you, Melanie needs you, Sophia and Adrian needs you. I can't rise them on my own, they need a father and I need my husband and best friend with me. Please fight this, I don't know what I will do without you. Please baby I love you" I say kissing his forehead once more, a tear falls from my eye and down onto Jason's forehead, i wipe it off and kiss his little nose.

I lightly lay my head on his chest, carful not to hurt him. I play with his fingers, prying that he will be ok, because it's true I can't do this without him.


It's back!!!!!!

I hope you guys like it!!

Poor Jason tho, and poor Kelli!

Thanks for reading

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