Chapter 1

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I have to get out of here or I'll lose it! I was born and raised in this sorry excuse of a town and I'm sick of it! All I want is to run. Run from my family, from the heartbreaks, from the pain. I just want to live in New York. Yeah bad stuff happens there but it's better than this place. Well, then again, so is a ditch. I just want to forget everything bad that has happened to me. My parents fighting, getting picked on everyday by the people who are supposed to care about you. I'm just sick of everything.

"Chloe! Dinners ready!" My mom yells.

"One second!" I yell back and head to the kitchen.

"Can you set the table please. As soon as your done we can eat." Mom says.

"Ugh! Why do you always do that?"

"Because if I didn't you wouldn't come out of your room." She says.

"Smells good." Dad says walking in.

"Well I hope it tastes good as good as it smells." I say.

"I'm sure it will." He replies. He'll find something to complain about.

"Mmmm. It's good. It's just a little dry." Dad says taking a bite of pork.

"Oh really? I'm sorry." Mom replies.

"Next time take it out a little earlier or turn down the temperature on the oven."

"I will." Is all mom says. The rest of dinner is quiet. I told you dad would find something to complain about.

"I'm going to my room. I have stuff I need to finish." I say and head to my room.

I put my headphones in and turn the music up all the way. I pull out my phone and text Anyia and Ashley. We talk for awhile till they have to got to sleep. I stay up and draw for a bit then fall asleep.

I wake up to my parents yelling...again. I ignore it and take a shower. I run downstairs and make some toast. I quickly eat it and leave the second I say goodbye. I run to the edge of town and up to the cliff that I always go to to think. I pull out my phone and start talking to Royal. I met her on Instagram and we have been texting since. I sit on the edge and look out at the town. It's strange that such a fucked up town is so pretty.

"Hey." Someone says from behind me. I whip around and see Anyia and Ashley.

"Hey guys." I reply and turn back around.

"What's wrong?" Ash asks. Ash sits on one side and Anyia on the other.

"The usual." Is all I say and just look at the mountians in the distance.

We sit there in silence for awhile and then Anyia pulls out an art kit and a sketch book.

"We were going to wait for your birthday, but we decided to give you your presant early." She says handing the kit and sketch pad to me.

"Thank you both so much! You know I love you both right?" I say hugging them.

I pull away from them when my phone rings. I see that it's my mom and answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi sweetie! I just called to tell you that there is a package for you from this person named Royal."

"I'll be home a minute." I say and hang up.

"I gotta go!" I say and grab my stuff then add, "Oh thanks again for the gifts. I love them."

I run home and barge through the door. I sprint to the kitchen and grab the box off the counter then head to my room. I grab scissors and cut open the package. I pull out an NYU purse. I told Royal that I have always wanted to go to NYU. So I get why she gave me the purse. The only thing I'm wondering is how the hell she got my addess. I wave away the thought once I see three plane tickets inside the purse. I try not to scream but fail. I look and see that the flight is scheduled to leve on my birthday in two weeks. I whip out my phone to call Ashley and Anyia.

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