Part 20

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Jughead and I got to our room and cuddled in bed for a while

J- are you feeling better yet betts? B- yea I'm fine, after a threw up I felt a lot better already. J- okay, I'm happy you're feeling better. Let's go change into our swimsuits okay? The lake was nearby so were going to walk. B- yea, I'll change in the bathroom then you can change here. I walked into the bathroom, I didn't tell anyone but I took some off pollys clothes, wich are way more showing then my own, I also took my some of money and I bought some more new clothes. This trip I was going to be a new me. I put on my bikini and on top of that I put a new crop top and polly's shorts, I checked in the

mirror and it barely covered my butt. It looked good. I walked out and jug looked at me, he looked amazed

J- wow Betty, you look.... Hot. I smiled, he walked up to me and hugged me J- even hotter then you already are. He smirked. J- are you ready to go? B- yea let's go.

We walked outside and waited for the rest of our class, I felt everyone looking at me but for the first time ever I was happy about it, I felt good. As soon as everyone was there we walked over to the lake, juggie put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. When we got to the lake everyone got their normal clothes of and jumped in the water in their swimsuits, jug and I did too.

After a while we got back to our cabins. We were supposed to provide food for ourselves per cabin, so jug and I offered to go to the store. It was a 20 minute walk but we were both fine with that. We got a list with what we needed and added everything the rest of our cabin wanted. The place we stayed was absolutely beautiful
J- betts, we should definitely go for a walk often, it's beautiful here. B- maybe we could go for a run every morning? J- yea good idea! Then we got to the store and bought everything we needed. On our way back we talked about a lot,of random stuf, but just talking to him made me happy.

When we got back Cheryl cooked food and we ate together, the rest of the night jug and I cuddled on the couch. It was big enough for all

of us to sit on so Cheryl Veronica Archie and Kevin were sitting on the couch too.

Jughead kissed my cheek, nobody really cared except Veronica

V- guys can you stop kissing around everywhere? You're gross A- Veronica shut up jughead is still a serpent so we'll still protect him. Veronica sighed and looked at the tv again. Around ten o clock I got really tired and said B- juggie I'm tired so I think I'm going to sleep J- okay babe, I'll be there in a minute B- okay. I gave him a quick kiss on his lips and went to our bedroom. V- why is she going to sleep so early? We didn't even get drunk yet?


V- why is she going to sleep so early? We didn't even get drunk yet? I explained to them that Betty got sick earlier today and that she might not feel too wel. C- oh, tell her to get well soon from me J- will do,imma go see how she is. I walked to our room and saw Betty sitting next to the toilet, I ran up to her J- betts are you okay? B- I don't feel well. She leaned over the toilet and threw up. When she was done I pulled her close to me and kissed her head. J- do you think it's still from sitting in the car for so long? B- I'm sot sure... wait, did Cheryl put peach in the dessert? J- I don't know, wait here. I walked to the door and said J- Cheryl can you come here for a second? C- on my way. She walked over to our room C- is everything okay?

Then she saw Betty  C- did she just puke? Is everything okay? She walked over to Betty and sat down next to her. C- hey Betty are you okay? B- y-yea, I just wanted to ask if there was peach in the diner? C- yeah there was, why? B- I-I'm allergic to it C- omg I'm so sorry I'd didn't know! B- it's fine, you couldn't have known. Cheryl hugged Betty and said C- will you be okay? B- yea, I'll be fine I just get sick from them but I won't die or anythin C- okay, I'll leave so you can be with your boyfriend now. She walked out and I walked over and hugged Betty. J- do you think you're gonna throw up again? B- no, can we please cuddle in bed? J- yea ofcourse. The rest of the evening we cuddled untill we fell asleep.

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