Part 58

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That night

I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt someone move. It wasn't Addy because she was asleep in her crib on the other side of the room. Then I felt someone snuggle closer to me and wrap and arm around me. I was so tired that I didn't know what was happening immediately but then I realized

J-betts? B-hmm don't talk, just hold me J-Betty you're awake? Baby I missed you so much.

As soon as I said the word baby I felt her hand go to her stumach

B-j-jug? J-don't worry betts. I laid her down on the pillow and carefully stepped out of bed and switched on the little night light because that

wasn't too bright. (Lol that rhymes) I looked at Betty's face, she looked weak. I couldn't help myself and quickly kissed her lips. Then I walked to the crib, Betty hadn't realized it was there. I picked up Addy and walked back to Betty

J-meet Addelaine Jones B- you named her Addelaine? J- yes I did, I knew that was the name you liked best.

Betty started crying, I took Addy to her and sat next to her, she was still sleeping. Betty looked at Addy and softly touched her cheek

B-she's so beautiful... J-she's an amazing little baby, she barely cries and is super cute. B- I can't believe she's finally here... how old is she? J- almost five weeks... B-what? But... how? More tears formed in her eyes J-betts I'll tell you later for now you need to rest, but I can't tell you how happy I am you're awake.

Only then I realized the happy tears streaming down my face

B-I missed the first month? She said with tears in her eyes J-uhm yes... but I took care of her and now you're here and we can finally become the parents we've wanted to be. Betty nodded and kissed Addy's head

J-also betts, we can call her Addy or Laine, what do you like best? B-I like Addy J-me too baby. I kissed Betty's lips and held her and Addelaine close to me, because of that Addy woke up. She was fussing a little then she looked at Betty and immediately calmed down, like she knew it was her mommy. J-look at her eyes betts B-wow they're so beautiful... Betty kept crying slightly holding her baby close to her. J-betts I think I have to call in a doctor to check you up. B-oh okay.. J-come here I'll take Addy B-no! I want to hold her J-betts are you sure? B-yes I want to

make up for the month I missed and give her all the hugs and cuddles she need J-okay, I'll get a doctor.

It was still in the middle of the night, and my dad was staying in a separate room from me and Betty. I didnt know where to get a doctor so I ran to my dad. I had been calm and quiet the whole time but I couldn't anymore. I ran into his room and said

J-dad we need to get a doctor for Betty! He woke up and saw the tears on my face, he didn't notice how happy I was FP-what why what happened is she ok? J-dad she woke up! FP-really!? J-yes! Please get a doctor! I need to get back to her, she's holding Addy right now FP-ok I'll get a doctor, you go to your family.

I ran back to Betty, she was still awake and looking at Addy, it was so damn cute. J-Betty I

love you B-I love you too juggie. I felt more tears come up B-why are you crying? J-it's been way too long since I heard your voice. B- did you think I was going to die? J-no babe, I knew you would make it B-what happened? J-I'll tell you after the doctor was here okay? B-okay.

Then my dad and a doctor walked in. He walked to Betty and hugged her. FP-Betty....

The doctor walked to Betty, who was still holding little Addelaine. D-hello Betty, I'm going to do some test, in the meantime jughead can hold your baby B-no! I want to hold her D-it's just a few minutes B-she's my baby and I already missed too much I want to hold her please J-betts, it's a few minutes, and then you can hold her as long as you want, ok? She nodded and handed me Addy. The doctor did a few tests even though it was still late. I kissed

Addy a million times J-look that's mommy, from now on we're going to take care of you together. It really looked like Addy smiled at me.

When Betty was done with all the test she held Addelaine again.

B-juggie? J-yes my love B- I love Addy so much J-me too betts... hey Betty, do you want jelly and my grandparents to come over? She shook her head B-all I want today is you and Addy J-okay. I first kissed Addelaine's head and then Betty's. The rest of the day I held Betty close to me and wel cuddled all day.

B-jug? J-yes betts? B-can you tell me what happened? J-are you sure you're ready for that? B-yes I need to know, and where is my necklace? J-oh I have that, it's at home. B-oh... why? J-it broke... that scar on your neck is from the necklace cutting through your skin. B-what scar on my neck where? J-oh you haven't seen it yet... B-no where is it? J-do you want to look in the mirror? B-yea.

She was still holding Addy so I took Addy and laid her in the crib, then I helped Betty stand up and walk to the mirror. She softly touched the scar B-will it go away? J-yes, it'll be invisible B-okay.... Jug am I ugly? J-no, what do you mean? Ofcourse you're not ugly you're beautiful. B-am I? J-betts, if you can't see how beautiful you are just look at our little baby, she looks just like you B-she is beautiful. J-just like you.

I was still holding Betty since walking was still really hard for her

B-but jug what happened? J-well, all I know is that someone attacked you at the park and ripped of your necklace B-how did you get it back? J-uhm well Addy found it, when we were on our way home we walked through the park where it happened and at the place where your necklace was she made little noises B-ahw...

that's cute I wish I could've been there J-I did too baby B-what happened next tho? J-well, two people walking in the park saw you, they didn't want to get to close because they were scared. I think they were kids, but they did call an ambulance, and they took you to the hospital. That's where they found your note B-what note? J-the one in your pocket, with my number on it and 'choose the baby over me' B-oh yea I did write that. J- I'm glad you did because now you both made it B-what do you mean? J-well, I was in class when they called me and told me you where in the hospital so I ran home and forced my dad to take me to you, when we got there the doctor told me that if they hadn't found the note they probably would've made sure you were okay but Addy wouldn't have survived B-wow... J-and then, when I first saw Addy it was a magical moment I just wish you where there B-I'm here now. J-yea, and I'm so happy you are. B- I'd never leave you J-betts... you only had one week left.

I felt tears come up again and Betty looked at me B-what? J-they said that they'd give you 1,5 month and if you didn't wake up then they couldn't do anything for you B-really? Betty started crying too, she was still really weak so it was a soft little cry. Then Addy also started crying. Betty and I went to her and Betty picked her up. As soon as she did Addy calmed down

B-what's wrong baby? J-I think that she just wanted to be with her mommy.

Betty smiled and kissed Addy's head B-I love her so much, and I love you juggie J-I love you too, and we're lucky they found your ring. Betty looked at her finger B-yea, it's still beautiful jug J-just like you, and Addelaine.

We went back to sleep again

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