Part 57

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Back to now :)


It's one month later, Betty only has two more weeks left and it isn't looking like she'll wake up soon. I was cuddling Betty and Addelaine. She's amazing, she barely cries and is super sweet. Then I suddenly realized.

J-shit! FP-what? J-I completely forgot about school! FP-shit! I did too, I was too buisy with you and Betty and Addy! J-I'll call my teacher. FP-okay.

On call

T- hello jughead, it's been a while

J-sorry I completely forgot it just that Betty isn't doing okay and my daughter was just born and I completely forgot I'm sorry

T-jughead slow down, it's okay

J- can I come today and take Addy, my daughter, with me?

T-ofcourse, if you try to get here now you'll be on time. Ofcourse you can leave whenever you want to go to Betty or to take care of your daughter

J-okay, I'm on my way.

Off call.

I hung up and got to Addy. My dad was holding her

J-come here baby, let's get you dressed. FP-where are you going? J-I'm going to school I asked my teacher if I could bring Addy and he said yes FP-okay, I'll see you when you're back. J-bye dad

I got dressed and put a cute little dress Betty picked out on Addy. I got to school and walked in, I was a little late so it was calm in the hallway. I walked into my class, everyone immediately got quiet and looked at me, my teacher broke the silence by saying

T-everyone, jughead has a few things to tell you about. Everyone was already looking at me and Addy so I started talking

J-so uhm, I haven't been here in a while and that's because I was with Betty and Addelaine. This is our daughter Addy.

I explained everything that happened and everyone looked at me. In the end I told her that Betty only had two more weeks. The whole time I was holding back tears but then I couldn't anymore and the tears were rolling down my face. I looked at little Addy and kissed her head J-mommy will be fine baby, and I'll take care of you forever I promise. T-jughead are you okay? I shook my head J-my baby is in the hospital and in two weeks I have to say goodbye if she doesn't wake up... Cheryl stood up and hugged me and Addy

C-she's a beautiful baby. Addy opened her eyes and Cheryl looked at me C-wow her eyes... J-they are beautiful right? T-what color are they? J- her left eye is Betty's color and her right eye is mine T-wow, that's really special. J-yea, Betty would've been so proud...

I walked around with Addy in my arms so everyone could look at her. Then I decided to get back to Betty. I wanted to spend those two weeks with her. I wanted to be there with her. I took some schoolwork with me so I could still graduate and got to the hospital. Betty was still laying exactly the same as when I left, obviously. I grabbed the ring the doctor gave back to me and put it around her finger. I kissed her head and then changed Addy's diaper. Taking care of her has been going really well, but I still need Betty by my side. People started losing hope but I didn't. I got my sweatpants on and cuddled Betty again. I kissed her head and watched a movie on my phone. Addy was asleep in her little crib. After a while I fell asleep too.

I woke up again when my dad walked in with a plate of dinner

FP-how was it at school? J- it was fine... until I cried... FP-jughead ist not weird you cried, you've been through a lot in the last month. J-I just want my betts back FP-I know jug.... I ate my dinner. Jellybean had also visited Betty a few times but it hurt her too much to see Betty like this so she didn't come that often.

I kissed Betty's head about a million times and said J-I believe in you betts, you can do this. I love you so so so so so so so much.

The next day


I woke up with Betty next to me, like everyday, because someone knocked on the door

J-come in! I thought it was my dad but then my grandparents walked in.

Gp-hey jughead Gm-hey jug. J-grandpa, grandma! Look this is my daughter Addelaine. I picked her up from her crib Gm-wow she's beautiful jughead Gp-she looks so much like Betty... your dad told me what happened to her. J-oh... Gp-I'm so sorry jughead. I didn't know what to say back Gm-it's going to be okay J-yea, I know she'll make it. She's so strong. Gp-she is.

It was quiet for a while untill I said J-do you want to hold her? They nodded I handed Addy to my grandma, she looked at her. It was really cute and my eyes filled with tears again. Gp-are you okay jug? J-I'm just so proud of my little girl. Gm-she's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. FP-well what about me? My dad asked while he walked in Gm-sorry, but you weren't as beautiful as her FP-yea I think you're right, Betty would've been so proud J-yes, and she will be she'll make it I'm sure! FP-jug... I know how much you love her but I think you need to get ready to say goodbye... J-never! I'm sure she'll

make it, she can't leave us yet she's too young! FP-I know jughead, but you know what the doctor said. Two more weeks.

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