Part 61

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When we got inside jughead put Addy in her crib and helped me walk to our bed. J-so betts... B-yea? J-I'm really really sorry that I didn't tell you but I knew your dad would be back... my dad told me but he said me not to tell you and I'm so so so sorry.

He started crying J-it's all my fault I should've told you and because I didn't I almost lost both of my girls, Betty I can't live without you I'm so sorry. B-juggie.... We're here now... And it's okay, you couldn't have prevented this. J-I love you so much Betty... and i just... i feel like i dont know how to express my love for you, but i just love you so much B-juggie, the fact that you had a kid with me and that you didnt give up on me even though everyone thought i wouldnt make it is enough to prove you love me. And i love you just as much J- you know betts, i know were

young and all but i wodnt want to wait with having kids and proposing to you. B-jug, i was thinking maybe if we sold the ring we could get a cheaper one because we really need the money J-no betty, we'll find a way, ill drop out and start working too but ill never sell the ring that proves my love to you! B- jug i dont want you to work for money we need because of me. J- betts listen to me, id do anything for you and addy. Even if we're poor for the rest of our lives id be happy as long as im with you
I kissed him passionately and sat on his lap. B-thank you juggie.
I hid my face in his sweater and he carefully laid back, like that I fell asleep not worrying about anything, just being happy with my fiancé and my daughter.

I woke up because I felt something move, it was Addy. I wrapped my arms around her and looked up, jughead was sitting at the desk, probably doing homework

B-hello handsome. He looked up and walked over to us J-hello gorgeous, how are you feeling? B-I'm great. I kissed Addy's head J-you two are so cute. B-I love you so much jughead J-I love you too betts.

He laid down next me and wrapped his arms around us.

B-jug? J-yes my love? B-when are we going to get married? I want to get rid of the name cooper J-hmmm, we can start planning but first we have to find a way to pay our hospital bills B-oh yea you're right... it was quiet for a moment and then jughead spoke J-betts, do you want to come to school with me tomorrow? So we can explain what happened and show that you're fine B-yea I'd love that.

The next day


I woke up because my alarm went of, Betty was still asleep with Addelaine in her arms. I decided not to wake them up, I went to the kitchen and made breakfast fore me and Betty. I also made milk for Addy.

I went back to our room and woke up Betty

J-good morning baby B-goodmorning juggie J-I Made you breakfast, are you hungry? She nodded. I helped her stand up and walked her to the kitchen, she still couldn't walk on her own but she was doing a lot better already.

We sat down and held Addy in my arms while Betty ate. When she was done we got back to our bedroom and Betty changed. I put a cute dress on Addelaine and held her on my arm.

J-are you ready betts? B-yea, I'm just a little nervous J-I know, me too.

My dad drove us to school, we made sure to be a little late so it wasn't buisy in the hallway. We arrived and I helped Betty walk to the classroom while I also held Addy. We walked in and everyone looked at us again. Betty looked really scared. We walked to the table in front of the classroom and I helped her to sit down.

T-hello Betty. B- hi... T-how are you doing? B-Im fine... jug can I hold her? J-ofcourse. She held Addy close to her, she was asleep. Everyone started asking Betty questions. She tried to answer as many of them as possible. I could see she was getting really tired, she wasn't used to so much talking and so many people J-betts are you okay? B-y-yea just tired. J-come here. I sat down next to her and she laid her head on my

shoulder. J- do we need to go home? B-no I'm f-fine J-Betty I don't want anything to happen to you. B-I'm fine jug. I could see that she almost fel asleep on,y shoulder. J-let's go okay baby? She nodded. We talked a little more and then I took Betty and Addy home.

The next few days were pretty standard. I stayed home with Betty, and the whole time we were worrying about the hospital bills. Betty and I were in our room when my dad suddenly called me

FP- Jug! Betty! Come look at the tv! I helped Betty stand up and we walked to the living room FP-look! Look!

We looked at the tv and saw... ourselves. Someone recorded Betty talking about what happened to her, how I talked about Betty in the hospital and Betty and I talking a few days ago. The news reporter told Betty's story, even about our hospital bills.

Later that evening I got a call. I answered even though I wasn't sure who it was

?-hello, is this mister jones?

J-uhm yes that's me, why?

?-hello, I work at a talkshow and we heard about yours and your girlfriends story. We were wondering if you wanted to talk to us about it with your girlfriend and maybe even your daughter on tv.

J-wait for real?

?-yes, I can send you the address time and date later.

J-yea ofcourse, that would be great. But first I have to ask Betty

B-no need J-betts? B-I heard everything juggie, and I say yes J-okay.

?-amazing! I'll send you the details

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