Part 25

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We got out of the car and everyone was looking at us. As soon as we started walking everyone ran up to Betty J- guys go away. Betty tried to hide it but I noticed she was really scared J- guys come on leave her alone. I felt Betty's tears on my shirt J- you can see she isn't okay right now just give her some space! Everyone was surprised I yelled at them but they did walk away. Betty and I went to our cabin but when we were about to enter our room I remembered that there was blood everywhere B- j-jug I don't w-want to g-go In that room p-please. J- okay

betts, I'll ask Cheryl and Veronica if you can stay in their room for now. I carefully sat her down and went to find Cheryl, I saw her and walked over to her J- hey Cheryl, I'll maybe explain later but there's a lot of blood in our room and Betty has a trauma and I don't want to torture her and let her stay in that room, can she maybe stay in your room for now? C- yea ofcourse, we can switch rooms just get rid of the blood before me and Veronica go there. J- thanks Cheryl C- no problem, just take care of Betty okay? J- I will. Then I walked to our teacher and told him about the blood that was everywhere, even on the rug in the bathroom, he said he would take car of it and if it wasn't done  before tonight Cheryl or Veronica could stay on the couch.

I walked back to Betty and saw her crying on the couch. J- betts what's wrong? B- I don't want to go in that room. She cried J- you won't have to Betty, we're gonna switch rooms with Cheryl and Veronica B- okay.

I laid her down in the bed and sat next to her J- do you want to sleep? B- yes, but can you please stay? I'm to scared to be alone J- ofcourse  babe. I cuddled her close J- is this okay? B- yea, I feel safe with you. J- okay. We fell asleep.

About a hour later we woke up and decided to watch tv so we went over to the couch.

Betty was sitting on the couch and Cheryl and Veronica walked over to her C- hey Betty, is it okay if we sit down? B- yea ofcourse. Cheryl

carefully put her arm around bettys shoulder C- I know it's hard but it's gonna be okay, I promise. Betty looked up at her B- how do you know? C- it happened to me too before B- really? C-yea, I know it hurts right now but it will get better, and Betty you can always talk to me. B- thank you Cheryl. They talked for a while and then Betty walked up to me B- juggie, can we go outside? J- ofcourse but  you know people are going to ask you questions right? B- yea but I just want some fresh air. J- okay, let's go. I held my arm around her and we walked outside, at first everyone was quit and and just stared at Betty, she hid her face in my sweater and everyone started asking questions like 'Betty what happened?' 'Is everything okay?' 'Why did our teacher have to leave?' She whispered B- juggie can you tell them? J- are you sure? B- yea, just don't go in too much detail. I explained it

and everyone felt really bad for Betty, even the people who usually bully her were trying to comfort her.


The rest of the week was a little strange, everyone was being extra nice to me and they tried to help me with everything. Jughead was there for me as well. We changed rooms with Cheryl and Veronica because seeing the room where it happened made me stressed and nervous. I was doing better because everyone understood or tried to understand me and tried to help. Jughead and I where cuddling in bed all day today because I didn't want to go out today, I wasn't sick anymore but everyone understood why I stayed there.

Next day

Today we were going home, jugheads dad came to pick us up. Our teacher had called him so he knew what happened. We drove back to jugheads house and I took my stuff and went back home, I could walk completely fine again so it wasn't a problem to walk home alone. as soon as I walked to the door it opened and my mom took me inside. She closed the door and hit me in the face, I felt blood streaming down my cheeks. A- didn't your dad tell you to leave us the hell alone! We don't want to deal with your shit anymore Elizabeth! My dad walked in and started hitting me. H-YOU ARE  A DISSAPOINTMENT WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAD YOU  WE SHOULDVE KILLED YOU BEFORE YOU WERE BORN! They kept hitting me and I fell to the ground my dad kicked me multiple

times and threw me in my room. I went into my bathroom and got the blood of my face.

I decided I couldn't stay at this place anymore. I climbed out of the window and ran to jugs place. I rang the doorbell and jug opened the door. J-hey betts, everything okay? B- no I can't stay at home anymore. J- Betty what happened? B- my mom and dad hit and kicked me, I really can't stay with them anymore. J- Betty we need to call the cops they're dangerous people. B- yea I guess so. We walked inside and talked to his dad FP- Betty if you want to we can go to the police station and talk to them B- yea, I guess that's best.

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