Part 56

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Then our baby started crying, I didn't know what to do J-oh shit what should I do, how do I know what she needs is she okay? D-jughead, calm down. She's probably hungry J-oh okay. I made a little bottle of milk for her and fed her. When she was done she looked at me and it was the cutest thing ever, I just wish Betty could've seen it too. I went back to Betty and asked the doctor. J-can I move her a little? D-what do you mean? J-can I hold her? She always liked to cuddle D-ofcourse, just be careful J-okay.

I moved Betty a little and wrapped my arms around her and our baby, she was so weak. Like that we fell asleep. I woke up when my dad walked in

FP-poor Betty J- my little angel, I'm so proud of her. Then I noticed a bruise on her neck, which looked like a necklace cut it. She wasn't wearing it anymore and the ring was gone too, I asked the doctor about it.

D- we didn't see any necklace, she was wearing a ring but we had to take it of J-can I have the ring back? It was the ring I proposed to her with... D-ofcourse, I'll get it to you. J-thank you. The doctor walked out, I turned to my dad and said J-she only has one and a half months. FP-what? J-after that there's nothing they can do for her FP-jug... J-I need her with me dad FP-I know jug but you can do this J-I can't dad. FP-you can jug, and I'll help you and so wil jelly J-wait... have we told jelly yet? FP-I didn't did you? J-no... can you stay with Betty? I can go home to jellybean FP-jug I'll come with you, after that you can get back to Betty ok? J-ok.

I was still sitting next to Betty talking to her about how beautiful our baby while my dad was talking to a doctor, and I just knew Addelaine was the right name, I told betty. Ofcourse she didn't respond but I knew it was what she wanted. I got little Addelaine ready and my dad and I drove home. Jellybean wasn't home yet so my dad went to the store to buy stuff for Addy. I though he came back home when I heard the door so I went to the living room. There I saw jelly

J-oh hey jelly Je-hey Ju- wait is that your daughter!? J-yea, meet little Addelaine Je-wow she's so cute jug! Where is betty is she doing ok? J-uhm.. not really... Je-what why not? What happened?

I sat down on the couch and she sat down next to me, I was still holding Addy. I explained everything, jelly and I were both crying. Then my dad came home


FP-oh hey jelly, I think jughead told you the news... Je-will Betty be okay? FP-we don't know jelly, but you can go see her if you want? Je- I don't know... I just don't want to see her in pain. J-you don't have to come if you're not ready for that. Je-I think I'm going to take a bath... she walked of quietly. My dad and I got back to the hospital and I kissed Betty's nose.

J-look Addy this is your mommy, isn't she beautiful? She looked just like you. D(doctor)- you decided on the name? J-yes, I know this is the name Betty wanted and I love it too, so this is little Addelaine. D-it's a beautiful name.

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