Part 7

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After school


I got home, My dad wasn't home yet so I had some time to watch tv. Normally I'm not allowed to but he wouldn't notice. I still wasn't feeling too well, I kept getting cramps in my hands and legs, maybe it was because of stress or somethinf.
I decided to take a bath to maybe feel a little better. I went into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and put open the sink. It slowly started to fill up the bathtub so I decided to start my homework while waiting. I was thinking about jughead's dad, he didn't even seem upset when he brought a girl home even though he didn't even know her. It's so confusing because I always thought it was
normal what my dad did, yea ofcourse he hurt me sometimes but I thought that was just his way of parenting his kid. I couldn't focus on my homework and I started to get a headache so I decided to get in the bathtub. The warm water on me bare skin felt really nice and I instantly felt a little better.


When I got home I saw jelly and my dad sitting at the kitchen table, they were waiting for me. FP- hey jug, are you ready to go? I had no idea what he was talking about J- where are we going? Je- jug did you forget? J- yeah I think so I have no idea what you're talking about.
FP- jug we have to get to court. I was so confused, why? J- dad why? Did something happen? FP- your mom happened, she wants the right to take you and jelly but we can't let that happen. J- what!? She wants to takes again? She is an alcoholic! She can't even take care of a hamster! FP- I know boy, but if we just tell her everything she did to us we'll be fine. Je- you are coming right jug? She looked at me and I could see she was very nervous. J- ofcourse I'm coming, I just didn't know we had to. FP- I guess I forgot to tell you J- yea I think so. We stepped in the car and first drove to pops FP- we have some time left so let's go get some food. We stepped in and sat down in a booth. Pop walked over to us and asked what we wanted to order, I got my usual and dad and jelly did too, we
talked about how happy we would be if mom was gone. Then our food arrived, for the first time in my life I wasn't really hungry but I'd never say no to a burger from pops. Dad and I where eating while jelly just stared at her food J- hey jelly are you okay? Je- yea I'm just not hungry FP- you should eat something you haven't eaten since breakfast. Je-i know but I'm just too nervous to eat anything, what if mom gets the right to take us? J- that won't happen I promise. Je- are you sure? FP- yea ofcourse! Me and dad finished eating but jelly still wasn't hungry so we left. When we got to court I saw mom, she looked like she was really angry. Then the judge asked Ju(judge)- Gladys Jones, why do you want the right to take your kids? She
started fake crying G- they are my little baby's and I love them with my whole heart, I won't let some bastard who is acting like a good father take them from me. Jelly and I looked at each-other. Ju- Foresythe pendelten Jones, why do you want the right to take your kids? FP- I have been taking care of them for all their life, my wife is often drunk and both of my kids sometimes are even afraid of them. I want to provide a safe and healthy childhood for both of them. After some time it still wasn't sure what was gonna happen so I decided to speak up J- sir? Can I tell my side of the story? He looked at me FP- yea good idea. G- no! He doesn't have anything to do with this situation!

J- actually I do, you're the one that's trying to take me and my little sister away from our loving dad to help you with your drugs and alcohol! G- I don't do drugs nor alcohol!! She screamed. Ju- everyone calm down, I would love to hear the kids side of the story. Me and explained that we loved our dad and so sometimes where afraid of our mom, jellybean told about the time mom hit her and showed the bruise. It was almost gone but you could still see it a little bit. After that we still had to stay for a few hours but we were all pretty sure we could stay with our dad.


I had fallen asleep in the bathtub and when I woke up I realized my dad could be home at any second, I quickly got out of the bathtub and started to dry myself. When I was putting on my clothes I heard my dad come home. Then I
suddenly realized I had left the tv on. Shit my dad is gonna kill me! I heard him yell H- ELIZABETH COOPER COME DOWNSTAIRS NOW! When he called me Elizabeth I knew he was really angry,I got downstairs and saw he was drunk, whenever he was he was even more aggressive. I was really scared of him. H- YOU KNOW YOU CANT USE THE TV ON YOUR OWN YOU STUPID CHILD, YOU'RE SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT AND I STILL DON'T GET WHY YOUR MOM WANTED TO KEEP YOU, WE SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU BEFORE YOU WHERE EVEN BORN! NOW GO UPSTAIRS I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU. I started to cry and walked upstairs when I walked into my room I heard him yell H- AND DON'T COME OUT FOR THE NEXT DAY! I walked in and cried in my
pillow for almost an hour. When I calmed down I wanted to call jughead just to talk to him, I knew he would probably ask why I called, and I would probably not have an answer but I just wanted someone to talk to. Then I realized I left my phone downstairs, usually when my dad is drunk he falls asleep on the couch right after he gets home do I decided to carefully go and get it. I walked out of my room, my dad was standing there, he looked mad. H- BETTY WHAT DID I SAY? I KNEW YOU WOULD BREAK MY RULES! B- but dad I needed to get my phone. H- YOUR A DISAPPOINTMENT, A SHAME FOR OUR FAMILY. He screamed and he pushed me. I fell, I tried to hold on to something but there was nothing I could hold, then my foot slipt and I fell down the stairs I
couldn't help myself from screaming H- BETTY BE QUIET! I wanted to talk back but I couldn't I was in so much pain. I looked at my leg, I had a huge wound and I could barely move my leg. My dad came down the stairs, he picked me up, dragged me up the stairs and pushed me back in my room and locked the door H- BETTY I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS. I was in too much pain to answer, I felt like I was going to faint. I couldn't stay here, my wound could get infected and what if I would faint and choke? I carefully climbed out of the window only using my good leg. I fell down and could feel the sand getting mixed with my blood. It hurt but I had to go. 

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