Part 29

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She only had a thin little blanket and a pillow, I sat on the ground next to her

J- betts, Betty wake up. She was in a deep sleep, I knew she didn't want me anywhere near her but I needed to warm her up. I pulled her on top of me so she could at least be a little comfortable. I took of my sweater and put it on her trying to not wake her up and I laid the other sweater and the blankets on top of us and held her close to me. She was still asleep but still cuddled closer to me.

Next morning


I woke up and at first I was confused where I was, untill I realized I was in jugheads arms in the middle of the Forrest.

B-jug? He woke up J- hey Betty, I know you don't want to see me but you were so cold so I made sure you were a little warmer. B- jug it's okay, thank you. J- are you still cold? B- no I'm fine. I kissed him, he looked surprised. J- uhm, so, did you stay here last night too? B- yea I did but it wasn't as cold... jug? J- yea betts? Uhm I mean Elizabeth. B- you can call me Betty, but I wanted to say that I'm still mad at you but I love you too much to hate you. J-Betty I'm really sorry about what I said, I promise I'll never say such horrible things again. You didn't deserve any of what happened to you, and I defenetly don't deserve to be your boyfriend, but I hope you'll

be able to forgive me op some day. B- jug, I love you and when I said I never wanted to see you again, I didn't mean it. I need you to be here with me J- I love you too, but maybe we should go back home. B- yea I guess so.

We grabbed all our stuff and walked back home, when we got there FP was sitting at the table and waiting for us

FP- jug why didn't you let me look for her? You're so irresponsible! J- dad she was freezing! I couldn't just let her be out there! FP- you know how worried I was about both of you!? B- I'm sorry mr Jones... FP- for you it's ok after what jug told you but jughead what is wrong with you! J- dad I told you I'm sorry! I had to look for her because I love her and I never want to loose her again! FP- okay, for this one time it's okay but never ever do this again understood!?


J- dad I told you I'm sorry! I had to look for her because I love her and I never want to loose her again! FP- okay, for this one time it's okay but never ever do this again understood!?

After he yelled that I looked over at Betty and I could see she was really scared, she stood closer to me and hid her face, I felt her tears on my shirt

J- hey betts what's wrong? B- that's what my dad used to always yell at me. She cried J- baby come here, you know none of us would never hurt you right? B- y-yea but hearing it just makes me s-scared. I hugged her and looked at my dad with an angry look,he said FP- I'm sorry betty I didn't mean it that way B- it's okay. Betty and I sat down on the couch, she was still slightly crying and she looked scared. We sat there for a while untill my dad said

FP- jug why don't you and Betty go to pops for lunch, so you can make it up to her? J- Betty would you want that? B- yea...

We grabbed our jackets and walked out, Betty was still wearing my sweater.

B-I haven't eaten since yesterday morning J- really? You must be starving B- a little. She giggled. We walked into pops and sat down in a booth and talked about everything, I apologized a million times. We were done with our lunch so we decided to order a milkshake, we were just talking untill someone walked in and Betty suddenly went quiet.

J- Betty what's wrong? Are you okay? B- that man...

I looked behind me and saw a man standing there J- Betty what's wrong? B- n-nothing he looked so much like my dad. I stood up and sat down next to her. J- it's okay betts it's not him see? She calmed down a little but tears kept rolling over her cheeks and she kept staring at him, he noticed and walked up to us M(man)- is everything okay? J- uhm yea, my girlfriend just thought you looked a lot like her dad M- uhm is that a bad thing? B- y-yea I'm s-scared of my d-dad... J- yea uhm her dad is in jail so it's a little emotional. M- oh okay... I'll leave you alone. The man got his food and left again, Betty relaxed a little but we still decided to go home. We finished our milkshakes and left.

When we got back we came in to a lot of stuff laying everywhere and my dad walking around.

FP- hey jug, Betty. Everything okay? B- yea we're fine. FP- okay, I decided to give you my room. J- dad you didn't have to do that FP- yes I did jug, you're with two you deserve to have the biggest room B- thank you so much FP. FP- no problem betty, and I'm sorry for what my son said to you. I grabbed jugs hand B- that's okay.

We all helped and by the afternoon we got the rooms switched. FP- jug, jellybean and I are going to see this movie tonight so you guys can finish up some of the cleaning okay? J- yea sure dad, we will. Betty and I went back to our room. We finished cleaning and laid down in bed B- juggie? J- yea? B- can we cuddle? J- ofcourse babe, but there's this one thing I think we should talk about. Why did jelly go to you when she had a problem instead of me? B- jug that wasn't because she didn't want to talk to you. J-

well why was it then? B- jug I can't tell you J- why not? This is why I got mad in the first place B- jug some thing you don't want to talk about with your brother or father... or any guy for that matter. J- what do you mean? B- girl problems juggie J- what? Wait did jelly get? B- jug don't say I told her, she didn't want me to tell you J- I won't baby. He kissed me passionate J- thanks for helping my little sister B- no problem now kiss me J- it'll be my pleasure. We started to make out harshly, he carefully laid his hand on my breast J- is this okay baby? B- definitely. We kissed again I took off his shirt, and he took of mine J- you're so beautiful babe B- I love you so much. We made out again and we took our pants off B- do you want this jug? J- I've been waiting for this since the beginning. We kissed again, I softly moaned against his lips, I felt him smile in the kiss. I was a little nervous but I

knew jug won't do anything I don't want. I straddled his lap and he started to kiss my neck, I moaned in his ear

J- betts *kiss* do you *kiss* want *kiss* this. B- y-yea.

Jughead turned us around so he was on top, then suddenly the door opened. Jughead grabbed the blanket and covered me

J- dad what the hell!? FP- sorry! I forgot my wallet and wanted to check on you J- why? FP- well maybe because off all the horrible things you said to her? B- we talked about it and it's okay now FP- jug, you're lucky she really loves you because if it were me you wouldn't have gotten away with it.


Betty looked really embarrassed and hid her face in the crook of my neck J- dad can you just leave we were just having a moment. FP- jug were you going to be safe? J- yes dad! Come on! FP- okay I'll leave and I'll make sure we don't come home. I felt Betty's tears in my neck J- dad just leave you're ruining everything FP-okay okay I'll leave. We walked out

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