Chapter Thirty-seven

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Chapter Thirty-seven


Everyone was gathered back in Victoria's office. It was evident that tension lingered in the air. Victoria and Alex were behind the desk, whilst the Hemmings family sat the opposite side.

"She's angry at me," Alex muttered to the women before they began.

"Evidently. You deserve it as well," she told him honestly. She then turned to the family and began to inform them of Luke's recovery so far, "As you are aware Luke was sent here due to having anorexia nervosa as well as a tendency to self harm."

Luke looked down shamefully remembering his past habits. He now despised himself for creating marks on his body. Just looking at the scars make him sick.

"Throughout his stay here he has had a bumpy recovery. Loosing weight more than we would of liked. However, we discovered Luke had some strange behavioural attitudes and after investigating we diagnosed him with psychosis. Which is now being treated with medication, he will unfortunately have to take them for life."

"How often?" Liz queried eagerly.

"Twice a day. Every twelve hours. He can miss one but a month later he will have a bad day," Alex revealed looking at the blonde. They both exchanged a reassuring smile.

"As for his anorexia, I think he's beginning to overcome it now. Luke has definitely got the fixed image of him being fat out of his mind. But, he still does slip into that mindset which is common. He still has days where he won't want to eat and his weight will fluctuate quite drastically. I think, though, Luke is only going up on the road to recovery." She smiled at the blonde wanting him to be proud.

"I agree," Alex chipped in. "He really is trying and Luke, you deserve to be proud of yourself. You are going to grow up to be an amazing young man," he complimented.

Liz rolled her eyes at the mans response. But patted her sons knee extremely proud that he was overcoming his disorder. She honestly thought he was going to die because of his arrogance and stubbornness.

"How long do you think it'll be till he can leave?" she asked a little hesitant.

"Maybe two more months," the grey haired man estimated.

"But he's basically overcome his disorder and he's nearly at a healthy weight," his mother argued not happy with the response.

"Well you could say that. But ideally I wouldn't want Luke to leave till he's at least around one hundred and fifty pounds-"

"One hundred and fifty!" Luke said wide eyed. He didn't picture himself looking that bad ever again.

"Yeah, it'll look better than you'll expect it to be," the therapist reassured him. He then returned to talking to his patients mother, "He also may fall back a few times and I want to keep him under observation till I feel he can survive on his own."

"But, he would recover if he were to go home now?" Liz asked.

"Slowly and dangerously. Why?" Alex asked suspiciously.

"Luke is going home. Today," Liz informed them.

"Mum! No!" Luke exclaimed, completely not expecting her response.

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