Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


"Stop letting fear ruin your life," Calum whispered across the dinner table to Luke. The tan boy had learnt the hard way not to do that.

Three years he lived in fear of killing himself, scared to death about surviving. Yet when he finally attempted to he felt alive and happier even though he did survive.

The three boys were happily consuming the spaghetti that had been prepared for the occupants of the hospital and all were nearly finished.

The blonde, on the other hand, had not touched his fork. Instead, the entire time stared down at what he thought to be a protruding belly and occasionally giving it a poke. Furthermore, he sulked knowing that the food eventually would have to be inside his stomach, therefore, making his belly bigger.

Sneakily the boys would take glances at the anorexic and watch confused at how he looked at his body. Neither of them knew how Luke's brain worked, therefore, thought he was delusional and messed up

"I'm not scared," Luke snapped finally looking up not wanting anyone to think he was a wimp.

Calum held his hands back to offer a sense of surrendering before replying. "If you say so." He didn't want to argue with the blonde knowing serve weight difference could trigger unpleasant emotions.

Ashton, on the other hand, continued off of Calum's point and built upon it and less aware of anorexics actions. "You're scared of food Luke," he spoke from beside him revealing the evident truth.

"Am not."

"Then why aren't you eating it?" Ashton questions suspiciously with his eyebrow raised. He had made it his mission to get Luke to eat at least one forkful before Alex came marching in.

The curly-haired boy liked the blonde. He was different than any other boy he met, somewhat reminded him of his ex-girlfriend. Nevertheless, decided to help Luke as he was definitely in need.

"Because I'm too fat," Luke pointed out obviously.

Michael who finished a while ago. Who the anorexic watched in disgust as he stuffed the food in vigorously wondered why Michael wasn't fat like himself. "Yeah right. You must weigh, what, a hundred pounds?" Michael guessed.

Luke gulped. "Do I look that big?" he asked his voice quivering slightly. To Luke, one hundred pounds was like being obese. He once desired to be one hundred yet when he reached it he still felt fat.

"You're stick thin mate," Michael stated loudly.

"How much do you weigh?" Ashton asked staring at Luke intently causing the boy to feel insecure. He frowned at how someone could have such little fat on them.

"Ninety-six." Luke froze in terror as there was silence on the table, everyone staring worriedly at their new friend.

"Hopefully it's a little more now," someone spoke up from behind them.

Rapidly Luke turned to see Alex who did not look too happy, beside him stood a nurse who was stood around the edge of the dining hall previously.

Alex had his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed as he peered down at Luke's plate frustratedly. "Have you ate anything yet?" the elder asked his voice slightly raised causing unwanted stares from the people who still remained.

Lost for words Luke bit his bottom lip and shook his head shamefully whilst it hung low.

Sighing Alex asked, "Are you going to eat anything?"

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